What's everyone doing for fun?


Recycles dryer sheets
Aug 14, 2006
The Fall is definitely here in the deep south and I can't enjoy enough the colorful trees and plants, to me taking a drive in the country side in this 65/70 degree weather would be one of life's simple pleasure. What is it like where you live and what are you doing for fun?

You must be south of central Virginia where it's hanging around 50 -55 degF.

On Saturday we escaped the turmoil of having the roof replaced & drove on the Blue Ridge Pkwy for a while. It was a flawless day of cool air, warm sun, & we without doubt hit the very peak of the foliage display. We stopped at an overlook to stretch our legs; took a trail that the sign said was a mile, but that was not back to the pkwy but to the next trail segment. Three hours & x miles later (only sorta knowing where we were), we made it back to the car, tired but in a good way. Got back home before 5 pm, the roofers were packing up, and after cleaning up & deciding on dinner, it was cocktail hour.

An excellent day.
Mach1 said:
The Fall is definitely here in the deep south and I can't enjoy enough the colorful trees and plants, to me taking a drive in the country side in this 65/70 degree weather would be one of life's simple pleasure. What is it like where you live and what are you doing for fun?


Deep south here too. What do I do for fun? I'll give you one guess. :)
Heading for PA Amish Country for a few days starting tomorrow. My first real (albeit brief) shot at vacation since Feb.
Bobot, Alabama but it's no comparision to Virginia.

Dog52, Doing a birdie?

Brewer, Sounds interesting. Please write about it.
Fishing and boating and getting ready for MOTS in Texas (soon I hope).

A few years ago I'd have answered "sex and motorcycles".
Time does march on. :)

Here's it's rainy.. last week cool & wet (50s), but now it's a bit warmer (60s), though still wet. We have been taking yoga and ballroom dance classes and on the weekends we try to hit a "sagra" (a type of country fair/church supper featuring seasonal local products). Last week was the "sagra" of the fresh Porcini Mushrooms & Castagne (chestnuts) in Vivo d'Orcia. Menu: polenta (cooked cornmeal) with funghi porcini, zuppa di funghi porcini, and a couple of other choices. For a second dish, grilled funghi porcini, fried funghi porcini (the best... HEAVEN) and if you still want more you can get a pork chop. Roasted chestnuts cooked on open fires just to snack on. Desserts were chestnut flour flatbread with raisins, pinenuts and rosemary, "baci" di castagne with chestnut preserves between two pieces of sponge cake with coconut, and Monte Bianco (sweetened chestnut paste with whipped cream). Crazy oom-pah band with accordion and electric violin playing your favorite mazurkas. Top it off with a nice grappa and you're good to go!
Drinking! Beer some nights scotch some evenings tequila on weekends, wine with meals, Good God I gotta be done with this newark teaching thing soon or I might become an alcoholic staying here at my sisters house in Jersey while my wife enjoys our brand new home in the south!
Cold, windy and snowing off and on. And dark too.

I went to work for a few hours--bunch of convoluted problems to work on that I really don't want to work on.

Screwed up one of Justin's posts.

Greg picked me up from work. We went to home depot and then he remembered that he meant to go to Menards. He made me stop at the grocery store afterwords, even though I was tired of walking around in my work shoes.

Ate too much supper. Bought a scale at Menards. Didn't like the results.

Basically a sh!tty day but the food was good.
We had a Santa Ana high pressure thing going on yesterday and it was really hot. It got up to 94 yesterday. It has cooled down considerably to be a comfortable 80 or so today.

As for what I'm doing. I just took a break to get some Fritos flaver twist chips and I'll top it off with a diet Dr. Pepper. Ah yes - 2006 - a good year !

Add in the florescent lights and the hum of the computer fan...
Man, It doesn't get much better than this. ;)
Took the day off for a 9am dr appt, spent the rest of the day enjoying the October weather in NE and just puttering around the yard/house. Now we are both in our relaxing clothes, I'm here at the computer and he's in front of his "monitor".
Martha said:
Cold, windy and snowing off and on. And dark too.

I went to work for a few hours--bunch of convoluted problems to work on that I really don't want to work on.

Screwed up one of Justin's posts.

Greg picked me up from work. We went to home depot and then he remembered that he meant to go to Menards. He made me stop at the grocery store afterwords, even though I was tired of walking around in my work shoes.

Ate too much supper. Bought a scale at Menards. Didn't like the results.

Basically a sh!tty day but the food was good.

"Always look on the bright side of your life"
Jack Nicholson in 'As Good as it Gets'.

Mach1 said:
What is it like where you live and what are you doing for fun?
The mercury's been dipping down all the way to the low 70s at night and we've started shutting all the bedroom windows. In a couple months it'll be time to get out the stepladder to close the one in the stairwell. The solar water heater's barely making it up to 125 degrees these days (instead of 150) so I also need to put the second solar water panel back on service. It's almost time to get out the short-sleeve t-shirts and to put away the tank tops for a few months.

We've been making the most of the late-season south swell but the water is also down in the low 70s. It bites for the first few minutes; most of us are shivering and out of the surf by the two-hour mark...

The winter rains will start next month so I'll transplant some bougainvillea down the hill. The yellow oleander is taking off nicely and the second-generation seedlings are going to sprout like crazy with all the water they'll be getting. By next spring there'll only be half the grass to weedwhack, and in the next five years I hope to be done with that part of the hillside.
It's Fall in the Sonoran desert. With temperatures dipping into the 60's at night, the rattlesnakes are moving slower and the scorpions are trying to get in the house. :)

It's a great time for hiking and camping outings close to home. I had to retreat from a bison kill site excavation in South Dakota a few weeks ago because of a terrible snow storm. Since then I've kept my outings close to home (Los Angeles, Sedona, Tucson). Next week I head out for a couple of weeks to visit Carlsbad, Roswell and San Antonio.

In December, I'm planning on a trip to Munich and one to visit family in Illinois.

I love retirement. :) :) :)
ladelfina said:
Here's it's rainy.. last week cool & wet (50s), but now it's a bit warmer (60s), though still wet. We have been taking yoga and ballroom dance classes and on the weekends we try to hit a "sagra" (a type of country fair/church supper featuring seasonal local products). Last week was the "sagra" of the fresh Porcini Mushrooms & Castagne (chestnuts) in Vivo d'Orcia. Menu: polenta (cooked cornmeal) with funghi porcini, zuppa di funghi porcini, and a couple of other choices. For a second dish, grilled funghi porcini, fried funghi porcini (the best... HEAVEN) and if you still want more you can get a pork chop. Roasted chestnuts cooked on open fires just to snack on. Desserts were chestnut flour flatbread with raisins, pinenuts and rosemary, "baci" di castagne with chestnut preserves between two pieces of sponge cake with coconut, and Monte Bianco (sweetened chestnut paste with whipped cream). Crazy oom-pah band with accordion and electric violin playing your favorite mazurkas. Top it off with a nice grappa and you're good to go!

Oh, you're killing me! We've GOT to get back to Italy.

The NYT had this
today; what do you think about her comments ranking the two regions?
Got back from a driving trip to Coeur d'Alene and then to the Wine Festival in Oliver BC (Okanagan). Weather around 70 and sunny. Peak colour in some parts of the mountains but not in the towns yet. Several outdoor picnics.

Doing portfolio rebalancing now. And processing the pictures for another album on webshots.
Outtahere said:
Took the day off for a 9am dr appt, spent the rest of the day enjoying the October weather in NE and just puttering around the yard/house. Now we are both in our relaxing clothes, I'm here at the computer and he's in front of his "monitor".

Does NE mean the state of Nebraska? Because Saturday was a horrible day........ :D
Fly fishing in NW AR a few weeks ago.
Canoe trip on the Mississippi a couple of weekends from now.
We had a great canoe trip on the MS last Fall during a half moon.
Found a giant pile of debris on a big sand bar. The largest bonfire I have ever seen.
Looking forward to retirement in the next two years so fun activities will not be limited to weekends.
Just spent a few days hiking in the national forests. In the forties, cloudy yesterday, but nicely sunny today. Both days were great. Love hiking outdoors and then getting inside when its cooler/wetter a night and enjoying pan fried walleye (one of my favorites) and a craft brewed american pale ale. We're happy! :) :) :)
We are getting excited about our first crusie. there are nine of us going. Something new. Just to explore that ship will keep me occupied. Can't wait.
kowski said:
We are getting excited about our first crusie.
Go to cruisecritic.com and then you can cruise like a pro. They even provide an onboard party where you can meet your online friends!

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