What did you do today? - 2021 version

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Spent my 60th bday packing and cleaning the house in prep of selling. My 31 year marriage is ending and I’m moving out on Saturday.

The silver lining is that we’re both ok financially since I found this site 11 years ago.

Oh, my. I am sorry to hear this, wishing better days ahead for you.
DW brought over her 7-year-old grandnephew and we had a practice session with an R/C airplane in the basement, taxiing it around. A light drizzle kept us from actually flying anything, but we made plans to go Friday when the weather clears up. (We're going to get the remnants of Ida; nothing more than some heavy rain.)

He did surprisingly well given the limited space we had, barely enough room to make a full circle but he grasped the need for gentle throttle control and how left and right reverse when the model is facing you. I'm looking forward to Friday, I'm sure he'll do well.
After using an iPhone since they first came out, I finally experienced the dreaded fall onto concrete last week. Cracked the screen badly enough that it needed replacement. I was planning to replace it next year anyway and hated the thought of getting a new one this soon (mine is only three years old).

Fortunately, it wasn't bad enough that the screen couldn't be replaced. Took it in to the Apple store and walked out with a new screen an hour later. A very painless process and now waiting another year seems fine again. I have always had an extremely positive experience at Apple stores.
Brau, how much did they charge for a new screen?
Heading out to the beach for a few days. DH and I celebrating 43 years of marriage--hasn't all been easy, but love has a way of making it worth it!
Retirement has been a wonderful reconnection for us.
Looking back, where has the time gone:confused: Seems just yesterday we were ships passing in the night, working different hours to decrease daycare, changing diapers, etc.
Now, our kids are grown, doing well and parenting our precious grand babies!
I had a phlebotomy(take a pint of medical waste from my veins) and I'd been dreading it. I get positive effects from the procedure and generally look forward to it. I used to be a fainter over anything medical so I wrote my anxiety about the procedure to those old unpleasant memories.

Its normally a 10 minute procedure as they stick a really big needle in your vein and it goes quickly. I was there for 1.5 hours. She couldn't get the blood flowing for nothing. They had me hydrating, waiting, try another vein. I have 4 big holes in 4 different veins that all seem to remember being assaulted by the big needle...... finally another gal suggested they give the line and the bag a little heparin to keep the blood flowing. While it sounded a little strange to me it sure helped or possibly the last stick found a better vein? I'm doing nothing the rest of the day.
I am at our mountain house but DH is at the main house. My phone has been going crazy with tornado warnings for the main house. DD is watching the news and texting Dad to make sure he is getting to shelter. His reply is “Looking for a funnel cloud”

Sometimes FH is such a boy.
Went to ranch again today and dug in 5 wood corner posts and drove some T-post. Went and checked on cameras and just took in the beauty of the morning. I then mowed an elderly lady's lawn which I do weekly for her when I got back home.
Went to ranch again today and dug in 5 wood corner posts and drove some T-post. Went and checked on cameras and just took in the beauty of the morning. I then mowed an elderly lady's lawn which I do weekly for her when I got back home.
Nice of you to take care of her. Good on you!:D
My first day of retirement. Celebrated by driving to Half Moon Bay, getting clam chowder and crab cakes to go from Sam’s Chowder House, and taking the dog for a walk on a trail along a bluff overlooking the ocean. I can already tell that doing things midweek rather than battling crowds on the weekend is going to be a lot of fun.
My first day of retirement. Celebrated by driving to Half Moon Bay, getting clam chowder and crab cakes to go from Sam’s Chowder House, and taking the dog for a walk on a trail along a bluff overlooking the ocean. I can already tell that doing things midweek rather than battling crowds on the weekend is going to be a lot of fun.

Congrats. Your life will never be the same again.....
My first day of retirement. Celebrated by driving to Half Moon Bay, getting clam chowder and crab cakes to go from Sam’s Chowder House, and taking the dog for a walk on a trail along a bluff overlooking the ocean. I can already tell that doing things midweek rather than battling crowds on the weekend is going to be a lot of fun.

Now you will keep track of weekends because that's when you stay home and work around the house. I am always glad when it's Monday and I can go out again.
I drove my wife to Safeway to get some grocery items that we needed. The store was crowded.

It turned out that it was the 1st Wednesday of the month, and seniors got 10% off. Aha!

We then claimed our 10% too.
I had cataract surgery on my right eye. I will be having the left eye done in 2 weeks.

I read some old threads regarding cataract surgery, so many thanks to all who contributed to them.
Played golf with my group of guys over 72 years old today. It was hot....95 F + humidity. Stopped at the local Cracker Barrel for the $6.99 meatloaf lunch special. Price was $5.99 a few weeks ago. :cool:
Great day today, took the 7-year-old grandnephew with DW and her sister (Grandma) to the R/C flying site and he got to fly an R/C airplane with a buddy box system about five or six flights. The sessions ended after about an hour when he announced he was hungry, which was about what we all expected. But he seemed to enjoy it very much.

The weather was almost perfect, a tad on the breezy side but temps in the mid 70's and an almost cloudless sky. So we headed on back, got some fried chicken on the way home and ate there. He's headed back this evening, it seems that his Mom wants him back.
Went to Kaiser to pick up my dope and get the annual pneumonia shot, got a flu shot too in the other arm. Got some lunch and some teak oil and rags for the boat. Got a big ole anchor davit out front made of solid teak that needs some love.

Yesterday we floated the boat. Well not really, just dipped it in the river and tested the engine. We also tested the bilge pump which works good as there is a really big leak in the boat. Appears that a bottom scupper which is there to feed the lives wells with water must have broken a hose and there was probably 50 gallons of water in the bottom after 15 minutes of dunk. Good thing we didn't even unhook it from the trailer.

Well that's why I have my "boat dude", he opens a hatch and said "I hear water coming in, lets turn on the bilge pump". Yeah, lotta water, a constant steady stream out a 1 inch pipe. Didn't stop until we pulled it up the ramp a bit. If we went out it would not have been pretty or fun.
Sounds like a great day. Looks like you got it baptized with that dip in the water. Lol

Looking forward to your post on getting out on the lake/river for the day. I want to canoe a portion of the Yellowstone River this fall but always seems to much to do.
I drove up to my high-country home yesterday. My children went up too. I made Adana kebab, and it was a success this time. The single trick is that I have to knead the meat, so that it becomes sticky. I should have used more spices and seasonings, and was not entirely happy with it, but my children loved it.

Our new 5G Samsung A32 phones work great up here, compared to the old Nexus 5 phones, even though there's still no 5G service up here. As suspected, the old phone is capable of 4G LTE, but not the many new frequency bands that have opened up, and that's the reason we had no coverage up here.
I bought a car for my daughter. She started work the day after hers died. Hers died a little over a week ago. 170k+ miles on her last used car. Needs an engine (4800) + maybe transmission (?) so I wouldn't help with that. $20,995 for a 6 yr old used Honda Accord with 32,658 miles. She had saved 5k for repairs so I'm only out 16k but I won't put my money into fixing a car with more than 150k miles. I paid less than 20k for my 2014 Honda Civic new!!!!

Agreed to drive GD1 to the charter school 3 days a week.

Think that's enough
About three weeks ago I'd "lost" an R/C airplane to what has become a somewhat infamous "airplane-eating tree" at one of the two club sites where I regularly fly. It's on the approach end of one runway, and several of us have discovered the hard way that our depth perception isn't quite what we thought it was. So I'd landed this airplane in a tree, easily 100 feet high and since my tree-climbing days are in the distant past I'd written off the $300 airplane, the $100 flight battery in it, and the $90 camera that it carried. But it isn't worth risking my neck for.

Well, hurricane Ida did me a favor and moved the airplane to a much lower location, but still firmly entangled in branches. A club member who lives 10 minutes from the site called me last night to let me know. So I met him there this morning, bringing some more airplanes (why waste the trip if we didn't recover it?) and my battery powered electric pole saw. After about an hour of finagling around with it, which included a trip to his place to get a short extension ladder, we managed to recover the airplane. (DW was NOT happy about me climbing a ladder.) Other than cosmetic damage there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it. The inside of the fuselage seemed remarkably dry but I haven't applied power to any of the systems yet, thinking that I'll put it in front of the dehumidifier for a few days and then see if any of the magic smoke escapes.

(For those unfamiliar with magic smoke, despite all the blarney and technotalk surrounding electronic stuff, the truth is that they all run on magic smoke, but if you let the magic smoke out it won't work anymore.)

So while the $100 lithium-ion flight battery is certainly toast, the Runcam2 camera seems to be okay, although I expect to have to replace the battery in that. As for the radio receiver, electronic speed control, and servos in the airplane, I'll wait a few days to make sure they're as dry as feasible before applying power and we'll see what happens.

After all that I flew some airplanes and had a good time, including getting some good video with the replacement Runcam2 that I now have two of.
It has been a long week with lots of work. I moved my house electricity from the temporary pole to one of the house service panels. I had to dig a 2 ft square box out of the ground where the electrical cables were stored, feed the cables into the two service panels, and connect the first service panel. The cut-up box went to the dumpster and a friend will use parts from the temp panel. One of the circuits on the first service panel is for the dryer so yesterday I set the dryer on top of the washer and now have a working dryer for the first time in 8 years. It will be very nice to not have clothes lines in the house this winter.

Today was the annual Ranch clean-up day and I spent the morning on the tractor smoothing the roads and the afternoon using the tractor to move accumulated junk into the dumpster. The 30 ft dumpster was about full by the end of the day.
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