Anyone notice "Osama" sounds like "Obama" ?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 3, 2002
IMHO, Obama (Illinois Senator) is way more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden. Not even close.

Mr._johngalt said:
IMHO, Obama (Illinois Senator) is way more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden. Not even close.


Is it because of the gun thing JG??
73ss454 said:
Is it because of the gun thing JG??

Partly. I see the guy as a far left socialist nut case. It's not racial.
I would vote for a goldang Martian if he (she?) was ultra-
conservative. I think bleeding heart libs are lower than pond scum
(except for Martha of course). :)

BTW, my "dream team" to run would be Clarence Thomas and Ann
Coulter. :)

BTW, my "dream team" to run would be Clarence Thomas and Ann
Coulter. :)


Thomas and Coulter, I would have to go for Obama maybe even Osama.
It's nice to know someone is to the right of John Birch . . . I thought I read that you don't vote - was that wishfull thinking?
Hell I'm from the deep south but I wouldn't vote for Ann Coulter if she was running for dog catcher.
DOG52 said:
Hell I'm from the deep south but I wouldn't vote for Ann Coulter if she was running for dog catcher.

Well, I don't vote at all so this was purely hypothetical.

riskaverse said:
It's nice to know someone is to the right of John Birch . . . I thought I read that you don't vote - was that wishfull thinking?

Yep, The John Birch society is too lib. for me. I have not voted for years and will not in the future. This is one thing in life you can rely on.

Mr._johngalt said:
Yep, The John Birch society is too lib. for me. I have not voted for years and will not in the future. This is one thing in life you can rely on.


Great... now if we could get rid of all the nut cases that don't even look at the issues until the last day and go with their 'gut'....
Mr._johngalt said:
I have not voted for years and will not in the future. This is one thing in life you can rely on.


Thank You! :D
Mr._johngalt said:
IMHO, Obama (Illinois Senator) is way more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden. Not even close.

Yeah. This a reasonable opinion. It shows deep thought and consideration by a true genius. I'm sure that if Illinois voters got a chance to consider both on the ballot that Osama Bin Laden would be elected their next Senator. Absolutely brilliant commentary. :eek: :confused:
sgeeeee said:
Yeah. This a reasonable opinion. It shows deep thought and consideration by a true genius. I'm sure that if Illinois voters got a chance to consider both on the ballot that Osama Bin Laden would be elected their next Senator. Absolutely brilliant commentary. :eek: :confused:

Apparantly you can't recognize hyperbole when you see it (you may need to look it up). Just making a point you see. In case you really don't get it
(I just hate explaining this stuff) :)............Obama is a greater threat
because he may get to a position where he can influence legislation
that will directly impact my life. Knowing his political positions
(far left lib) I am more afraid of this than I am of Osama dropping
a bomb (plane?) on my head. Osama presumably is in hiding while
Obama pops up in every mag (rag?), talk show and book store.
Do you get it now? People like Obama, Schumer, Boxer, Pelosi, Kennedy, and yes, The
Billary scare the hell out of me. A pox on all their houses.

It a shame that if the Republican party actually split in two, one "true conservative" party and the other standard "so called moderate" party, some of us would have a real reason to vote, but the Dems/libs would take every election in a landslide because there are so few Dem conservatives, if any, which would move to the new party. A new conservative party would pick up some libertarians, no doubt, but it wouldn't be enough to have an impact.

What we have now is two corrupt and morally bankrupt parties, one backed by unions, liberal media and special interests and one backed by corporations. What a fraud.
DOG52 said:
Hell I'm from the deep south but I wouldn't vote for Ann Coulter if she was running for dog catcher.

I would not vote for Ann although I enjoy reading her columns from time-to-time. As far as I'm concerned, she is the right-wing counterbalancer for James Carville.
And Bush sounds like "Whoosh!" as the sound of our country's reputation, economy, and ability to get anything remotely in the public interest done, being flushed down the drain.
sgeeeee said:
Yeah. This a reasonable opinion. It shows deep thought and consideration by a true genius. I'm sure that if Illinois voters got a chance to consider both on the ballot that Osama Bin Laden would be elected their next Senator. Absolutely brilliant commentary. :eek: :confused:

Here in Chicago, if Osama Bin Laden would run as the Democratic candidate, he would definitely win. It isn't the candidate here, it's the party. And it's well under control!
youbet said:
Here in Chicago, if Osama Bin Laden would run as the Democratic candidate, he would definitely win. It isn't the candidate here, it's the party. And it's well under control!
Another brilliant analysis. ;)
sgeeeee said:
Another brilliant analysis. ;)

Not an analysis really. Just a statement of facts.......
Oh man....
This whole thing just makes me think that we as a nation have just gone wacko - as in functionally diaabled = when more or less reasonable positions, right or left, are demonized the way thety are in are contemporarty "conversation"

I remember as a young(er) man snickering at my parents' reverence for Eisenhower, because he seemed so "far right conservative" (to my jejune point of view).

Now I wonder .. how would a proposal that the federal gov't build a nationwide system of highways, or Ike's warning about the incipient "military-industrial complex", play out in today's political climate?
youbet said:
Not an analysis really. Just a statement of facts.......
Have the neo-cons redefined the word "fact"? Come to think of it . . . I guess they have. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
sgeeeee said:
Have the neo-cons redefined the word "fact"? Come to think of it . . . I guess they have. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

You miss the point sgeeeee. On your personal home turf, it's a struggle to gain Democratic election victories. You are either a neo-con or too lazy to defeat the neo-cons. Here, Dems win.
youbet said:
You miss the point sgeeeee. On your personal home turf, it's a struggle to gain Democratic election victories. You are either a neo-con or too lazy to defeat the neo-cons. Here, Dems win.
Well . . . there is a piece of reasoning that is hard to argue with. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Of course the reason it is hard to argue with is because there is no stated premise, no collection of facts, no logical analysis. How do you argue with that? :confused:
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