What was your happiest moment today?

This is an odd one, but my happiest moment was that I was able to drive away, slowly, from an ice related multiple car accident on the I 70 between St Louis and Columbia, MO.

Slid out of control, was able to counter steer but was hit by another sliding vehicle. The most important part was that my dog was safe in her Gunner crate and is fine also. It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever experienced. But We are ok.

So glad you are okay !
Sam, my trusty therapy dog (Goldie) and I visited a memory care unit and a gentleman asked us to visit with his wife, a resident. She can no longer speak but loved petting the dog and smiled the whole time. The husband fought back tears and thanked us profusely.

Two days a week Sam and I visit nursing home facilities and every single week, something happens that fills my soul until it spills over. And these are among my happiest moments.

I LOVE this! GREAT job, Blueskyk, and I'm glad this is bringing you so much happiness. Bringing love and joy to others - seems to me that's such a huge part of what life is all about. And to have more time to do this? Doesn't seem as though it can get much better than that.
My two happiest moments today:

1) My lovely lady (DW) telling the contractor how much she enjoys our new retirement home, with all the wood, features, etc. I bought the house more for her than for myself, and hearing her say that brought me such a warm smile inside.

2) The plumber telling me that the intro portion of his job (i.e. the under the cement floor re-laying of pipe) in my new basement bathroom is now complete. I don't feel we can really get out and start our retirement traveling until this bathroom is finished, and it's really coming along. :)
Did an aggressive cleaning of our toaster oven. When done, I switched it on, and it made buzzy noises and didn't work.

Set the dehumidifier in the bathroom to Mercury Desert and put the oven there for a few hours.

Happiest moment: I switched it on and it works again!
Happiest moment today: I had my routine doctor appointment, and was surprised and happy to find that my A1C went down! Also he said all my other test results (except blood sugar and weight) were fine, and my weight was down a couple of pounds which I suppose was better than not. I asked him if it was unreasonable for me to hope to live until my 90's, and he said that was very possible or even likely. :D

Oh, and then this afternoon I was telling F about my doctor visit, and unexpectedly he said some of the most tender loving words imaginable to me, out of the blue and with complete sincerity. Blew me away!

So I would say that was by far the happiest moment for me, today. :dance: Sweet nothings on top of a great medical report = Icing on the cake.
Happiest moment today: I had my routine doctor appointment, and was surprised and happy to find that my A1C went down! Also he said all my other test results (except blood sugar and weight) were fine, and my weight was down a couple of pounds which I suppose was better than not. I asked him if it was unreasonable for me to hope to live until my 90's, and he said that was very possible or even likely. :D

Oh, and then this afternoon I was telling F about my doctor visit, and unexpectedly he said some of the most tender loving words imaginable to me, out of the blue and with complete sincerity. Blew me away!

So I would say that was by far the happiest moment for me, today. :dance: Sweet nothings on top of a great medical report = Icing on the cake.
Great news, good for you! I love when doctors tell you can live until 90. I had that "seriously:confused:" look on my face when my nephrologist (kidney specialist) told me that. My kidney function is pretty low, he said if it's stable and I take care of myself...low salt, sleep, drink lots of water and exercise...I could easily make it to 90. I'm also intermittent fasting.
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Talking to my 20 year old son about investing, his new job, and his plans to find an apartment in the near future....He doesn't usually say too much.
It's usually the simple things, at least for me.

Start of one of my last 4-day weekends (5 more to go!). Got up early, as usual, made coffee for me and her. Sat down in the big recliner with tablet and fresh coffee.

Lil dog jumps up and lays beside me (our favorite spot), puts head on my knee.
Happiest moment today: I had my routine doctor appointment, and was surprised and happy to find that my A1C went down! Also he said all my other test results (except blood sugar and weight) were fine, and my weight was down a couple of pounds which I suppose was better than not. I asked him if it was unreasonable for me to hope to live until my 90's, and he said that was very possible or even likely. :D

Oh, and then this afternoon I was telling F about my doctor visit, and unexpectedly he said some of the most tender loving words imaginable to me, out of the blue and with complete sincerity. Blew me away!

So I would say that was by far the happiest moment for me, today. :dance: Sweet nothings on top of a great medical report = Icing on the cake.

Great to hear. You already stated you are living to 116, so no worries.:D
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Spoke to my son for the first time in 7 months. He will be coming down for my 60th party next month, after I volunteered to pay for all his costs.
Still all in all a wonderful 3 hours on the phone and perhaps can continue on a regular basis.
Clean bill of health from the colonoscopy. Don't have to go back for ten years. Previously it was every five. Woo Hoo!
playing with the new collie pup


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Woke up. Coffee. Walk to beach restaurant. Eat breakfast. Drink margarita. Swim in the ocean. Walk back to rental villa. Change to workout clothes and walk to town and have beer and tequila shot. Walk farther and have another beer. Cab back and jump in the pool. After swimming have another beer. Sit under the palapa and write this happy moment story.
Bike ride. Hadn't gotten a chance to do it for a week, but the weather finally cooperated. Felt better afterwards. I missed it.
Closed on our old house at 10 AM. Unloaded that money pit (FWIW, any house is a money pit).

Happily staring at the six figure sum that just got wired to our checking account.

Mongo like numbers with lots of zeros.
I know it might be unpopular around here, but I’m at work on a Saturday, and feeling really happy. I’m picking up some extra money to get a little closer to FI, I’ve caught up on a bunch of paperwork, cleaned out my work backpack, and my morning coffee is especially good today. I even arrived in a clean car (not common in the Midwest in January). I even have a minute to read this thread!

The pleasures are small, but I’m grateful for each one!
Looked at my projected SS benefit. I'll turn 63 in a couple weeks and wanted to refresh my memory. I'm planning on waiting to at least my FRA at 66.5, probably age 70 to allow for some Roth conversions. Happy to see I'm almost at the maximum of the current benefit. I guess unwillingly maxing out my contribution for ~20 years helped my average. [emoji26]
playing with the new collie pup

Cute puppy, that would definitely make me happy too!

Today is a sunny morning, and dear GS is here, having waffles with Grandpa and Grandma.
Just resting with my dog, petting him. He makes this sound when he's happy, a quiet sort of rrrrr, like a dog's version of a cat's purr. We were listening to "chill out" music and just relaxing. It was very nice.

It occurred to me today that although others may find my life boring, I find it peaceful.
Heading off to go visit DD and DGS, 4 months old. Love that little guy!

Then off to a local fish market to buy some fresh Tuna steaks for dinner--Yum! We recently discovered this little market on a back corner of a small town nearby on one of our Sunday drives. Have had fresh Salmon, Halibut, and Crab so far. The original owners great grandson served us and told us the market has been there over 100 years. Makes me happy to see family businesses survive.
Took DW in to get the stitches removed from her ablation. She is in no pain, and the dark cloud of AFib that hung over her head is gone.
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