Who out there consumes multiple media at the same time?


Full time employment: Posting here.
May 20, 2014
Occasionally I find myself surfing the web on my iMac while listening to a television show in the background, and also actively texting with a several people. At the same time!
Show of hands. Any other goofballs out there that do this? Or worse?
I don't literally do two things at once, but I'll be surfing/reading the 3 newspapers I subscribe to online, posting here or in a comments section, and listening to music. Sort of interleaving the activities.

oh, and working the NYT crossword and spelling bee puzzles as well.

suspect this is pretty normal for most people.
Yep, and I'm pretty sure it's normal. Podcasts also easy parallel media enjoyment.
I thought it is a skill that every single one of the millennials would have in this information exploding world.
Well, of course. I well surf the web, while watching TV (typically on my other monitor), perhaps texting or responding to email and playing a video game at the same time.

This is actually not good. Multi-tasking generally degrades performance. It is very clear to me that my game performance (playing a game where there is ranked performance) is lower than it should be because I split my attention too much.
Well, of course. I well surf the web, while watching TV (typically on my other monitor), perhaps texting or responding to email and playing a video game at the same time.

This is actually not good. Multi-tasking generally degrades performance. It is very clear to me that my game performance (playing a game where there is ranked performance) is lower than it should be because I split my attention too much.

Hey that's a great explanation of what causes degraded performance. May I use that to explain any future disappointments I may incur?
i do the same. my fav is using the IMDB app while “watching” the movie or show.
i do the same. my fav is using the IMDB app while “watching” the movie or show.

Arrgh. Gal puts a show on that she wants to watch, then spots an actor/actress and searches out what episode of what show they had green hair in and were a parent of the victim's girlfriend in that comedy with a cameo by Leonard Nimoy. While playing Words With Friends and texting an ongoing conversation and scheduling a winery get together dinner. And playing with the cat.

I watch the show she put on and explain why the split quarter holding the microSD is critical to the case. And fume when she wants to tell me all about what she learned about the actress/actor she investigated. during the show.

I ask how the peripheral information about the actor adds to the entertainment and why she isn't watching/being immersed in the show. Doesn't go over big.

She's just sharper than me. I prefer to drive while driving too.
i do the same. my fav is using the IMDB app while “watching” the movie or show.

Of course! Far better than spending the next hour with "who is that I know I've seen them somewhere..." in the back of your head.

Amazon Prime is great because you can just click to see the cast and bios right from viewing. I'm surprised Netflix doesn't do something similar.
Occasionally I find myself surfing the web on my iMac while listening to a television show in the background, and also actively texting with a several people. At the same time!
Show of hands. Any other goofballs out there that do this? Or worse?

Add knitting to that list and that's me! :LOL:
Sure, I’ll look up stuff while watching a show, although I almost always pause the show to look it up.

Don’t have TV on “in the background” because we only stream on demand. I don’t watch much streaming video anyway.

I swap between apps a whole lot on my iPad. Does that count?
Yep, that's me. I rarely have the TV on without my laptop going. If I miss something on TV I just rewind to pick up the dialog or football play or whatever. I also have a 3 TV setup in my man cave to watch 3 FB games at once. Usually I focus on one (the bigger screen) but during timeouts or other breaks I glance at the other screen. And still have my laptop open.
Yep, in fact right now . . .
Listen to the podcast of Handel On The Law while doing dishes :D

I occasionally post here or surf while "watching" TV. It really doesn't work for me. Some folks can multi-task. I was never much for that. Both tasks are done badly in my case. YMMV
I almost always concentrate on one thing at a time, get it done and then move on to the next.
I always have at least six books going at once on my Kindle. That lets me jump right into whatever I find most interesting at the moment. Since the majority of my reading is nonfiction, no real problems about losing the thread of a story plot.
I can barely concentrate on one thing at a time, much less multitask.

Oh look, something shiny!

Spit out my coffee--this is sooo my DD! When she was younger, we would be out shopping, talking and walking, pretty soon I realize she is no longer next to me. Yep, stopped by something sparkling!

I, too, prefer to concentrate on one thing at a time. And yet, I had to deal with disruptions constantly in my work world. Go figure. So glad I am retired!
Hey that's a great explanation of what causes degraded performance. May I use that to explain any future disappointments I may incur?

Be my guest. Of course, this only works if you perform much better when your attention is not split....
If a friend texts me while I'm streaming a show, I'll usually text them back. Quite often they are texting me to recommend a show or movie to stream! :D

I have been known to "flip over" to the IMDB website while streaming a show, to look up a cast member, etc.

Generally speaking I concentrate on one activity at a time. For example, if I am reading a book, I need absolute silence. I can't even have the radio playing softly in the background.
If a friend texts me while I'm streaming a show, I'll usually text them back...

back in '16 when the Cubs were in the World Series a buddy and I, who was in another city, were texting back and forth during the game. we did the same thing during the playoffs. made "watching the game together" more fun. he and his wife and my wife and I were in the same living room for game 7.

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