NOVA... Treasures of the Earth - Metals


Full time employment: Posting here.
Feb 19, 2007
I watched a relatively new episode of NOVA this evening on PBS. The episode is part of the Treasures of the Earth series this fall.

This particular show discussed metals and how they've changed human life over the years (eons?). You can imagine some of the topics... copper, then bronze... iron, then steel. The usual topics most of us are familiar with but then they mentioned Graphene and Metal Foam. These are new developments (at least new to me). Cool stuff! Anyone heard of this or how they are being applied?
Anyone heard of this or how they are being applied?

It is pretty neat (haven't seen the series, but am vaguely familiar with the concepts) and i look forward to various applications of nanoparticles and other related developments.

I also ended up investing in a few similar stocks after reading various articles on a few of them - one of which actually is at a profit (a graphene mining company that is still among the many that are in the exploratory/undeveloped stage). Lots of companies have lots of graphs and projections, etc. showing great potential...but most of the projects are just ways to separate the investors from their money and give the executives a job for a few years.
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