What was Your Workout Today?

Congrats on the weight loss! I start P90X today and am looking forward to it. I just finished RevAbs and it was OK but I am looking for something more challenging. I am trying not to lose weight, gain some muscle, and drop some body fat. I'm 15% body fat right now, we'll see how P90X goes.

Thanks, you may find that the P90X, at least after the first couple of weeks is not vigorous enough for you. I would say that it is an excellent way to lose weight and get fit but probably not the best way to build muscle. At this point I would be very happy to not lose any more weight and instead gain muscle. Going forward I am going to put extra time into the resistance part of the P90X program and a little less into the cardio part of it. I suspect that at age 60 this is going to take a lot of work over time.
5 hour brew session involving lots of heavy lifting and trips up and down the stairs. Tired now. Still have dinner and bread to make (spent grain bread is a brew day tradition) and flying solo on the kids tonight.
Running about 4 miles a day .. Will be picking up the pace next week with more swimming and Bicycling... Weight is down 70 pounds in 7 months I feel fantastic !
Thanks, you may find that the P90X, at least after the first couple of weeks is not vigorous enough for you. I would say that it is an excellent way to lose weight and get fit but probably not the best way to build muscle. At this point I would be very happy to not lose any more weight and instead gain muscle. Going forward I am going to put extra time into the resistance part of the P90X program and a little less into the cardio part of it. I suspect that at age 60 this is going to take a lot of work over time.

Day 1 of P90X kicked my butt today! I definitely suck at pullups. Oh well, something to work on I guess.
Day 1 of P90X kicked my butt today! I definitely suck at pullups. Oh well, something to work on I guess.

When I started P90X I could only do three of them. After first 90 days I was up to 12. I am now up to 18. My goal is to be able to do 25 of them by this summer.
Did a 1 mile swim and a 3.5 mile run this morning.. Yesterday did 1 mile in the pool thne 50 miles on the bike... Thinking of doing the half ironman distances one day next week to see how it feels... I think I am getting near the point where I may be able to compete in one. Will report in next week to say how it goes. Distances are 1.2 mile swim 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run... It's the run that scares me..
Half marathon (13.1m/21.1k) on the treadmill this morning. Bored out of my everloving mind. We had half a foot of snow yesterday though, so no choice. Feel quite good now that its over. More mental training than anything. Longest I've run since my last half race all the way back in October.
Goodness, Koogie, I get bored out of my mind on the dreadmill with just a 3 miler! I did a 10 miler on a treadmill during a business trip to Indonesia last year, with a very good treadmill at the hotel, and a good movie to watch. But without something to keep my mind occupied, I just can't do it.

I've had a pretty bad week as far as exercise goes. I ran 4 days in a row last week and ended up with sore shins. So early this week I was limited to walking. Then I tried to catch up on my running mileage...stupid move, sore again. I guess it's time to back off to no more than 4x per week and no more than two runs in a row for a few weeks.

Our shipment from Japan arrives this week. That will give me a lot of exercise.

I have had a 225 lb free weight bench press as a goal for several years, but gave up on it when I plateaued out at 215 lb quite a while ago. Generally, I max out my BPs at 195 which is approximately my body weight.

Well, last week I changed up my typical 5x5 routine and started doing 7-5-3-1 whereby you progressively increase the weight and I hit 215 for 3 reps (didn't try to push going for 225). This morning went through the same routine and at long last got 1 rep at 225.

Next goal will be 225 for 5 reps, but that may take a while. BPs are a bit hard for me as my upper body is not that big and I have long arms, which isn't the best physique for benching.
Swam 26 laps in 41 minutes. That's 1.3 KM or .8 mile.

No wonder I'm tired.

I have had a 225 lb free weight bench press as a goal for several years, but gave up on it when I plateaued out at 215 lb quite a while ago. Generally, I max out my BPs at 195 which is approximately my body weight.

Well, last week I changed up my typical 5x5 routine and started doing 7-5-3-1 whereby you progressively increase the weight and I hit 215 for 3 reps (didn't try to push going for 225). This morning went through the same routine and at long last got 1 rep at 225.

Next goal will be 225 for 5 reps, but that may take a while. BPs are a bit hard for me as my upper body is not that big and I have long arms, which isn't the best physique for benching.

Congratulations, DFW_M5!!

That's what I love about weight lifting. If we just keep at it, and patiently keep lifting what we can reasonably lift, and maybe shake things up a little now and then, eventually somehow we find we can lift a little more. That is a great feeling, to me.
Finally got my new treadmill . Disassembled the old one and hauled it out of the basement. Stored the new one in the garage overnight and dollied it down the back slope to the basement door. Hauling the old one up and the new one down has been enough of a workout today. Now to put it together.
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Cut and split half a cord of wood over about 2 hours. Some of the bigger logs took a LOT of full effort whacks with the sledge hammer.

Tommorow is a hunting trip.
Watched two hours of figure skating.:D
Our shipment arrived from Japan. My spinning bike is finally here, out on the covered patio...went out for a 30 min spin. Took the new pup on a 1 mile walk. Then worked on boxes. We cleared about 30 or 35 of them. Decided the weather was too nice not to go for a run...went 3 miles, walked one more to cool down. Had some OJ to recover. Decided it was too nice not to try out my bike that has been sitting in the garage waiting for me...took her for a quick 3 miler. This was yesterday. Today I am feeling the effects. Only 15 more boxes today. 200 to go...my back is going to hate me forever.

Into a pretty good routine now.. 2 miles in the pool every morning 3.5 mile run every day and a 50 mile bike ride every third day...
Great thread. Looking forward to participating. Just did a 3 mile walk today as an "off day" enjoyable way to burn a few calories. Really enjoyed the warm, sunny day!

DW and I typically do Crossfit (CF) workouts at home or utilizing community park equipment. We really love it and have benefitted from some very rewarding results.

I was sad to read some prior CF threads/posts on this site. Sounds like some folks have negative impressions and maybe even some questionable sources of info. I can only share my experience, excitement, and appreciation for the program. Haven't seen tomorrow's WOD yet (workout of the day) but will let you know how it goes.
Took the dog for 3 walks. Total of just over an hour. The pace was pretty slow because somebody likes to stop and smell EVERYTHING. Rode 7.7 miles on my bike in 30 minutes. Later in the day did an hour of P90X Plyometrics.
Been a treadmill fiend again for the last week. Really, it's because I'm finding myself to wimpy to run outside this winter. I've determined that my personal comfort level is -4 deg C. (39F) Anything colder and I don't bother. So far this winter most days have been way colder (at 6 am anyway).
1.75hr on Sunday, 0.75hr Monday, 1hrTuesday, 0.75hr this morning. Either I'm getting used to the monotony or developing "mental strength" Probably the former. ha
Another beautiful day here in the heartland.
Did 3 rounds of the following circuit for time:

5 back squats w/ 135#
5 cleans w/ 135#
10 twenty inch box jumps
15 supine rows with TRX Straps

This ended up being harder than I thought. Took 15:15 to get through 3 sets.
Guess I found some stuff to work on!

Finished things up with a 3 mile walk.

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