Want to stop smoking

My sister started smoking when she was in the Navy because smokers got more breaks(she was 20). She didn't smoke much outside work and quit when she left the Navy.

"Smokin'and cokin'"
I haven't read through the whole thread so I don't know if anyone suggested this. But one tactic that some have found helpful is to take saunas as often as possible when quitting. You will sweat out buckets and a lot of the residue of nicotine as well.

Also, here's another unorthodox solution. If you can, it would be good to go on a cleansing fast. The Master Cleanse will help you detox and it will be easier for you to quit and stay off the cigarettes if you can do it for ten days. Here's a web site. There are lots of people on the forum who could help you do it. http://www.therawfoodsite.com/mastercleanse.htm
Well, folks...the good news is I am on day 10 and not one cig has touched my lips, DH and the cats are still alive and I am handling this pretty well.

The bad news is my b.p. is up. I went to my dentist today. One of the routine things they do is check b.p. Mine is usually a little high when I go there because I get a bit nervous. Anyhoo, today it was 170/95. :eek:

I'm going to my regular doc in a couple of weeks for a tune up.

Crap. I'm really disappointed.
Could be "white coat syndrome" causing the BP to go up whenever you are near a medical person for a examination. Seems funny but it does happen to some. May want to purchase a reasonable BP instrument from a Drug Store and then read the BP three times a day (morning, noon and night) and record the readings. Could also go to a local fire station as the EMT's will read it for you too.
the good news is I am on day 10 ...The bad news is my b.p. is up
good for you! !! the worst is behind you. if all goes according to Hoyle, your b.p. should drop as a result of not smoking (and your cholesterol levels should also modestly improve) -- among the many fringe benefits. keep us posted ... i, for one, am in need of a good example.
Congratulations, no smokes for 10 days means you are past the physical cravings and only have to deal with the psychological and emotional cravings. You can do it!!!! 8) take one day at a time. 8)
Thanks Alex....I think the advice that has worked for me is taking it one day at a time and that it will get easier.

You know what? It has and it is. :) 13 days now...I think I've got it "whupped".
bbbamI said:
Well, folks...the good news is I am on day 10 and not one cig has touched my lips, DH and the cats are still alive and I am handling this pretty well.

The bad news is my b.p. is up. I went to my dentist today. One of the routine things they do is check b.p. Mine is usually a little high when I go there because I get a bit nervous. Anyhoo, today it was 170/95. :eek:

I'm going to my regular doc in a couple of weeks for a tune up.

Crap. I'm really disappointed.

Good to hear! I took my first flight last week since I quit smoking. It was so nice not having to worry about when I would get my next fix :D
Just thought I would drag this up from the archive pit and give an update.

My bp is now fine....guess it was just one of those things.

I quit smoking on April 13th (it was a Friday) and will be smoke free for 3 months on Friday (the 13th) of this month. Who said Friday the 13th's aren't lucky? :D

I never had to use an aid. This fact surprises me as I had smoked for so long, but quitting had been on my mind for some time. I have to admit that I miss it, but lighting up again is not an option. The costs are just too high.

Of course then again, I will be flying out on Saturday and will be spending a week with my parents. :eek:

That will be another test of tobacco sobriety. :D
Just thought I would drag this up from the archive pit and give an update.

My bp is now fine....guess it was just one of those things.

I quit smoking on April 13th (it was a Friday) and will be smoke free for 3 months on Friday (the 13th) of this month. Who said Friday the 13th's aren't lucky? :D

I never had to use an aid. This fact surprises me as I had smoked for so long, but quitting had been on my mind for some time. I have to admit that I miss it, but lighting up again is not an option. The costs are just too high.

Great job. Keep it up!

My dad basically just up and quit, too. At one point, he decided he wasn't going to smoke any more...and he didn't. He didn't use any aids, either. I'm not saying it was easy, but that's what he did.

Unfortunately, I don't think my mom will EVER quit.
73 and Ziggy...thanks. :)

Concerns and comments on this subject really meant and means a lot to me.

Ok, I've got to pack for my trip....I won't be able to read the forum for 9 days. Now where's that straw to chew on? :p

CFB, I just gotta put you in my will! Hmmm, guess that will have to be the topic of another thread....stay tuned....
Today is my 35th day without a cigarette...
Congratulations to you!!! :D

Tough ain't it? :p

Crap...now we're going to live forever.
I started at about age 13 and I quit twice once while in the Army cold turkey. Quit for about 3 years then got into a military school environment where they allowed folks to smoke in class. Of course it did not take long for me to try it again. Smoked for about 5 additional years and then quit cold turkey again. Been smoke free now for about 28 years. Saw Father, Grandfather, Uncle die of cancer and that did not deter me. What did the last time was when my, at the time, 16 year old daughter said something like "Dad your breath is awful" that did it for me dumped a almost full pack in the trash and have never had the urge to go back yet. Actually, I believe cold turkey is the ONLY way to go but you have to also change your work habits or environment in order to have a better chance to make it. Jogging, retiring, getting a new job, start playing outside with the dog every day, etc., changes in your routine may help a lot. It will be tough but with support and effort you can do it. Wish you all the luck in dumping a VERY self destructive habit.
Congratulatoins to everyone that has quit smoking.

Like the old saying goes.." I can quit anytime I want to....I have a thousand times already."

I smoked since I was in my late teens until Oct. 1, 2003. I smoked for over 38 years and quit cold turkey (well I did use the Nicorette gum for a while) and I have not had once since.

The sad thing is that there is rarely a week that goes by where I don't think about smoking and everyonce in a while I will get a whiff of a cigarette in passing or in a bar and the old pangs come back....but only briefly. Remembering why I quit and what it took to do so always snaps me back to reality.

Rest assured that one day you will feel better. Food will taste better, you will be less congested and things will smell better. You will not be winded walking up a flight of stairs and you will be saving a ton of $$$ by not buying cigarettes. In 10 years you body will have repaired most of the damage and your odds of getting cancer, stroke, heart disease, etc. will be almost the same as a person who never smoked. In 1 year your lungs will have cleared out by 80+% and your body will have adjusted to not having to create more red blood cells and repair blood vessel scaring caused by the crap in the smoke.

In short....every minute you don't light up is one minute closer to personal freedom and a longer happier life.
I quit cold turkey 23 years ago today. I do not miss it at all, although I do still love the smell of a tobacco shop.
Guys, I'm really proud of you.

..and Gumby...23 years ago today. Wow.

As long as I have an active cell in my brain, I will remember the day I had my last cig.

I had no idea that kicking the habit would be so emotional...well at least it was and still is for me. Do I miss it...you bet I do...most every day.
My 39 year old neighbour has been smoking since he was 13.

He has a 14 year old daughter and a 12 year old son.

He got the word Thursday that he has throat cancer.
Nine weeks, including this past week w/o a [-]crutch[/-] nicotine patch...

No worries! :p
It's amazing what we can do when we grit our teeth.

I'm proud of you.

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