What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

Sitting at home alone with my new rescue dog today.

I am having a homemade cobb salad and the dog is having Purina Pro Plan and a raw mini carrot. Watching Dallas beat Washington later. Drinking diet coke. Dessert will be vanilla bean yogurt. Boring!:D

My daughter is having the turkey on Sunday due to work stuff.

Did the little guy tell you what his name is yet? :D
Cooked a turkey breast. It has the white meat we all like and none of the dark meat or giblets. A 4.6 pound breast was plenty for 4 people with leftovers. Also did mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing, crescent rolls, gravy. Bottle of Dom Pierre champagne. Apple pie that I made and Dad brought a store bought pumpkin pie. Ice cream, whipped cream. It was all good. Except the yams. I guess they were OK, but I don't like them. We are all full. Dishwasher is running now. :cool:
The little guy is now named "Birdie" and he's like a hummingbird around here.....quick and boy can he jump. :D

That's a great name - it suits him. It sounds like he'll keep you on your toes.
I'll have to post a video of him tearing around the trees in the back yard!:D

doggie zoomies! so fun to watch that burst of energy, I could use some once in a while :LOL:
Yesterday, Thanksgiving we had a wonderful time with son and his family and his wife's whole family. Seven kids under 6 and the baby at 10 months how blessed we have been in life.

Today after lunch going to the ranch to take a walk and hope to harvest a couple pheasants to roast. I been carving roasted pheasant and vegetables.
Six weeks ago I treated the Trees of Heaven at our place with a hack of the hatchet and squirt of herbicide. It is supposed to travel down the roots and kill them too if done in late summer / early fall. Looks like it worked to some degree, they dropped their leaves before the ones downhill at the neighbors.

Maybe a dozen trees mostly under 10 feet. But 2 that were about 30 to 40 feet tall. Put on old motorcycle helmet for those, just in case. Did not need it. Filled the bin with branches and have a whole mess left for later when there is room in the bin. The Harbor Freight chain saw on a pole works great for my small jobs. Small but heavy when the 9' pole is extended all the way. That was enough w*rk for the day.
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Now that the leaves are fallen from the trees, I cleaned out all the gutters on our house. The ladder gets heavy after awhile. I also mowed and bagged another four large bags of leaves and took them out to spread on my garden.
Now that the leaves are fallen from the trees, I cleaned out all the gutters on our house. The ladder gets heavy after awhile. I also mowed and bagged another four large bags of leaves and took them out to spread on my garden.

I have a Werner ladder that has def gained weight in the 13 ish years I have had it. That sucker is heavy. :angel:
Now that the leaves are fallen from the trees, I cleaned out all the gutters on our house. The ladder gets heavy after awhile. I also mowed and bagged another four large bags of leaves and took them out to spread on my garden.

I had the same kind of day. I raked leaves and then took the riding mower out and cleaned up what I could with it, until the sun just went down. I left some seed for tomorrow.
Went sailing on this clear sunny day! A former HS student chartered a beatifully restored wooden ketch and crew for the morning. She invited a few other classmates plus her old teacher and DH to join her family.

So nice to catch up with my students and enjoy the sun, sea and fresh air!
Spending the weekend with DGS and DS, everyone is finally getting over this cough thing that has lasted weeks for most of us!
Nice to be together and be healthy.
Mowed the front half of the yard for the last time this year. I wasn't going to do the back half, but the pump I use for draining the fuel tank quit, so I ordered a new one and will mow the back half of the yard when the pump arrives. The drill I follow at end-of-season is to do some mowing, then change the oil while it's warm, then run the mower a bit with the new oil in it to spread it around, then drain the fuel and run the carburetor dry. Spray some fogging oil in the cylinder and put it away until next spring.

It might be overkill but I never have issues starting it in the spring so I'll keep doing it that way.

Next up: Drag the snow blower up from the basement to the garage at the first hint of snow. So far that has successfully kept the snow away for about the last four or five years. We'll see if the streak continues.
Do it Walt, take one for the team!
I've been emailing the vendor for the ICF foundation to make sure the prices are still good on a 9 month old quote and to look at shipping options. I can pick up the whole house worth on a 24' gooseneck trailer if it makes sense.
I am pulling an extension cord through a conduit I buried last year to get across the yard, and then down to the RV storage. My truck leaks a little juice and needs a trickle charger, and I will blow out the travel trailer with the portable compressor.
Took wife to her PT for her locked shoulder than she walked to a volunteer day at the small hospital she donates time two day each week.

I headed to the ranch for the day and always something to keep me active there to do. I tore out two runs of sheep fence that I had to protect juneberry and black currents I planted about 6 years ago. They all are established and doing fine on their own, so I decided to take the high fence down.

I took a long walk and always love the solitude. The wild turkeys were everywhere, and deer are still rutting which I could watch for hours. I gathered my SD cards from a few cameras I have out and went to the river and had lunch.

Got home and took another long walk and will go pick up wife soon from her job.

End of week I will go and tin another side to the century plus old workshop that I have been rescuing from death. It has served me well and will last many more years.

What a beautiful day and so thankful for the day.
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Took wife to her PT for her locked shoulder than she walked to a volunteer day at the small hospital she donates time too each week.

Oh, that is painful. Hopefully her recovery is short and pain free.
Took a motorcycle ride up the mountain while I still can, before it snows up there.
DW buried the crow that died on the hill outside our windows last night. Friday the trash truck will take it away. Nice day out since we're not that crow.
Currently sitting out on the covered patio in winter rental at Ambergris Caye, Belize. Afternoon rain shower tapering off and cool beer in hand. Discussing dinner options.

FIRE lifestyle is good for lovely wife and I!
Busy day. I had an early ("early" is anything before noon) 9:30 doctor appointment, then pick up several prescriptions on the way home, from there to a grocery run and spent an absurd amount of money, but we won't starve for quite a while. And I'm reminded again why one shouldn't go to a grocery store when hungry. Oh well. Then on to a different pharmacy in MD for a prescription, since the doc that prescribes the Oxycontin is only licensed in MD and WV pharmacies won't accept that prescription so I have to go to a MD pharmacy.

Then a very late lunch followed by a long nap.
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