Axiron side effects !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 18, 2002
Why would anyone use such a product ? The more than normal erections don't really concern me as much as letting it dry before going near an open flame !

AXIRON can cause serious side effects. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of the following:

  • If you already have enlargement of your prostate gland, your signs and symptoms can get worse while using AXIRON. This can include: increased urination at night, trouble starting your urine stream, having to pass urine many times during the day, having an urge that you have to go to the bathroom right away, having a urine accident, being unable to pass urine or weak urine flow.
  • Possible increased risk of prostate cancer. Your healthcare provider should check for prostate cancer or any other prostate problems before you start and while you use AXIRON.
  • In large doses AXIRON may lower your sperm count.
  • Swelling of your ankles, feet, or body.
  • Enlarged or painful breasts.
  • Problems breathing while you sleep (sleep apnea).
  • Blood clots in the legs. This can include pain, swelling or redness of your legs.
The most common adverse events include: skin redness or irritation where AXIRON is applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in blood level of Prostate Specific Antigen (a test used to screen for prostate cancer). Other side effects include more erections than are normal for you or erections that last a long time.
AXIRON is flammable until dry. Let AXIRON dry before smoking or going near an open flame.
Axiron is available by prescription only
AXIRON is one method for delivering Testosterone. The side affects listed are typical for anyone who is under going HRT using T.

Most of these problems, while possible, are rare and are mostly likely a sign of improper dosing. The dosing problem is best solved by careful monitoring using blood tests.

I receive my T via injections and have personally experienced painful breasts (mild) and increased red blood count (managed via blood donations).

I use this kind of product (T injections) as the risks of not doing so are more problematic.
The mandatory readings of side effects ought to turn anybody off any drug they don't need, unless it's to save their life. Just look at the cure for toenail fungus: Now you can wear open-toed shoes! Too bad your liver is shot!

Why would anyone use such a product ? The more than normal erections don't really concern me as much as letting it dry before going near an open flame !

Sure would kill your buzz if you think bonfires are romantic...

If it is pronounced ax - iron it would have been hilarious to listen in on the marketing team that named it.
"Men associate HRT with middle-aged-women taking hormone pills. We gotta make our HRT sound masculine and potent!

"Yeah! STEEL SWORD, that's what we should call it!"

"Naah, that's too obvious. People will snicker. 'You taking your Steel Sword again? Heh heh heh!' No, let's make it sound more like a lumberjack who can cut down 3-foot-diameter trees with one chop WITH HIS AX! Made of IRON!"



If it is pronounced ax - iron it would have been hilarious to listen in on the marketing team that named it.
Most of these problems, while possible, are rare and are mostly likely a sign of improper dosing. The dosing problem is best solved by careful monitoring using blood tests.
I read this blood tests as blood feasts. I think that is a manly result. I haven't had a blood feast in years.

Why would anyone use such a product ? The more than normal erections don't really concern me as much as letting it dry before going near an open flame !

The road to perdition is paved with good concockions. >:D

I read this blood tests as blood feasts. I think that is a manly result. I haven't had a blood feast in years.


Roid Rouge? :rolleyes:
I tried testosterone and got BPH symptoms. So I quit. I started taking finasteride and tamsilosin about 3 weeks ago. On Mon I started T again. Today is day 6 and so far so good.
Raspberry Beret?

I read this blood tests as blood feasts. I think that is a manly result. I haven't had a blood feast in years.

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