What did you do today? 2017 version

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I was at an RV park in Kingsville, Tx, once when the nearby Naval Air Station was doing 24 hour 'Touch and Go' exercises...I could see where it might begin to get a little tiresome. [emoji23]
They do night time touch and go drills here about once a month. Not a big deal since they usually finish up by 10-11pm-ish.
Spent most of the day cutting the redwood boards for the deck railing, and dry fitting them. The last cut on the last board, I messed up and ruined it. I was fuming at myself for making such a stupid mistake. I pre-stained the board earlier, and with two coats too. Made a similar stupid mistake earlier, but was able to salvage that piece for another part of the railing.

Will have to go down into town to get a few more boards, and come back next week to finish the job.

Am sipping a glass of red wine, and listening to some music. Serenade by Schubert is playing and soothing my anger at myself. The sun is setting, and the music is right for the occasion.
Helped girlfriend with insurance matters related to the death of her mother.
I was called for jury duty yesterday. I almost made it to the alternate spot... but was cut. I never get selected... This trial looked pretty dull... so I'm ok with being cut.

The only time I got called I was seated on a jury for a somewhat interesting criminal trial. There were 14 of us but they didn’t tell who the alternates were until the jury retired for deliberations. That was when they sent me to a little room to watch TV until it was all over. Dang it!
Yesterday when DH arrived home from his mountain bike ride, the first thing he said to me was "don't panic, but I think I need to go to the doctor." He knows me well, and I think I did pretty well holding it together. I saw no blood, but his right arm looked a little purple. I stowed his bike, and helped him change his clothes because when he crashed he may have landed in poison oak (oy, what else could go wrong?) As I drove he told me what happened. He went head first over the handle bars into a culvert, put his hands up to protect his head...broke both wrists! Had to walk his bike back to the car and then drive home 35 miles! We saw the dr and had X-rays last night, but the "fracture clinic" was closed by then so they sent us home. Today we went back and he got a cast on the right hand and a brace for the left. And now we adapt our lives for the next 6-8 weeks.

Looking on the bright side of this, it could have been much worse. Broken nose, teeth, face in general, concussion etc. I view as worse than a few broken bones. And there was no damage to his bike (yay!) and so far only a little poison oak scratching.

I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's accident.
I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's accident.

Thank you. One doesn't realize how much daily functionality is impacted by wrist movement, but he's adapting. With only a brace on the left he can do a little bit, like feed himself. In 6 weeks time he'll be ambidextrous. And I'll have learned to cook [emoji3]; he was the primary cook in our household.
This is the first day all week I haven't had at least two scheduled activities, and on 3 of the days I had to "dress up" (nice shirt and capris and real shoes). Almost felt like w*rk! So today is grunge day.

After breakfast I did a bunch of yard work - pruning back dead branches, brushing the gutter guards, dumping the compost bin and putting a bunch of it on the vegetable garden, etc. It was drizzling the whole time so I came in wet and dirty, but it was great to do it when the temperature was comfortable. After cleaning up, I'm catching up online and then will tackle a bunch of inside chores - we're planning to take a quick RV trip next week and then have company coming next Saturday for a few days, so I need to get the house in order before we leave.
Angel Flight

Flew a 16 yr old girl and her mom back from their appointment in Santa Monica. This was their first flight, but they were so tired they both slept.
Ran into some turbulence over the mountains, but settled down once we were in the San Joaquin Valley.
I had never landed at their home airport, but one runway is like another.
The mother blessed us for taking them.
Got home and celebrated another successful mission with a growler of IPA from a local brewery.
Woke up yesterday, stood and almost hit the floor! Vertigo. Almost hit the floor a bunch of times! I hate vertigo.

Meclizine isn't doing anything. I used some mineral oil and hydrogen peroxide hoping my ears plugged. No dice.

I felt better this morning until I moved my head. Boom, time to fall down. No gym today. I have a 6 month Dr visit next week. Guessing I'll have something to talk about.

DW has a few extra valium, I'll take a half of one. They sometimes help.
Danced Lindy with a bunch of college girls last night, went figure skating this morning. Argentine Tango class tonight. I think I'll go to the mancave tomorrow to rest.
Took a neighbor out for coffee this afternoon. They are in their 80's, married 14 years. 3 years ago he started getting forgetful. Now it is full blown Alzheimer's, he is in an ALF and she is alone. No family in the US, and not really up to date on all the things needed to run a household, so I help out where I can. Next week we are going to do credit freezes with all the credit agencies - hopefully.
Squeezed a refund out a retailer today. I bought some hemp dog treats that supposedly contain enough CBD* to relieve the mutt's car anxiety. I gave the dog a higher and higher (no pun intended) dose and pooch was totally unaffected. Some Googling turned up an FTC report that showed they had tested the product and it had virtually no CBD and the company was ordered to stop making false claims. After some back and forth, I just said, "Look, I'm retired and I have nothing better to do today than post reviews with links to the FTC report, so either refund me or read about it on Yelp". A couple of minutes later, my Paypal account rung up a deposit.

Not a lot of money, but so satisfying to have the time to grind the b@stards down. :cool:

CBD: Everything You Need To Know About Cannabidiol
Got my flu shot yesterday. I was expecting my arm to hurt today, but feels great like nothing even happened.
Applied for Medicare today. Can't believe I'm this old. I guess I'm officially an old fart now.
Porchfest 2017 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porchfest

All within a couple to three or so blocks of where we live........kids, young people, old folks, bicycles....and a gazillion dogs!




The frontman on the last pic is the guy who replaced our front window.....he's pretty good at both gigs.
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Today was a gym day, DW was babysitting the grandnephews so didn't go.

I thought today was gonna be a happy day, getting the Hobbyzone Champ S+ delivered to teach the grandnieces to fly R/C airplanes but alas, that was not to be. The instruction manual (a fairly thick booklet) was loose in the box and damaged the tail section of the airplane. Horizon Hobby has a sterling reputation when it comes to making stuff like this right and they have done so in the past, so I have no doubt they'll exchange it but it is a bit of a bummer.

Oh well, time is not of the essence on this so another week or so won't matter.


  • Champ damage (5 of 5).jpg
    Champ damage (5 of 5).jpg
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DB came over and we went through a bunch of boxes of [-]crap[/-] mementos from our dear old Dad, who passed in March. Threw away at least 90% of it, including the complete set of pay stubs from 1952-1987, bank passbooks dating back to the 1930s, the appraisal of the house sold in 1973, etc. Some of it seemed cool but what's the point of keeping it?

Kicked the only keg of homebrew I had on tap. :(
Maintenance on the car - oil and filter change, transmission fluid change, new air filter and cabin air filter, rotated the tires, new windshield wipers. Wore me right out. I had to go out to lunch at the Mexican place and drink a few glasses of Rioja to recover.
Worked up the sound and screen details for the backyard home theater. Got a couple of 6 inch 2 ways under the eves and a 106 inch screen. They should be good under the eves.

The subwoofer, projector and the amplifiers will be mobile. The wireless DirecTV module makes it all small and easy.
It was a full day - fiddling around in front of the screen, listening to music, reading, lunch out with the DW, planning what to cook for dinner... but the absolute highlight was a long nap. God that felt good.
Woke up yesterday, stood and almost hit the floor! Vertigo. Almost hit the floor a bunch of times! I hate vertigo.

Meclizine isn't doing anything. I used some mineral oil and hydrogen peroxide hoping my ears plugged. No dice.

I felt better this morning until I moved my head. Boom, time to fall down. No gym today. I have a 6 month Dr visit next week. Guessing I'll have something to talk about.

DW has a few extra valium, I'll take a half of one. They sometimes help.

MRG: have you tried the Epley maneuver? Have had vertigo x2, have not had it since I found the info on it, but have the cheat sheet and a video in case it is needed.
Made a couple of cups of pour over coffee with my new Chemex. All organic beans from a small local roaster. Used 2/3 decaf and 1/3 regular. Like the taste of regular better, but I'm too sensitive to the effects.

DW and I sat in the garden and enjoy sipping coffee. Now thinking about dinner. Life is good!
Gym day, DW didn't go because her back is sore from chasing grandnephews around a couple of days ago. They're good kids, just energetic, the younger is one and older brother is three.

Got back from the gym and there is an E-mail that the Fedex label is ready for printing for the damaged model airplane referred to earlier. So I do that, afix it to the box and take that to a drop-off point. Finally got lunch (a salad) at 3:00 PM.
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