You're married now many years?

We were exactly the same ages and both still at university. My wife-to-be was due to be the first female EE graduate from this university and the head of the department called me into his office once he heard the news. With typical English middle class delicacy he tiptoed around want he wanted to say for a few minutes until I said, "NO, she is not pregnant, she will hopefully be graduating next year as planned. It is just an LBYM thing, it will be much cheaper as a married couple." In fact a good friend on the course also got married at the end of that year and the 4 of us rented a house for the final year.

That was 41 years ago, and we are still great friends with that couple we shared a house with, in fact they are coming down to spend a few days with us next weekend. (They live in Scotland these days)

38 years for us, I'm 58, DW's 57. We also got married while still at university and it WAS cheaper as a couple than two singles. However, I wouldn't recommend it as a cost reducing measure for students. :D

This thread and the "trophy wife" thread are an interesting pair - we both feel very fortunate in our relationship and we both have expressed concerns about our individual futures if/when one of us moves on. I'm not sure I can find someone else to put up with my quirks and she worries that she won't be able to find someone to take care of her. She also doesn't think that she can find someone to sing turn of the century (20th) Irish tunes to her.
I was 18 the first time I got married (3 years and 1 son), 2nd time ( 22 years and 2 more sons and he adopted my oldest), third marriage together 19 years and 14 of them married. After divorcing twice I was not in a big rush to do it again. 3rd time is the charm and very happy. My ex was just here with his wife to see my oldest son and we had 3 dinners together and they also are happy. Win-win!
"Only" 27 here , but hey- we both are just 48, have time to beat you all :)
It is wonderful to see all the long marriages listed here. Congratulations to you all.

We just completed 20 years.
41 years for us, and I have no idea where all that time went.
37 years/ ages 20/21 / horrified parents / years later 6 kiddos / date of honeymoon - still pending (but we would like that to be our first post-retirement trip).
She was 17 when I saw her for the 1st time and she set the hooks in me

She was barely 20 when we wed

35 years, 7 months, 24 days
I am still on the original model - 36 years and we also married young!
33 years, got married late cause it took me a long time to find a keeper.
All these "we got married young" comments make me think of my maternal grandmother who married my grandfather when she was 15 and he was 44. That was in '95*. It was his second marriage, her first. :)

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