What did you do today? 2017 version

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Ronstar >>> did that rattler tell you he was there? LOL I have had many close calls with rattlers and I need to start wearing my snake guards. In fact I will go right now and put them in my pickup. Lol That expense or death isn't in my retirement plan either.

I didn't see it at first. It wasn't rattling. The hiking trail was heavily traveled yesterday. A fellow hiker pointed it out to me. Lots of hikers going right by it 2-3' away. I heard that the ranger has been keeping an eye on it - it's been in the same place for 4 days. Good idea on the snake guards.

What did I do today.

Nothing much.

I just . . . .

WORKED MY LAST DAY!!!! :dance:
Congratulations, DrRoy!!!! :dance:


As for me, today I went to the dentist. A week and a half ago he had my oral surgeon pull a lower molar out that had been bothering me, and install an implant. It is no longer bothering me and is healing nicely from the surgery.

The two of them decided that the same molar on the other side needs the same treatment, so I'll be getting that done on the day after tomorrow. I have been going to my dentist for 20 years so I trust his judgment. It's just really crummy luck that they both got to that point at the exact same time.

On the bright side, that means another "ice cream day" in store for me the day after the tooth is pulled. I plan to get a pint of Blue Bell Cherry Vanilla, which is heavenly.

Got the second molar pulled and implant installed this afternoon. What a relief to have that over with. I have plenty of Blue Bell Cherry Vanilla (although I have only been home for an hour and don't feel like getting into that yet), and Vycodin in case there is any pain. The surgeon had me take one right away before the Novacaine wore off and so far the entire procedure and aftermath have been completely painless.

My surgeon's nurse/assistant is in her 60's like I am. When the Beatles' "Twist and Shout" came on the background music, we had a great time reminiscing about days of yore. We remembered dancing the twist to the sounds of Chubby Checker and others back in 1961-1962, as self conscious early teenagers. Amazing that others remember more or less the exact same experiences.

F just popped in to bring me my prescribed amoxycillin, and he says I am stoned to the gills on Vycodin so I guess I'll just take a nap now. :blink:
I had a good day today, even though it is chilly, damp and windy here. I went to gentle yoga, watched my granddaughter in her dance competition, and made lunch at home. I also got to visit with my folks and run some errands.

My grandson needed a ride home from school, and I was able to help out. I have really enjoyed being able to spend time and help with my grandkids these last four years. If I had waited, at least two of them would be too grown up to hang out with me!
I didn't see it at first. It wasn't rattling. The hiking trail was heavily traveled yesterday. A fellow hiker pointed it out to me. Lots of hikers going right by it 2-3' away. I heard that the ranger has been keeping an eye on it - it's been in the same place for 4 days. Good idea on the snake guards.

That really doesn't sound like a good deal. The snake could be relocated very easy.
Had last skating session for the season, the rink is closing for the summer, re open in September. Time to drag the kayak out of garage's rack, check the safety gear and get my season pass to the lake's parking lot. The launch permit is good for one more year.
Hygienist appointment ($187), then order glasses/sunglasses ($335)... Victor Wooten Trio concert later.

I eat a fair amount of Blue Bell, including Cherry Vanilla, though I think Cherry Garcia is better. Blasphemy, I know...
I planted my cucumber seedlings. Also relocated a few strawberry plants, maybe I get some organic strawberries someday.
Today, we went to a fish restaurant near the beach, had a lovely time with my youngest kid. She is on Spring break.
Afterwards, we went to the auto parts place and got some brakes for her car. My husband will do that Saturday. Almost brand new car for her when she starts work.
Double booked tonight...heading out shortly to meet for drinks for a 50th b-day, then off to a jam at a friend's. It's always fun when my friend hosts a jam as he knows plenty of great musicians and anywhere from 3 to 8 people can show up.
Took the Maltese to the vet for dental work. A cleaning and 7 extractions at age 10. I should have been a doggy dentist:D.

He's well and had his meal. He still has his front teeth to hold his tongue in. ;) That's a great thing.

Currently sitting in a cloud watching the snow fall.
Helped SIL pull out some old stumps along her fence, had lunch with her, then home before end of spring break/friday night traffic begins!
Hygienist appointment ($187), then order glasses/sunglasses ($335)... Victor Wooten Trio concert later.

I eat a fair amount of Blue Bell, including Cherry Vanilla, though I think Cherry Garcia is better. Blasphemy, I know...

Native Texan here and I've never had Blue Bell. I'm a Haagen Daz gal until further notice--but I'm open....
Native Texan here and I've never had Blue Bell. I'm a Haagen Daz gal until further notice--but I'm open....

According to your public profile, you live in California so I guess you're out of luck, for now. :( Maybe you can try it for the first time later on.
You rang?


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Yesterday - started the day with the usual beach walk... but we decided to pick up huge amounts of trash on the beach left over from spring breakers. Came home, went to costco and spent way to much money on food - but it had been 2 weeks and we were out of everything. #RavenousTeens. Then we went, as a family, to Point Loma seafood for fish sandwiches. Got in a "discussion" with a woman who was upset that people were "cutting the line". This is a place where you go to the counter, place your order, then lurk around till your number is called... Been that way for the 35 years I've been going there... No lines... just get eye contact with one of the many workers that spread out along the counter (not a single point of entry). I explained how it worked, and how it had worked that way for decades. She wanted to change the rules and said folks cutting line were rude. She was pretty much screaming at me. (I just kept smiling) I had 2 patrons thank me for explaining to her. And when I picked up my food the worker thanked me for politely explaining the process to her... After our delicious lunch we went up to Cabrillo monument and hiked around, enjoying the fabulous views.

It was a great day.

This morning is just started but I've walked the dog/cleaned the beach. And am procrastinating before cleaning house and prepping for dinner with an out of town friend tonight.
Now that they are a week old and can be briefly handled, we cleaned out the brooder and counted the quail chicks from our hatch out. 64 running around in there, which is plenty more than we want to keep. Listed some for sale online. This will probably be a lazy day since it is a dreary, wet, rainy day. Good thing we have the fireplace and plenty of wood.


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Those quail chicks are really cute. I wish I can raise some here.
Today I started my seedlings for two of my favorite melons: Charentais, a French type of melon that when it ripes it smells so fragrant and the other is Burpee's Ambrosia melon, very sweet. This is the first time I get back to growing these type of melons. Let's hope it's a successful year.
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April 1st and I have about 2 inches of snow! Kind of a wet snow being warmer spring, but still hassle to deal with. So being a crappy day to be outside, and with me fighting a cold, decided it was the time to finish up taxes. Completed the fed and state returns for me and DW, and the trust fed and state returns for a trust I am trustee for. Ready to make a fire and watch some TV for rest of the day.

DW and me used to do a lot of gardening, but here in NM at 7100 ft the growing season is just too short. We can get a freeze up into mid-May and then first freeze after summer in Sept. Summer nights do not stay warm enough for tomatoes to ripen up, barely get any before the freeze starts back up in Sept. So instead now we just have a lot of flowering perennials and no garden.
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DW and me used to do a lot of gardening, but here in NM at 7100 ft the growing season is just too short. We can get a freeze up into mid-May and then first freeze after summer in Sept. Summer nights do not stay warm enough for tomatoes to ripen up, barely get any before the freeze starts back up in Sept. So instead now we just have a lot of flowering perennials and no garden.

I do not bother with tomatoes in Colorado, but other things grow really well: potatoes, peppers, asparagus, spinach, kale, sunflowers, etc. Just change what you grow.
Feeling lots better after my oral surgeries, thanks to
(1) Blue Bell Cherry Vanilla :D

(2) sleeping or napping in my easy chair for about 25-30 of the first 36 hours after Thursday afternoon's surgery.

Amazing how that works. :LOL: Today I have more energy, and thought I was done with the napping (although I admit that I awakened from yet another accidental nap that sneaked up on me just now). The more I nap and sleep, the more I seem to heal so I'm not too concerned.

Today we went out to eat, and I handled a nice, soft spinach manicotti with cheesecake for dessert, quite nicely. So far I am not gaining weight but soon must be reverting to wiser eating habits once again.

And next week, no surgeries scheduled! Imagine that. :D It will be nice to have a break after two tooth extractions and two dental implant surgeries in less than two weeks.
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