Retiring from something other than work

I missed this the first time. I don't compete at your level but I see people who have, and I'm still reasonably competitive. A few years ago I pushed hard to qualify for the Boston marathon and made it, by 10 minutes. Then came the decision whether to keep pushing that hard, or let it slide a bit. I decided I didn't like dedicating too much of myself to shave minutes or even seconds. I still run marathons and ultras, and train hard, but not like I did, and I'm still able to qualify, barely.

I also have a friend who was a 2:30 marathon and now, in his 50s, is a mid-pack ultra runner, who will sometimes just run with a friend who is struggling to try to bring him or her into the finish. He enjoys the running, but also enjoys the whole social scene and just being out there.

So the question is, can you cut back on your training and still enjoy it, even if you don't place as high? I know some people will ask "what happened?" but it's your business.
I was generally asked to play ball. I bat righty and one day a kid pitched a hardball right into my left eye, which proceeded to blow up.

My parents were furious. Once I got past it, I kept playing ball!

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