What did you do today? 2017 version

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Oh, I agree wholeheartedly!!! :D Any steak meal. A nearby sports bar sells an 8 oz ribeye steak dinner, with mashed potatoes and a veggie, for $10 on Wednesdays. To us, it is delicious. Wednesday I suggested that we should go there, and I was so happy with it. It sure put me in a better mood even though it wasn't filet mignon.

For me a ribeye wins over a filet mignon every time.
So far today - to the dry cleaners, post office and Lowes. Lunch out with the young wife, Goodwill, and then shoe shopping. I advocated for multiple pairs when she was having a hard time picking, but she left the store with just one pair.
So far today - to the dry cleaners, post office and Lowes. Lunch out with the young wife, Goodwill, and then shoe shopping. I advocated for multiple pairs when she was having a hard time picking, but she left the store with just one pair.
What a nice suggestion, even though she didn't take you up on it.

I bought a second pair of sandals from Amazon today (see the Amazon thread for details).

Other than that, I am feeling under the weather so I did nothing. Even begged off from my daily lunch date with F. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
I'm just going to pretend I didn't read that. :facepalm:

I know!! While I knew that preferring ribeye to filet mignon might cause some of our forum gourmets to roll their eyes, I figured the "well done" detail would probably drive them to drink. I was giggling when I posted it. :LOL:
Saturday is trash and recycling day for us. Today, there was also a shred event at a bank in a neighboring town so I went to that as well. Also did our returnable cans and bottles and a little shopping. DD came this afternoon and we are chilling... about to head out to a local brewery for a brew and thai food.
Day four after knee surgery.

Just some pain around the incisions, although not bad. Two Tylenol 3 pills this morning made it go away. The knee feels very solid and that is good. I put the cane away that I had been using for balance more than anything else. I walked the dog a couple of times in this 90+ F heat for about 1/2 to 3/4 mile.

The itching is starting under the thick wrap the surgeon says I have to keep on until next Wednesday's visit with him.

I know this is nothing compared to a total knee replacement and I don't want to give the impression it is anywhere as rough as that. I have a total hip implant so I know the drill for that kind of surgery.
I know!! While I knew that preferring ribeye to filet mignon might cause some of our forum gourmets to roll their eyes, I figured the "well done" detail would probably drive them to drink.

Oh, no, not at all (on the first part). I absolutely agree that ribeye is the best steak to buy.

And on the well done driving me to drink part, all I can say is
Thanks for the ride and Cheers!
Loaded the truck with junk from dear departed Dad's basement and took it to the dump. Drove by a house for sale to see if we'd be interested (not). Ate lunch out. Went to grocery store. Got home by one; took it easy. Need to mow but doing rain dance (worked!).
Can't really see much more, I tried both views. Their doing something off to the left of the camera view and I can't see what the contest is. I want to see......
Unfortunately there is only one camera and you cannot see the other 2 blocks full of bikes. The reason they turn the camera is to cover the stage area. The second link allows a full screen view.
Its Father Day, so i went to the Cemetery to visit my dad. I washed the stone, I have not been there since memorial day. Now ill put on a happy face when my own son shows up.
Since both of our fathers are dead, and since Frank is not a father, we have no special Father's Day dinner to attend.

That's just as well, because I am a bit under the weather. :dead: It's just that virus/bug that has been going around, and I'm sure it is not a big deal but with zero energy I don't feel like doing much but sleeping and posting on the forum. Honestly I wouldn't want to be attending a family celebration today.

Actually on days like today I am unusually glad to be retired. I don't have to dread dragging myself in to work in the morning.
Yesterday, we went to our second daughter's graduation ceremony. It was definitely and all day even. I'm glad she graduated when my husband and I are still youngish. We joked that we wouldn't come back there if she didn't graduate. It took us nearly 3-4 hours to get home, there must be an accident or something on the freeway. It was hellish, made us thankful we don't have to commute any more. But we didn't get home until 12:30 am. It was definitely passed our bed time.
So today I'm resting and will start cooking some ribs so we can have some food for lunch on Father's Day before we go to a nice restaurant around dinner time for our real graduation celebration.
Had brunch with late DW's daughter. After she left, installed environmentally safe and correct solar clothes dryer. Then hung laundry to dry in the sun.
A nice young man came over and set a trap for a skunk family that moved in this spring.
Had a busy day yesterday.... The entire family joined me for my daily dog-walk on the beach... then we went to our favorite breakfast place for breakfast.

After we got home I did a few hours of chores/putzing around the house before we headed back out for the afternoon outing - saw "Escape to Margaritaville" at the La Jolla Playhouse. (Look for it on Broadway later this year.) Very fun show - great choreography, the cast had great voices, the live band was awesome. And best of all - they served margaritas. We'd chosen to Uber since the LJ Playhouse is on UCSD campus and it was also commencement weekend. (Although the crowds were most gone by the time we arrived... and no sign of the Dali Lama - the commencement speaker.)
Didn't know whether to post this here or on the 'downside of traveling' thread......but, let me tell you about our day:

Since we had already booked flights Warsaw - Toronto on the 22nd, shortly after we arrived in Krakow we went to the train station to book a transfer between cities. Due to a holiday period every train for today was booked solid, but we did manage to snag two First Class seats for the 07:37 a.m.train.

We, being advocates of 'Lombardi Time', were, of course, early; the arrivals/departures board indicated a specific track, and we confirmed this with a railway employee.

We watched the board studiously, and listened to the announcements in English that told of trains being late, and trains that were ending their trips in Krakow.

Watched the board right up to the second that 'our' train disappeared from it, (sans announcement), and we were informed by a passerby that the train had just left, unheralded, from another track.

Rushed down to the ticket window and were lucky enough to encounter the most surly, boorish, 'service' rep I've ever met. We informed her of our plight, and that the departure board had indicated the track incorrectly, only to have her yell "No tracks today". (We wondered what she'd say if she was given a departure gate at an airport, only to find out her flight had quietly snuck off from a completely different gate...."No gates today!") (Perhaps she's a Seinfeld fan?)

We did manage to get a partial refund, (15% penalty...and a nasty e-mail has already been fired off to the railway......being Sunday, and a holiday, the station master apparently wasn't around).

Upstairs to the bus depot....2 tickets...and an eight hour wait.

At the depot we, (again, we apparently never learn), monitored the departure board, and DW 'confirmed' (ha ha) the departure bay with the (cough cough) 'Information Desk'.

As departure time approached without a bus in sight, we, and four young Europeans, (possibly Nordic), began to get antsy and sent out scouts......bus came in, at a completely different bay.....(by this time we're starting to appreciate the old 'Polish firing squad' type jokes).

Then..we're on...(oh, the driver when checking the ticket that his company had issued, appeared to think it was written in hieroglyphics)......only to encounter bumper to bumper traffic all the way from Krakow to Warsaw.

At time of writing we've been up 20 hours...aaarrrgh!

(Almost forgot....the train would have dropped us off steps from our accommodation.....whereas the bus was miles away, in the scuzzy part of town, (late at night), and we were obliged to take a **** cab!)
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Drove to Pensacola (working here for the week). Decided to head to the beach for a bit since I don't have to work until tomorrow. View at dinner was better than I'm used to.

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