What's on your bucket list?


Recycles dryer sheets
May 12, 2011
So far, mine has 100 things on it, 99 of which start with the words "Go To"....Istanbul, Egypt, Africa, the Marquesas, the Seychelles, Newfoundland, etc.

#100 was paint the condo (which I just finished)

What are your bucket list items?
I am going to climb Mt. Rainier this summer. I have trouble juggling 100 goals in my mind so I'll just go with one for now.:D
I have a short list as it is edited annually. So, my bucket list is for one year at a time - find it easier to control. This year's list is :
1. Complete my Mandarin language course which I signed up with a school - done and now continuing learning by myself.
2. Do my cataract surgery - done last month
3. A one week family holiday in China with parents and siblings - done in March
4. Take a golf holiday in North island of New Zealand - done in Feb
5. Learn French - to do
6. Travel to one country in Europe - all planned for July/August
7. Learn how to bake - to do
8. Take a golf holiday in Scotland - I think this will be transferred to next year's bucket list.
9. Re-visit and assess my insurance policies and make changes - done.
10. Take up a couse in wine appreciation - I decided not to do a formal class but rather read up and attend more wine tasting gatherings.
Haven't yet been to Newfoundland or the Marquesas, but the others have already been checked off, and Newfoundland is definitely on the list.
I really thought about a list last year and started working on it
1- Alaska - done
2- Taking Grandson to Walt Disney world - in progress
3- Italy - next year
4- Savannah - September
As I come up with ideas I just add them . I also have a project list that keeps me motivated but it's not a bucket list . On my list last year was learn to make good pizza and after a few failures I did succeed .
Same subject covered in thread Hows your bucket list coming?

which has the note: This Thread is more than 212 days old. It is very likely that it does not need any further discussion and thus bumping it serves no purpose.

Well, now that that's settled

On my list is to take a long bike tour which we will do this summer, 400 miles all planned and we are training for it.
Learning Yoga and I went to a great Yoga center and am having a blast.
Going to Belize and Cozumel which is planned for next year.
I am going to get scuba certified this fall before going to Belize and Cozumel.
Making plans to go to Prague, still in the early stages.
Brush up on my French which I have allowed to get rusty.
Read more books than I did last year (128). So far so good.
Expand my vegetable garden by 25% a year until I grow almost all my own vegetables, have increased the size this year and it is planted.
Build a cedar strip fishing boat
Tour breweries in Germany
Hike some 14ers
Ride ragbrai again
Road trip through every state
Learn photography
From the earlier thread,

W2R said:
I am happy and achieving my goals at a reasonable pace. I feel satisfied and content with my life.

For some reason, I don't need anything more than that. If I were to die today, I'd feel serene and fulfilled (although I'd really rather stick around for a few more decades just because life has been so much fun since ER).

I wouldn't be thinking, "If ONLY I had done xyz before I died!" I know I said I'd like to see the Smithsonian sometime, but really it's just another museum (albeit a huge and interesting one). I wouldn't feel gypped if I never got around to going there. On the other hand, it might be fun to do sometime.

Oddly, I feel the same way today as I did seven months ago, except that I have lost much of my interest in going to the Smithsonian. I am happy and content. There is much that I want to do in life, but nothing that I feel I simply have to do before I expire.
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ER in a couple years or at least take a couple years off and see what it will be like. I'm 40 & wife is 46.
#1 - ER in early 2013. I was hoping for early 2012 but for one reason or another, it looks like I will have to serve "one more year" in the office

#2 - I signed up for the slightly cheesy Domino Project's Trust 30 Ralph Waldo Emerson. After doing the first exercise, I realised that not finishing the novel I started in the late 1990s was likely to my biggest regret - it's now moved to #2 on my Bucket List.
From the earlier thread,

Oddly, I feel the same way today as I did seven months ago, except that I have lost much of my interest in going to the Smithsonian. I am happy and content. There is much that I want to do in life, but nothing that I feel I simply have to do before I expire.
Since the parents live in the Washington Metro area and my mom worked there, I always go when I visit. Well worth it, there is always something interesting there. And it is free to get in.
Same subject covered in thread Hows your bucket list coming?

which has the note: This Thread is more than 212 days old. It is very likely that it does not need any further discussion and thus bumping it serves no purpose.

Well, now that that's settled
Of course. What was I thinking? Human nature is obviously much different than 212 days ago so there can be no meaningful content connection between the threads. People's search skills have flourished so even if there was a content connection, there is no need for a link.
Quoting myself from the earlier thread.

  • Visit all the places on my 'Thailand To Do' list before the beginning of the next rainy season (I live in Thailand now.)
Two trips. Eight days in Chiang Mai. Joined a friend from America on the second half of his trip through Thailand. Headed to Isaan next week.

  • Get a decent camera, post images to photo critique sites, repeat until I stop learning.

Purchased a Canon S95. Big sensor for a pocket sized camera, fast lens, full manual control possible. High demand means retailers are asking full retail or more for this little wonder.

I've been posting photos and asking for feedback. The following were in response to a biweekly challenge to take a photo that fits the challenge guidelines. The thead subject contains the challenge title, between it and the photo one should be able to figure out the challenge. Listed in descending order of how much I like the images.

Backlighting - Squid Boat

Backlighting - Shirt

Bodies in Motion - 3 Liquids

Bodies in Motion - Fountains in the Wind

Fish out of Water - If Man Had Been Meant to Fly

The following were posted for feedback but were not in response to the biweekly challenge.

Wat Phra Singh in Chiang Mai

White statue against ornate background
Since the parents live in the Washington Metro area and my mom worked there, I always go when I visit. Well worth it, there is always something interesting there. And it is free to get in.

I will probably see the Smithsonian some day, and I think it would be fun. But, I don't feel like it is a necessity.
Here's a few:

  • Write a book, or two (editing the first, working on the second)

  • Take a swim in all four oceans (Atlantic and Pacific down, Arctic and Indian to go. Kept it at four, I know some say there are 5 or 6):rolleyes:

  • Visit all the Disney parks (2 down, 9 to go)

  • Go to a nude beach and go nude (done) :D

  • Drive Route 66 (not yet)

  • Cruise a river in a small boat for a few weeks (not yet)

  • Take a trip across the country in an RV (actually we plan to do this full time once the kids are out of the house):cool:
DW and I went to the Smithsonian a bunch of times when we were dating. I was severely "house poor" at the time and it's free. Take the Metro for a few bucks and lunch were the only expenses for a full day of stuff to do.

All together one could spend a week at those museums and still not have time to see everything.
Mine is kind of simple (it only has two entries):

1. Ensure that plans are in place (along with the finances to support the plan) for DW and my (disabled) son after I'm "dust".

2. Be happy, every day for the remainder of my life.

I'm lucky to report that I've completed my list. Anything after today is just "gravy" :rolleyes: ... Kind of the same feeling I had when I returned from Nam in '69.
  • Finalize a bucket list before I retire (1/12)
  • Downsize from the MacMansion
  • Road trips with DW to visit major sites in U.S., including attending games at all baseball stadiums we haven't been to
  • Shoot < 80 round of golf (not including pitch and putt)
  • Take a few college courses for enjoyment
  • Spend more time reading
  • Build a dedicated library room for DW (she is a librarian and loves books)
  • Get down to ~ 10% BF
  • Be around long enough to see grand kids (neither of our children are married as of yet)
  • Continue volunteering in my community
  • Learn to paint
  • Bump my Ham Radio License from General to Extra
  • Stop worring about do I have enough:ROFLMAO:
Working our way through the bucket list. Very personal so will not share it.

(Went throught the Smithsonian in 75. I guess there has been some stuff added since? Have done both Disneys several times. Plus all those other attractions. Cirque de Soleil Orlando was the last time.)
moemg....you might want to go to Savannah a little later in the year......september is still extremely hot, sticky, humid, mosqitoey! it has already been close to 100 here 30 min below Atlanta....boy this is going to be a LONG<HOT miserable summer if things continue the way the last couple of weeks have been. Does not make it any easier to deal with knowing that I could be pulling the plug on ER the end of September.......

only one thing on my bucket list:
visit all the state & national campgrounds in the good ole USA! so much beauty right here and I want to see as much of it as I can before I die.
My list mostly involves riding my bike. This summer I'll be riding my bike 850 miles around Iceland....so that will be one to take off the list.
Retired 1993 age 49. May have had a bucket list - briefly.

Since discovering this forum - I work as has hard as I can starting every morning to do nothing in particular.

To date I have not been successful. Sometimes catch myself making lists and when I finally summon the courage I tear them up.

heh heh heh - I have made verbal promises for more trips this year - West coast, East coast, New Orleans, - I have to watch talking on the phone. :greetings10:

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