What do you take daily to keep good health?

Vitamin D and a multi vitamin.
10 mg statin but not sure any doctor has explained why it's good.
At least a 2 mile walk a day.
My food eats a plant based diet....
.........10 mg statin but not sure any doctor has explained why it's good................
On a related note, the newest Consumer Reports magazine has an article about rethinking the drugs we take daily and the long term consequences of taking some drugs. I was on a statin, prescribed as kind of a "why not", that had left me feeling kind of fuzzy headed as well as omeprezole. Even the omeprezole, an OTC drug has some kind of scary long term effects including more susceptibility to antibiotic resistant bugs. So, I'm weaning myself off these drugs. If I suddenly quit posting, it killed me.
On a related note, the newest Consumer Reports magazine has an article about rethinking the drugs we take daily and the long term consequences of taking some drugs. I was on a statin, prescribed as kind of a "why not", that had left me feeling kind of fuzzy headed as well as omeprezole. Even the omeprezole, an OTC drug has some kind of scary long term effects including more susceptibility to antibiotic resistant bugs. So, I'm weaning myself off these drugs. If I suddenly quit posting, it killed me.

My 33 yo daughter was just prescribed 40mg statin! Her cholesterol was in the 300's. (That is all she could remember from her dr. visit; she said it is pretty much a blur with all the bad news.)

She gave blood about a month ago and subsequently received a letter stating her cholesterol level was significantly high and she should see a dr.

She is 5'3 and 110 lbs., exercises and/or jogs every day. Her M.D. said it has to be hereditary because nobody has a diet THAT bad. He told her that, without meds, he could almost guarantee she would have a stroke within 12 years.

Sorry to get off track. I am just worried about the statins, but not seeing she has much choice right now.

Me > no prescription meds. Taking Claritin and using Flonase these days..... should be over in about a month....or two

I tried fish oil a couple years ago, but if I had fish more than once a week, there were icky nose bleeds
My 33 yo daughter was just prescribed 40mg statin! Her cholesterol was in the 300's. (That is all she could remember from her dr. visit; she said it is pretty much a blur with all the bad news.)

She gave blood about a month ago and subsequently received a letter stating her cholesterol level was significantly high and she should see a dr.

She is 5'3 and 110 lbs., exercises and/or jogs every day. Her M.D. said it has to be hereditary because nobody has a diet THAT bad. He told her that, without meds, he could almost guarantee she would have a stroke within 12 years.

Sorry to get off track. I am just worried about the statins, but not seeing she has much choice right now.


Me > no prescription meds. Taking Claritin and using Flonase these days..... should be over in about a month....or two

I tried fish oil a couple years ago, but if I had fish more than once a week, there were icky nose bleeds

Yes it's familial high cholesterol. My daughter inherited this from her father and had to go on stating since age 11.
Baby aspirin
Vit D 2000u
Colace 100mg
CoQ10 300mg
Mindful mediation exercise about 10 min (not quite every day but I think this one is probably what does the most to promote my mental and possibly physical health).
Vitamin D and a multi vitamin.
10 mg statin but not sure any doctor has explained why it's good.
At least a 2 mile walk a day.
My food eats a plant based diet....

Re statins...

It is important for the public to recognize that most of the "scientific" research in favor of cholesterol-lowering statins is flawed and fraudulent (read Dr. Uffe Ravnskov's work).

The most reliable evidence has long tied statin use with memory problems, muscle disorders, liver damage, cataracts, nerve damage, arterial calcification, pancreatitis, erectile dysfunction, brain dysfunction, diabetes, and with an increased risk of cancer and higher mortality. There are practically no, or only marginal, benefits from these toxic drugs.

The physiological mechanisms of how statins do serious damage are also well understood, such as by their impairment of oxidative cell metabolism, the increase in inflammation and cell destruction, the lowering of cholesterol and sex hormone production, the promotion of pancreatic injury, etc. - rather thoroughly explained in this scholarly article by a published author of the Orthomolecular Medicine News organization, on how statins and a cholesterol-lowering popular diet pill promote diabetes at Do Garcinia Cambogia Side Effects Boost Diabetes? - look at Figure 7 to see how irrational it is to block the production of cholesterol!

Yet despite of the existence of that scientific knowledge, the medical business and the public health authorities keep ignoring it and, for example, continue to recommend statins to diabetics and make claims that they have a low risk profile despite that they are also significantly linked to cancer and higher mortality (just look at the propaganda put out by the Mayo clinic on statin drugs: "the risk of life-threatening side effects from statins is very low").

And because of such medical propaganda, few people are aware that the medical claims of benefits of statins are mostly based on junk studies conducted by people with vested interests. And, logically, it's mostly the corporate medical business and other people with similar vested interests tied to it (eg, mouthpieces, hacks) who promote the alleged value of these highly lucrative products.

Also, older people with HIGH cholesterol live longer than those with low cholesterol levels (see above mentioned article for numerous scientific study references confirming this).

Because the cholesterol-heart disease theory, or rather medical dogma, is wrong, the use of statins is also wrong by logical extension.

So the real truth is that statins have almost no real benefit in the very vast majority of users. They do more harm than good (read Uffe Ravnskov's "The Cholesterol Myths" and Malcolm Kendrick's "The Great Cholesterol Con"). It's one of many "scientific" scams of the criminal mainstream medical business. But not too many old folks here are open to receiving information that opposes what the authorities have indoctrinated them with...
For me, fish oil, vitamin D, and a multi.

Good thread, just to see what people have been convinced is "good" to take (benefits outweigh the risks). Of course we're all different and benefits and risks can mean much more or less, depending on genetics and health status.

Has anyone found anything cause any side-effect, so stopped taking something?

For me, this was a long time ago, but I noticed that vitamin E apparently caused occasional PVC's (heart flutters). I went on and off vitamin E several times and it was certainly correlated. It was just synthetic E, not "mixed tocopherols", like they say is "good" nowadays.

Also, I think there is some vitamin that causes my hip joint to hurt. Recently I cut back to taking one of my "two per day" multivitamin because of the hip, and the twinge went away.

Another one was that CoQ10 messed up my digestion, so I never tried that again.
Has anyone found anything cause any side-effect, so stopped taking something?

Since I'm one of these get up and wander around, on the 'puter at 3 a.m. then back to bed types, I tried Melatonin once...once...and once was enough..no thank you.
Since I'm one of these get up and wander around, on the 'puter at 3 a.m. then back to bed types, I tried Melatonin once...once...and once was enough..no thank you.
How much did you take? Supposedly one of those drugs where less is more i.e., 1/2mg
How much did you take? Supposedly one of those drugs where less is more i.e., 1/2mg

Can't recall, it was a while back, but likely the minimum dosage that the pills come in...it was an unsuccessful test run, never to be repeated.
Getting your blood analyzed for vitamin D is pretty cheap. My primary care doc didn't measure mine by default, but I reported I was already taking vitamin D. DW did get her blood vitamin D measured by default (same primary care doc), but she wasn't taking vitamin D. The doc prescribed vitamin D after seeing her levels, but a really small dose.
Lot's of water mixed with various grains, hops and some yeast. Sometimes I'll add a slice of lime and maybe a little salt.
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Has anyone found anything cause any side-effect, so stopped taking something?

Years ago we were in an ignorant vitamin craze and I took Geritol. Hahaha that was fun. I stopped, I stopped on the side of the road, and as I was projectiling out the door I stopped taking it.

When I was losing weight I had to go off of two different BP meds as my BP got too low and I was passing out.
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Do a water fitness class and then swim laps 3x week.

Walk on the beach for 2 miles (longer on days with no water fitness class) every morning - 7days a week.

Sleep 8 hours/night.

I take methylized b12 and methylized b9 (our family has variants of the MTHFR mutation so we need the methylized form and can't break down the green veggie folate into the form that makes the neurotransmitters happy.)
I take Iron and Fish oil.

Feeling healthier now than I have in a long time- probably because of the swimming laps - which I added to the mix in late spring.

I'm thinking about adding lap swimming too. Other than a swim cap & goggles, are there any accessories you recommend?
I'm thinking about adding lap swimming too. Other than a swim cap & goggles, are there any accessories you recommend?

I swim laps 4-5 times per week. I strongly recommend ear plugs. Helps keep water out of your ears and may prevent swimmer's ear.
I got an ear infection a couple of years ago, so now I'm a little obsessive about this :): I use an alcohol wipe on each ear plug before I insert them. And every 3rd day or so I put a couple of alcohol drops in each ear.
make my own turmeric and black pepper pills, since I dont like the spicy taste. I swallow with meals.
drink cocoa powder every day mixed with hot water.
I was eating a can of sardines every day, but stopped when I read studies indicating high levels of PCBs.
eat flax, chia, quinoa and beans daily
lots of fruits and vegetables
I have used melatonin on occasion if I'm having trouble with sleep, but I try not to. I certainly don't like that supplements get to avoid all the rigors of drug testing, so it scares me to take it.
I swim laps 4-5 times per week. I strongly recommend ear plugs. Helps keep water out of your ears and may prevent swimmer's ear.
I got an ear infection a couple of years ago, so now I'm a little obsessive about this :): I use an alcohol wipe on each ear plug before I insert them. And every 3rd day or so I put a couple of alcohol drops in each ear.

On a related note, the newest Consumer Reports magazine has an article about rethinking the drugs we take daily and the long term consequences of taking some drugs. I was on a statin, prescribed as kind of a "why not", that had left me feeling kind of fuzzy headed as well as omeprezole. Even the omeprezole, an OTC drug has some kind of scary long term effects including more susceptibility to antibiotic resistant bugs. So, I'm weaning myself off these drugs. If I suddenly quit posting, it killed me.

I was taking Omeprezole for about 3 years (Dr prescribed for my GERD) but after taking them my Vitamin B and D were very low. Come to find out it takes a certain amount of stomach acid to get those vitamins from your food. So I weaned myself off the Prilosec and instead just got more aware of my triggers so I know what not to eat and how much I should eat at any given time to not be gurgling acid. That was about 5 years ago or so. I highly recommend getting off the acid reducers for those that can.

Outside of that my cholesterol stays just at the border of the Doc harassing me to take stuff. So far he just says, keep doing what you are doing.

I run 3 miles daily and walk as much as I have time to.
I eat 90% of the things my grandparents would recognize. My DW and I got rid of most of the processed foods from our pantry. We now shop mainly the outside edges of the grocery store.
We took milk out of our diet and limit the cheese intake.....well....I dont know who well I really do there. I love cheese!!
I keep the adult beverages to 1 to 2 a day or none at all some days. I've thought about decreasing that some and giving my liver a break at least 3 days a week.

The only bad thing is that I'm still w****ing at Mega-corp and that adds a ton of stress.
Try to walk 1.5-2 mi every weekday after lunch. And often on the weekend to if DW wants to. Have been totaling 10-12mi a week on a real variety of woodsy trails in parks and preserves in our tiny little town. Back in the winter had to use ice cleats on my hiking boots fairly often. Lost 10 lbs since FIRE last Jan and our 2 dogs love me (they might have lost weight too!).

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