What did you do today? - 2021 version

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Installed the battery and the charge controller and wired the lights for the 12 volt solar system in the storage shed.
Typical gym workout on the morning and bike ride early afternoon.

After my ride .... a neighbor pulled to the house and alerted me that my goats were loose out on the lane behind my pasture. HOWEVER I don’t have any goats, but I know the other neighbor that does. So went goat wrangling today to get stinky goats back to their home. The Daddy of the goat heard is named Billy, so all I did was to get ahold of Billy and the rest of the dumb goats followed Billy and I back to their pen.

Did my good deed for the day.

You are more daring than I am, messing around with them goats.

^ LOL! Could easily tell he was a Billie!
Hiked about 5 miles on a rails to trails in the morning. Had to go 15 miles south of us to get away from our 4 inch snow pack. In the afternoon, I drove down to the tax office to drop off the docs for the estate tax for MIL. DW in the picture.


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^ Sounds and looks like a great day!
Got into a friendly discussion with my mum about when to take out the xmas tree. She says 2 weeks and I think 3 weeks after xmas.
We both put our trees up on the 23rd.
We usually take ours down on Epiphany (aka 3 Kings Day). We were going to do it on Wednesday, but we got distracted by events, so we'll do it later today.
"Woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head", lol. Made some omelettes with onions and tomatoes and added some sour cream on top. Pork n beans on the side. Checked the news and the stock market. Nothing pressing on the agenda today. Staying warm and cozy at home with my pets.
You are more daring than I am, messing around with them goats.

Great memories.

First mill I worked at we had a female nubian that ran freely. She never got on the mill deck but loved to strip bark off the logs in the yard. There's a thin layer of cambium between the bark and wood, she loved to eat that. She also liked my True menthol cigarettes. When they went stale they were disgusting to smoke but she couldn't tell the difference. A loose goat hopped up in nicotine running wild around a sawmill. What could go wrong? I quickly learned not to bend over when she had nicotine..
Today, we received our joint Christmas present to ourselves - new Gore-Tex rain coats/shells from LL Bean. We're happy with them. I also just drove out to get a propane tank refill and, on the way, watched a red-shouldered hawk stoop on a small rodent, snag it, and then fly away to a nearby tree with her catch.
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Got in a half-dozen or so flights in the back yard with the UMX Turbo Timber, a small STOL R/C airplane that is becoming a classic. I played until my fingers got too cold to reliably work the sticks and then had to reluctantly stay inside. The forecast was for the low 40's today. They lied, we won't see high 30's.
Great memories.

First mill I worked at we had a female nubian that ran freely........
When I was a kid, my older brother, probably about ten, decided he was tired of the neighbor's goat coming into our garden and eating the plants. He fashioned a lasso out of rope and lassoed the goat. I'll never forget the sight of him running, rope in hand with the lassoed goat right on his heels. He finally made it to a garage side door and waited until the goat left. :LOL:
What I did today.

I went to my shop out in the back yard and worked on my 1967 Chevrolet Camaro. I have a few small things that need taken care of before spring. When spring comes and you asked me what I did today the answer will be that I rode around in my 67 Camaro with the top down. Have I mentioned that I love retirement?
I finished drywalling the new basement bedroom. Mudding starts tomorrow.

And I sold my pool table :'(
I'm guessing you had a good reason to wait to after the end of the year for the purchase? I know if you bought on the last day of the year you can very often get some very good discounts as they try to reach some magical quotas.:)

I only saw your post just now, hence this late reply.

I did visit a dealer on 12/30, but the deal I got at the 2nd dealer on Jan 1st was better. Chevrolet had a sales on all cars that started some time in December, and lasted till 1/4.

The Equinox model did not sell well against its competitors, hence Chevrolet gave a heavy discount on this model. It was nothing fancy, but works quite well for me who wants a towable dinghy for my motorhome.
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Finished up the 12 volt lights in the storage shed. The solar panel and charge controller go in tomorrow. Need to power wash the rain dirt off the deck and let dry a couple so's I can hit it with the stain.
Tested out my new camera lens on a hike/ eagle hunt. Saw several eagles, but couldn’t get close to them. First hike since foot surgery almost 8 weeks ago. Great to be outside, but it was icy and 30 degrees. Also day 1 of a keto diet.
I only saw your post just now, hence this late reply.

I did visit a dealer on 12/30, but the deal I got at the 2nd dealer on Jan 1st was better. Chevrolet had a sales on all cars that started some time in December, and lasted till 1/4.

The Equinox model did not sell well against its competitors, hence Chevrolet gave a heavy discount on this model. It was nothing fancy, but works quite well for me who wants a towable dinghy for my motorhome.

Makes sense and I forgot a lot of the year end deals trend to drift over into the new year as well.:)
Not 'today' but last evening, DW helping me to the 'puter chair......fell on my ass....who knew a chair with wheels would move?

DW (5' 1 1/2" and 104 pounds) couldn't get me up....had to call an ambulance. We replaced the chair with a non-mobile one. :LOL:
Sorry to hear that, Nemo. I hope you're not seriously injured.
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