What Obama's speech say about his leadership.

If it's Obama and McCain, then the debates will be the first worthwhile political TV to watch in many years........:)

Much better than "Rathergate" or "Swift Boats for Truth"........:(
Here's another tall drink water who is not to bad on the eyes
ABC News

Does anyone know what happened to Leonardo?


Wags, I may have been wrong about you........NOW you are bringing some good stuff to the table.........carry on! :D>:D

Eh, they've all stated privately they won't overturn the will of the people. Clinton aides says she has to catch up and pass Barack in popular vote to have a chance of swaying supers, and that's pretty darn near impossible. Something like 20 point landslides in every state here on out.
The banner above the video asked about legalizing prostitution. Ok, I'll sell my vote for a date with the Obama girl.
Eh, they've all stated privately they won't overturn the will of the people. Clinton aides says she has to catch up and pass Barack in popular vote to have a chance of swaying supers, and that's pretty darn near impossible. Something like 20 point landslides in every state here on out.

I listened to James Carville (sp) on CNN, I am pretty sure his definition of the popular vote would include Michigan and Florida (so what if Obama wasn't on the MI ballot).

The refusal of the Obama camp to allow revotes in MI and FL, will be the excuse the Clinton campaign needs justify anything.
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Yes context does matter. I'll admit that he Wright sounds more like a traditional liberal pacifist preacher than American hater in the 9/11 speech. Still turning the other cheek which is what I think he is proposing is not the response I want from a President after 9/11.

Still you can't just blame Fox, CNN, MSBNC and the networks failed to show or even suggest that the clips being shown were really taken out of context.

Thank god for the internet.
When the news media and those who do not like Mr. Obama use selective sound bites from the sermons to discredit Mr. Obama and Pastor Wright they do a great disservice to the truth and to the spirit of fair play.

I too believe that their is nothing wrong with Pastor Wright.:angel:

Today Ms. Clinton and her people brought up Mr. Obama's continued relationship with Pastor Wright and with Trinity United Church in order to take the focus away from her Bosnia under sniper fire remarks.

A CBS News article shows that Ms. Clinton has referred to the Bosnia sniper remarks more then once. Thus her campaigns attempts to put the focus on Mr. Obama and Pastor Wright are now clear.

New CBS Video Contradicts Clinton Again, Admits She Misspoke About 1996 Bosnia Trip; Mentioned It In Iowa, Texas And Also Last Week - CBS News

Thanks for the videos on the sermons. I hope that people will listen to them before they pass judgement on Pastor Wright and Mr. Obama.

Eh, they've all stated privately they won't overturn the will of the people. Clinton aides says she has to catch up and pass Barack in popular vote to have a chance of swaying supers, and that's pretty darn near impossible. Something like 20 point landslides in every state here on out.
"The will of the people" is a phrase that can be interpreted many different ways. I'm confident that each campaign will define it such that it favors them.
And many of Obama's staunchest defenders (white & black) will defend him "in any event simply because he is a black man" ?
Who said anything about race?

IMO, stepping back to Carter politics (pacification, inaction, hand-wringing) is not a good direction for the country.
Reverend Wright's full video

But um, I suspect that folks who watch the entirety of the videos (not just the soothing first couple of minutes) will not come away with a feeling that "there's nothing wrong with Reverend Wright."

After condemning the hijackers for attacking unarmed civilians, he expands on all of the "terrorist" acts (he calls them that) that the U.S. has been involved in, including Hiroshima, for example. He clarifies how the terrible description of enemies in Scriptures, which apply to the hijackers, equally apply to us...and thus "the chickens have come home to roost". So no, I would say that most people would not have their discomfort alleviated by watching these expanded clips.

However, I will say this: It was nice to see the Reverend speaking in more "muted" tones in some portions of the expanded video. And I looked at some other Wright clips on YouTube and can see that he has a lovely singing voice, and is obviously capable of very nice sermons. Like here's one on advice for adolescents, for example:
YouTube - P1 of 5-Advice To Adolescents-Rev. Jeremiah Wright

I'd wondered why Trinity hadn't pushed the expanded "angry" sermons to be shown on main stream media, and now I see why. They would have been better off showing sermons like the one I linked to here, to show the Reverend's "other side".

I'm still not sure if this changes my view of Obama's participation in that church, but I admit it has softened my reactions.
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Im not buying the whole Obama went to church with this pastor and didn't agree with the message. Guess in the end thats why we get a vote isn't it :eek:
It was kind of a mixed bag for me. I understand much of where the pastor is coming from, and it was valuable to hear the overall context, but I am bothered by a general tone of 'victim-ism' that comes across in his sermons.

No question, blacks have been victimized. But I don't see the value of too much dwelling on it. Acknowledge it, yes. But then move on and think positive - how to move forward. The people that I know that have overcome obstacles have not dwelled on them, they concentrate on moving forward.

I guess it's all a matter of degree, but it seemed a bit over the top for me. Maybe I would feel differently if I were black, but there seemed to be just a bit too much 'negative energy' there.

It was kind of a mixed bag for me. I understand much of where the pastor is coming from, and it was valuable to hear the overall context, but I am bothered by a general tone of 'victim-ism' that comes across in his sermons.

No question, blacks have been victimized. But I don't see the value of too much dwelling on it. Acknowledge it, yes. But then move on and think positive - how to move forward. The people that I know that have overcome obstacles have not dwelled on them, they concentrate on moving forward.

I guess it's all a matter of degree, but it seemed a bit over the top for me. Maybe I would feel differently if I were black, but there seemed to be just a bit too much 'negative energy' there.


I think you will find a lot of very liberal people of all colors who agree with you - as many people have been trying to say - including Obama - it's a generation thing.

now let's all move on...:angel:
No question, blacks have been victimized. But I don't see the value of too much dwelling on it. Acknowledge it, yes. But then move on and think positive - how to move forward. The people that I know that have overcome obstacles have not dwelled on them, they concentrate on moving forward.

I guess it's all a matter of degree, but it seemed a bit over the top for me. Maybe I would feel differently if I were black, but there seemed to be just a bit too much 'negative energy' there.


Yes, it's all a matter of perspective and if you were black, I think you would feel differently. Consider this most recent study. Whites Underestmate The Costs Of Being Black, Study Finds
Yes, it's all a matter of perspective and if you were black, I think you would feel differently. Consider this most recent study. Whites Underestmate The Costs Of Being Black, Study Finds

OK, I read the article - For me personally, it is not so much a matter of underestimating the 'cost of being black', but whether dwelling on it is the best route to overcoming it. I thought there was a touch too much 'dwelling' in those sermons.

So don't ignore the past, or deny it, or sweep it under the rug. But don't waste too much energy on it either. What is done is done (that sounds trite when I type it - I don't mean it that way), it is the past, figure out your next move.

An analogy relevant to investing: I've made some really bad investments in the past. It didn't help to just get mad, blame the lousy, no good CEO for tanking the stock or whatever, or give up; but it did help me to learn from it, and plan my next moves.

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Ah yes, this is just a "feeling" those white folks have - all we need to do is sit those misguided typical white people down & explain to them how guilty they are so they won't have that "feeling" anymore. Maybe have them watch a lot of Rev Wright videos & not let them go to the bathroom till they are cleared of that misperception. :)

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