Fulfilling my Annual Holiday Obligation...


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
Last year I was encouraged, even threatened, to post this again near the holidays - for a third time. I was waiting for someone else to do it, but Christmas is too close to wait any longer.

Had I been so fortunate to have been there, unaware of what was about to happen, I am sure it would have been one of the most memorable experiences of my life. It still give me joy watching it, I hope it does for you as well (again).

Select HD, go full screen, turn up your speakers to 11 and hit play...

Other members also put up other beautiful, inspired musical flashmob videos last year, you can revisit those here http://www.early-retirement.org/forums/f27/ode-to-joy-flashmob-69733.html

Happy Holidays to You & Yours!

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Loved it!

Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
One of my all time favorites.
Thank you for posting that - it is beautiful. I watched it twice, and had a big smile on my face both times.
Well I won't need to reprise this next year, probably a poorly chosen title.
Can't see this one too often! Thanks!
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