What did you do today? 2019 version.

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It's obvious you have checked things out a lot further than I did. :)
Spent the morning drinking coffee and surfing, followed by breakfast, then weight day, then a power nap.

Thankfully, no blood emanating from any orifice or appendage...
I just looked up symptoms of internal hemorrhage. It can be more serious than bleeding that you can see.
Woke up at 6:30 to sound of little dog puking - since he sleeps in our bed this was not good. Changed the sheets and tried to go back to sleep but that was pretty futile. Doggie was full of energy for his morning walk, so I guess it's nothing serious although he hasn't eaten his breakfast yet.

Washed the dirty sheets and the winter comforter, caught up online, and decided to check out Tai Chi videos online - I've wanted to try doing more exercise than my daily 2 miles dog walk and weekly yoga. Didn't find any I really liked but will keep looking. Paid bills and ordered a new hammock chair for the backyard to replace the one a raccoon chewed up over the winter (didn't know they liked polyester). After lunch, visited Discount Tire to arrange for new RV tires when it gets out of the shop soon, dropped off used batteries and picked up 2 books from the library, did the grocery shopping, and picked up our monthly "blow that dough" floral arrangement. Tonight's choir practice and then I'll finalize my NCAA bracket entries. Love this time of year.
Drove to Charlottesville, VA for a follow up Dr. appointment tomorrow morning for the cardiac ablation I had a couple of years ago. So far all is good, no recurrence of afib. Tomorrow after the appointment we'll drive back home.
I have to put a stop to the work on the solar energy storage project to clear my mind to devote to the late-stage planning for the upcoming Spain-Portugal 5-week trip.

There's so much to research, such as where to drive and park the rental car, and how to take public transportation to get to must-see landmarks.
Went hiking, where I took a minor fall and scraped my hands, encountered a rattlesnake, and put a thorn through my shoe into my foot. Went out to dinner and then met Clive and Dirk Cussler at their book signing.
Yesterday I got switched to a new internet satellite with new modem and router. While they were at it, I had them move the antenna up to the house. Today I finished setting up my home network. If the carrier is to be believed, I should have better VOIP and video and I no longer have a monthly data limit. I am hoping my internet life just got much better. :)
Drove back home from Charlottesville, VA in torrential rain all the way. To our mutual astonishment there was only one wreck the entire way and that one delayed us maybe five minutes. I did get off I-81 several exits before we normally do because of construction in progress there and "I had a feeling" that our luck could not continue. So we took an old parallel state road the rest of the way and had no problems.

And the doc said I'm guaranteed not to rust, bust, collect dust, corrode or otherwise malfunction for one year until the next follow up appointment. Well, sort of. I'm healthy as far as he can tell.
Minor reno of bathroom, went to a cabinet outlet store looking for a countertop on clearance for the bathroom but couldn't find anything suitable in stock, so ordered one to fit. We also couldn't find a small cupboard 18" wide to fit between vanity and the wall to act as a storage unit but picked one up at the ReStore for $40. GF will sand and paint it and the vanity to match.

It was also sunny and "warm" (6C) so was able to sit on the front deck in the sun for a couple hours.
And the doc said I'm guaranteed not to rust, bust, collect dust, corrode or otherwise malfunction for one year until the next follow up appointment. Well, sort of. I'm healthy as far as he can tell.

The ornery ones tend to survive. :cool:

Went hiking, where I took a minor fall and scraped my hands, encountered a rattlesnake, and put a thorn through my shoe into my foot. Went out to dinner and then met Clive and Dirk Cussler at their book signing.

That is very cool. I am not a huge Cussler fan but I have read a few and enjoyed them. I've often wondered (but have been too lazy to look) if there is a sort of "central site" on the internet that lists author signings or talks.

There are a few authors still with us that I'd like to see before they drop. Bernard Cornwell, John le Carre, Stephen King all spring to mind.
That is very cool. I am not a huge Cussler fan but I have read a few and enjoyed them. I've often wondered (but have been too lazy to look) if there is a sort of "central site" on the internet that lists author signings or talks.

There are a few authors still with us that I'd like to see before they drop. Bernard Cornwell, John le Carre, Stephen King all spring to mind.

The Cussler signing was a fun time - at his classic car museum.

I don’t know if there is a “central site” on the internet that lists author signings/ talks.

The local bookstore “The Poisoned Pen” https://poisonedpen.com in Scottsdale, Az sponsors several signings/ talks a week. I suspect that there are other bookstores that do the same thing.
DW spoke to the doctor's office this a.m. As with Telehealth they appeared unconcerned about the blood in the urine, (several hours later it's still there), but said if I cannot urinate at all, then get down to emerg.

Before this post goes away... a +1 to the advice. Been there, done that. The normal maximum bladder capacity is about 16 to 18 ounces. By the time I got to the emergency room, with urinary retention, they took 28 ounces, and the urologist said said it was the most ever seen in that hospital. After the fact, he said I was within minutes of death.
Not usually talked about, but something to be aware of, because of the age factor. BTW, it happened even though I had been taking Flomax.

Here are the odds:
Urinary retention in men becomes more
common with age.
• In men 40 to 83 years old, the overall incidence of urinary retention is 4.5 to 6.8 per 1,000 men.
• For men in their 70s, the overall incidence increases to 100 per
1,000 men.
• For men in their 80s, the incidence of acute urinary retention is 300 per 1,000 men.

Not a fun subject, but could be important. :(
What did you do today?

I decided to slightly revise my spending categories, and separate out dental instead of lumping it together with medical. I had no idea, years ago, that my dental expenses would be so high as to merit a separate category. My dental work is definitely worth what I paid, though; instead of being a toothless old hag at age 70, I have implants which are better and stronger than the teeth I had as a teenager. Who knew? Tremendous value for the money, IMO.

Luckily, I have extremely detailed records in Excel, so I can go through them and determine which "medical" expense was actually dental, and which was not.

Unluckily, my detailed records go back to the beginning of 2012 (before then, they were less detailed and I did not always record exactly what I bought in each category). So I have a lot of years to go through. So far I have done 2018 and 2019. Still have to go through 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. I think my first implant was done in 2013-2014.

What do we do all day, indeed! :LOL: Oh I admit it. I love doing this stuff. :smitten:
Here are the odds:

[… ]
Not a fun subject, but could be important. :(

WOW! I am a female and I had NO idea that this happened so often to older men. I will definitely tell F that if it should ever happen to him, it can be dangerous. Thanks for posting about it.
Woke up to fresh snow, who knew? It looked beautiful outside. I went to the gym and did a treadmill 5k. A quick grocery grab, lunch, took DW to her biofeedback appointment. I sit in most of them and benefit from many.

Today was more entertaining for me, DW played video games with her emotions. Interesting to see how easy or difficult it was for her to control the game. A couple she struggled with the therapist guided her through them a second time with ease.

We left in the next little snowstorm. There was a temperature inversion that we drove through. It was freaking awesome![emoji12] I've seen them from above and below, this one we passed through as we gained altitude. The fog was thick at first, then swirling all around us, clear cold sunlit skys above.

A few hours later, it's sunny with snow and rain falling.

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Watching the news. A cruise ship sent out MAYDAY signals in stormy winds on one of the most danerous stretches of the Norwegian coast line. It's emergency anchored too close to land for comfort with engine trouble. 1300 passengers has to be evacuated.

I had originally planned a spring clean of my motorhome. But it will have to wait.
Is it possible to tow the ship further out to sea? (Are there even any vessels in the area capable of doing that?)
I have been translating the article. Apparently they have restored some power and the ship is moving at about 3 knots.
Is it possible to tow the ship further out to sea? (Are there even any vessels in the area capable of doing that?)

It's not very far from the ports in Molde and Kristiansund. But I don't know if suitable ships are close enough.

A small rescue boat from the coast guard had to return - the weather was to extreme for them to assist in the evacuation. And those guys don't scare easily.
I have been translating the article. Apparently they have restored some power and the ship is moving at about 3 knots.
That's some good news. Complete loss of propulsion off a lee shore is about as bad as it gets.
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