What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

Fall ritual, put away the kayak. Skating season is on.
Replaced torn side seals on garage doors, then caulked.
Leaves, leaves, and more leaves.

Same here. I hooked up my pull behind leaf rake to my lawn tractor. Probably ended up with equivalent of a pile 10 ft diam and 6 ft height. Burned the leaves to get rid of them. About 4 hours total time and that isn't the whole yard. Just the ateas with heavy leaves. Tomorrow I will mow with the zero turn, which has been converted to mulching to help chop the leaves up.
Been doing some trapping for the county road dept. takes part of the morning but has been a fun thing to do.

Been going to ranch and doing odds and ends there. I'm still waiting for that guy to come demolish old 3 room ranch home. Once he gets that done, I will start the next phase into the new small cabin build.

I also finished a beaver skinning knife I started about 5 years ago and never finished it. It isn't fancy but works very well. Wood handle is made from a walnut wood I used after I removed the tree from my yard.

Plan for today is the same as yesterday.
Later today, meeting with siblings and spouses for our monthly dinner out, always an enjoyable time.
Currently, enjoying my coffee and the sunshine, rain starting again tonight.
I'm taking a look at Medicare Part D.

Over the past three years my current Part D company has moved too many drugs that used to be cheap and/or no-deductible to higher cost levels. I don't need them everyday, but the handwriting is on the wall. The deal from three years ago may not be such a good deal today. Time to shop around.
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Took our little 10-year old maltipoo back to the veterinary ophthalmologist to recheck his glaucoma and got bad news. Background: Labor Day weekend he had obvious conjunctivitis, so I took him to the emergency vet and we found out he had glaucoma of unknown cause. The ophthalmologist later found the lens of his right eye had detached and lodged between the cornea and pupil, causing the glaucoma. He's been on multiple eyedrops since then to try and control the eye pressure. Today she said that the eye pressure is back up, he's developed a large cataract ending all vision in that eye, and that he's probably in pain from the resulting inflammation. So we scheduled surgery to remove that eye for early December. :(

The good news is that his left eye is healthy, and he has adapted well to one-eyed vision, so hopefully this will be a good resolution for him. But it still was hard to make that phone call to schedule the procedure.

That's a real bummer. Hope your pup will be OK.

Every year is time to review part D isn't it? So I hear.

Today I took down the dusk to dawn = on all night floodlight off the garage. The electricians installed it and I hated it. Replaced it with a motion sensor light. Two hours on that and uncounted trips up and down the ladder. Easy electric connectors my butt. :angel:
Lazy day.
Coffee run, then drive to upscale greasy spoon for brunch, afternoon visted Barns&noble, more coffee, read some magazines, then spent nearly an hour people watching. Astonishing, many people have dismal walking skills. Head forward like looking at the floor, sort of land on their leading foot, looks really jarring to their knees and hips.
I finished my two day marathon of window washing. Washed every one of the 33 widows in the house. Lucky for me, they all tilt in, so I didn't need to go outside. This time of year, when sunlight is at a premium, every photon helps.
Massive grocery shopping today as we are celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow while eldest DD is in town visiting. Will be the first time whole family is together since last Thanksgiving!
Today I took down the dusk to dawn = on all night floodlight off the garage. The electricians installed it and I hated it. Replaced it with a motion sensor light. Two hours on that and uncounted trips up and down the ladder. Easy electric connectors my butt. :angel:

On my ToDo list. First I need to find the circuit breaker for the present light that quit working in this old house. There is no indication which breaker controls the old light. It's not going to be easy to find but the installation should be quick enough. I've done plenty of switch, outlet, fan, light, etc. installations but I always knew where to shut off the power. :(

@MBAustin, I am sorry your little friend has pain and problems. Eyes are really tough issues and you are doing the right thing getting the enucleation done.
We went through this at the end of June/4th of July with Katie, who has massive cataracts and is blind. She kept injuring one eye until the lens luxated.
Please ask the vets about something for potential dysphoria after the surgery.
Katie is doing fine as a winky dog.


I drew up the new site plan and will add some details and some detail sheets to that today.
Tomorrow I will scan those and send them off to the new civil engineer.
Watching DGS, age 4, this afternoon. He's a busy guy, inquisitive, and such a hoot to be with!
Grandkids are so precious, love my time with ours.
On my ToDo list. First I need to find the circuit breaker for the present light that quit working in this old house. There is no indication which breaker controls the old light.

I've been known to sometimes flip off the master breaker (or pull the main fuse) and cut off power to the whole house rather than go to all the bother and time of figuring out which breaker controls which circuit. Kind of overkill of course but often that's faster.
It was a bike racing weekend …

Lined up Saturday in the rain against younger guys and took 3rd.

Sunday was a muddy mess. Raced against younger guys there too with same result, 3rd.

No podium swag, just a 16 oz craft beer each day that I enjoyed after the race while trading race stories with friends.
R/C model airplane club meeting at a hotel meeting room, which we use in the colder weather. A club member's daughter is the hotel manager so we get to use it for free. But we're only there for an hour or so and we're careful to leave the room the way we found it.
Thanks. The engineer seems like the right guy for the job, he is local and knows the players up there.
The state DOE storm water manual for western Washington is 985 pages and very few people know it well, know all the exceptions and other things that can be worked favorably. He seems to have this down and will come up with the simple cost effective solutions.
^ That sounds good I hope things finally start to come together for you.

Been busy with some beaver trapping and was asked by another person that is having problems with beaver taking their trees down right in their yard. I will go set for them tomorrow.

I went to the ranch after lunch and checked on things and cut down a 40 foot tree that was dead and cut it up for firewood and piles branches, I will burn them once we get some snow. Been having great weather and been outdoors from morning till evening taking advantage of every minute.
With just two of us, and DW doesn't eat much these days, we haven't had a turkey for several years now. My preference instead is a rib roast. I've been looking for a good one for a couple of weeks, without any luck, but a few days ago I stopped in at a smaller Kroger while on a trip to buy something in the next county. Much to my surprise, there was a perfect, 3-bone rib roast just waiting for me to pick it up.

Just had our T-day meal, and it was wonderful. I had a bottle of DW's favorite wine, a Spätlese Riesling, and we thoroughly enjoyed it.
I buffed out scratches on my car this afternoon. It was recently shipped and arrived with long scratches that ran lengthwise from front to back. My guess is it was driven up against some bushes. When it arrived it was late and dark, and we didn’t see the scratches until the light of the next day.

In a few minutes DW and I will sit down for Thanksgiving dinner.
Sitting at home alone with my new rescue dog today.

I am having a homemade cobb salad and the dog is having Purina Pro Plan and a raw mini carrot. Watching Dallas beat Washington later. Drinking diet coke. Dessert will be vanilla bean yogurt. Boring!:D

My daughter is having the turkey on Sunday due to work stuff.
DW and I had Cornish game hens, a juicy, tender substitute for the turkey that we rarely manage to get right. We were planning on freshly baked pecan pie for dessert but some klutz :blush: dropped it on the kitchen floor while removing it from the oven.
Turkey's in the oven and should be done soon. I've been washing dishes most of the day as the young wife cooks everything. I'll have more washing to do after the meal. Visiting in-laws have just returned from their pre-prandial perambulation.

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