Why not drive a Tesla?

Part of the appeal of a Tesla or any distinctive, expensive car is the fact that it makes a statement. Similar to the way people prefer the distinctive styling of a Prius over, say, a Camry hybrid.

Yeah, that's a good point. I guess my problem is that I really don't have a statement to make.
Yeah, that's a good point. I guess my problem is that I really don't have a statement to make.
My statement is that I don't really give a damn what anyone else thinks. :LOL:
My statement is that I don't really give a damn what anyone else thinks. :LOL:


Yeah, at my age I really don't give a hoot about that as long as I have comfortable, reliable transportation from point A to point B, in a car that will let me do the driving. Not a fan of driverless cars either although that's a topic for another thread.
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I never really set out to save the planet or anything, the tesla is just an amazing machine.

I'm an engineer and love the technology. The car opens the garage in the morning and drives itself in the driveway. It checks my calendar and texts me when I have to leave for work

Never been one to flaunt a expensive car

Was scared to death in getting an electric car, now I wouldn't buy anything but one
I never really set out to save the planet or anything, the tesla is just an amazing machine.

I'm an engineer and love the technology. The car opens the garage in the morning and drives itself in the driveway. It checks my calendar and texts me when I have to leave for work

Never been one to flaunt a expensive car

Was scared to death in getting an electric car, now I wouldn't buy anything but one

I can't imagine being scared to death to buy a car. And, the last thing I want in a car is one that would "open the garage in the morning and drive itself in the driveway", "check my calendar and text me when I have to leave for work". That sounds like having a nagging spouse, to me. But then people are different and I do appreciate that you love your Tesla! I am glad and hope you have many more years of driving the car you like. :) You are lucky that you have found the car you like. I just haven't,, unfortunately.
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I've not test driven a Tesla but I think that if I did then I'd totally want one. Range is not an issue since where we live coast to coast is only 100 miles.
Although I think the Model S is beautiful, we live in a high-cost area, so they are popping up everywhere and getting too common.
Such a fine vehicle! We've only ridden in one and it was a taxi (sedan) from the airport to Paris, a good long ride with lots of different driving scenarios. We were so impressed! Amazing performance and ride.

Until recently it was not an option here, as there weren't any charging stations to get in and out of the Valley. We're geographically isolated. But now there are, and a few weeks ago we saw our first Tesla down here.

This is DH's fantasy.

Hmmmm - maybe Musk personally something to do with the infrastructure finally appearing. He is building that SpaceX launch facility down here.....
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My one question is how do they provide cabin heat in an electric car? Obviously it is electric heat, but that would certainly drain the battery even more. Or is the drain similar to the A/C use?
Just had my Honda dealer put a hold on the new Clarity plug-in hybrid that will be arriving in the fall. More than enough electric only range to get to work and back, true 5 passenger seating (larger than the Volt) and not ridiculously expensive. I can afford a Tesla (I already have a $90,000 car) but don't love the price, style and limited range. The Clarity has a 330 mile combined range and can be driven all day on gas only at 42 mpg if desired.
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The tesla does use electric feat in the winter. Also the range is slightly less due to the innefficiency of the cold batteries.

In the summer the range is higher due heated batteries. The air conditioner uses about 1 mile per hour of range and the there is no motor to run. There are people that drive around the country and camp in them

Range is never an issue. I rarely drive over 275 miles per day and when I do there are superchargers all over the country

See the tesla website under charging and they show you where they are They are doubling the number in 2017.

The best part is they are free for life
The best part is they are free for life

I don't see that on the tesla website:
Below are additional program details which apply to Model S and X under the Supercharger program.
  • 400 kWh (~1,000 miles) of Supercharger credits are awarded annually.
  • For usage above the complimentary annual credits provided, a small fee applies.
Around here they say:
$0.16 per minute above 60 kW
$0.08 per minute at or below 60 kW

So, not expensive, but not free. I understand it was free in the beginning, but that changed.
I love the idea of an electric car.

But cost is always an issue. Some day, when there is more competition and the prices reflect that fact, I'll seriously consider it.

By that time, self-driving cars may be the norm anyway...
Free for life for me due to when I bought it.

It's free for others until the end of the year as long as they are referred from another tesla owner

That chart shows how much it costs to charge from your home

Model 3 there will be approx 1000 miles free per year
If cost were no issue - in a second, yes. I've also ridden in one, you really can't imagine how amazing it is.

Charging access will only improve over time, and in a two car household, you have options.
Range is the main reason in my mind. Very minimal maintenance required which is a big plus in my book. I have a reservation for a Model 3.

All cars these days are low maintenance. I've had a Subaru for 10 years and other than replacing brakes, which a Tesla also has, it has only needed oil changes.

Also, I can refuel in 5 minutes as opposed to 30 or more.
Range. Get it to 500 miles/charge, OK - + the $$$.
I don't want to make Elon Musk any richer than he already is.

That is what my great grandpa said about that guy Edison and his new fangled flameless candle things. He was a gas light man through and through.

Range is never an issue. Every morning you leave with a full tank and I get 275 miles of range. There are superchargers everywhere and you get about 80 percent charge in about 40 minutes


Depends where you live, and how much you get off the interstates. Here in flyover country, the statement is not accurate (yet). Although, I'm surprised at how fast the country is being populated; the "yet" may be short lived.

For example, our 450 mile one-way trip to DW's folks house takes us within a few miles of one charging station when we cross an interstate (There is another one that is too close to our house to justify stopping during a road trip.). Looks like if we planned our trip around it and made a detour for a 40 minute stop on both legs of the trip, we'd be able to use the supercharger. OTOH, take a look at a map of the charging stations in oklahoma, Eastern Colorado, and western Kansas. Interactive Tesla Supercharger Map

Beautiful technology, and if price were no object, we'd have an "S" in our garage as the second car. As it is, I'll stick with my Honda Fit for the 450 mile (or longer) trips--at least for now.
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I would love to get one. But all my cars are running fine as it is. Our condo in Toronto doesn't have charging stations in our garage, so would have to put one in myself.
That is what my great grandpa said about that guy Edison and his new fangled flameless candle things. He was a gas light man through and through.

There's a huge difference between Edison and Musk...
Tesla's presently are a rich persons toy
Limited range and therefore usability
Limited service network

Beautiful engineering but too expensive for a little zoom, zoom eh?
Now a gold wing is a different story....
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My friend has one, it is one of the fastest cars I have driven. Even faster than a Porsche Turbo. But way to limited on distance to charge.

Talking about electrics, I always Joke with my Prius owning friends. My BMW 328d does 52 mpg on the highway, and does ~700 miles to a tank. Prius does 46. What would you rather drive?

IMHO other than the sense that you "May" be helping the environment, I do not think there is any reason to own an electric car.

I just wished VW had not messed up the Diesel Market. They are way more efficient in every way.
Prices are also coming down according to DH.

The newest model is supposed to be in the $30,000 range.

Battery prices, which is a huge part of the car cost, are also supposed to come down significantly in the next 5 years.

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