what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Went grocery shopping, made apple crumble for me and two of my cousins. added raisins and cranberries to the apples, Started making drawers to modify some kitchen cupboards upstairs. I will remove one single door and add three shallow drawers and one deep one at the bottom. Did a little clean up in the workshop and garage. Need a new belt for the able saw. Made mushroom rice and pork chops for dinner followed by a banana and apple crumble. My cousin and I ate well.
Today I cut down a tree that was dying in the front yard. Very sad to take the tree down, but a rotten limb was making it a hazard to the house and anything below it's fall line. I would like to replace it with an apple tree... once I remove the root system.
We’re having the floors refinished. Multiple areas of water damage (roof, door) and damage from the previous owner when they moved out. The furniture is in the garage, so we had dinner tonight around a decorative table with some office chairs. Lots of reminiscing about “back in the day” when this was "it". Without the chairs, wine or nice plates of course The good old days.


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Finished two 4-week photography classes and learned lots of new stuff. I'm now trying to tame down the ego after a guy who spent 30 years behind a camera for National Geographic says "You do excellent work" and pointedly mentioned that there is especially a huge market for restoring old photos after showing a few that I did. He's turning away a lot of that because he doesn't have time and that's not what he wants to do.

Hmm... Is that what I want to do? Have to think about that one. It was fun learning about it but I'm not sure I'd want to do that all the time.
I paid off the contractors. They were very happy with my promptness in forking over the dough. :D The lead guy said he usually has to chase people down.
The remaining part is on order and be installed free of charge in 3 days. :)

I am watching the rain and watching Mr B stretched out in the recliner.
He's so cute when he [-]rests his eyes[/-] sleeps. :smitten:

Did I make anyone nauseous ? ;)
I went to lunch today with a new member of the forum and an old member and his wife . I'll give you a clue on the old member . He was famous for the one more year syndrome . He also shaved his beard and did not have on a plaid shirt so I almost did not recognize him . We had a very nice time . The new member is a lot of fun and meshed well . A beautiful sunny day in Sarasota !
People evaluating the possibility of 7 billion people about to perish, 24/7 coverage, Kardashians pushed out of the news, global unity, last hour vigils, champagne parties when it misses us. That's how I define fun.

December 21, 2012. Partay!!!!! :dance:
I went to lunch today with a new member of the forum and an old member and his wife . I'll give you a clue on the old member . He was famous for the one more year syndrome . He also shaved his beard and did not have on a plaid shirt so I almost did not recognize him . We had a very nice time . The new member is a lot of fun and meshed well . A beautiful sunny day in Sarasota !

No plaid shirt? Doggone, his wife been spending the family fortune. Did he check your tire pressures?
Called BC/BS to cancel my health insurance effective the end of the month when I go on Medicare. The gravel-voiced BC/BS customer service rep signed off the call with "Congratulations!"...and a hearty laugh. :)
Called BC/BS to cancel my health insurance effective the end of the month when I go on Medicare. The gravel-voiced BC/BS customer service rep signed off the call with "Congratulations!"...and a hearty laugh. :)

That's great! No more huge deductible for you, now. :D
I went to lunch today with a new member of the forum and an old member and his wife . I'll give you a clue on the old member . He was famous for the one more year syndrome . He also shaved his beard and did not have on a plaid shirt so I almost did not recognize him . We had a very nice time . The new member is a lot of fun and meshed well . A beautiful sunny day in Sarasota !

"Old member" = Rich_in_Tampa for sure
No idea who the new member is!
I paid off the contractors. They were very happy with my promptness in forking over the dough. :D The lead guy said he usually has to chase people down.
The remaining part is on order and be installed free of charge in 3 days. :)

I am watching the rain and watching Mr B stretched out in the recliner.
He's so cute when he [-]rests his eyes[/-] sleeps. :smitten:

Did I make anyone nauseous ? ;)

If you'd let him sleep at night, perhaps he wouldn't need to rest his "eyes" so much...
Mr B got up very early to go to the Syracuse VA hospital for a routine follow up with his cardiologist. He is doing just fine, 7 months after our big scare in April. I am very glad they are keeping a close eye on him. :D

I slept in, and finally motivated to get up. I got my coffee all set and turned on the Weather Channel.
The dreaded words were heard....lake effect snow. :(
The good news is I already have my snow plow guy on deck. He lives less than 3 miles from me and is very reliable. So...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Someone reminded me yesterday that life is short, and that I should loosen my purse strings a little and enjoy pursuing a little decadent consumerism.

Coincidently, today F. and I went to a chain furniture store to look for something he wanted. He didn't find, it, but it occurred to me that I had planned to buy some furniture for my den next year.

I accidently ran into just what I wanted (oops! :D), and proceeded to engage in some serious cheapskate-style bargaining back and forth. It was already on sale, and I finally negotiated the price down, down, down from there to $949 total for:

1.) full sized sofa
2.) matching love seat
3.) matching big/easy chair
4.) matching huge ottoman


Cash is King in this recession, I swear! The saleslady was a sweetie, born and raised here and we were on the same page when it came to the fact that I would get the set for under $1K or walk. I would have, too, since I hadn't actually planned to make this purchase until next year. So, I ended up paying 80% of even the "store closing giant blowout sale", sale price. That makes me almost happier than the furniture.

Furniture to be delivered tomorrow.... :dance: Woo-hoo!
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REWahoo, canceling your health insurance and going on Medicare is almost as good as paying off your mortgage! Maybe there should be a health insurance burning celebration! I envy you. At 57, DH and I are already paying $1500 a month for insurance.

Today I accompanied DH to his taste testing. $40 in cash for 45 minutes of tasting pancakes. This is one job that is pretty painless. I couldn't do it because of fasting for my colonoscopy tomorrow. Instead of eating, I'm torturing myself by looking online to add to my recipe collection.
I accidently ran into just what I wanted (oops! :D), and proceeded to engage in some serious cheapskate-style bargaining back and forth. It was already on sale, and I finally negotiated the price down, down, down from there to $969 total for:

1.) full sized sofa
2.) matching love seat
3.) matching big/easy chair
4.) matching huge ottoman

Cash is King in this recession, I swear! The saleslady was a sweetie, born and raised here and we were on the same page when it came to the fact that I would get the set for under $1K or walk. I would have, too, since I hadn't actually planned to make this purchase until next year. So, I ended up paying 80% of even the "store closing giant blowout sale", sale price. That makes me almost happier than the furniture.

Furniture to be delivered tomorrow.... :dance: Woo-hoo!
Well done. Look who has the bargaining gene. Bargaining is enjoyable, isn't it?
No , You are not even close !

I pretty sure I am on the mark w/RIT without being xplicit.

1. He was busted wearing the same plaid/checkered shirt in photographs with two different visitors to Tampa, one was IIRC freebird.

It was part of a way funny post by someone.

2. While driving his large motorhome he was musing about a tire pressure being low for some reason. This is the kind of techie funny stuff that I tend to remember, mostly 'cause it was noted by someone who is not in the techie field.

But if I am wrong so be it.:D

Is it not true that a period of sleep always follows a period of high endorphin flow? :cool:

Yeah, but it only lasts about 5 minutes, if you keep up the amusement, it will pass.
Someone reminded me yesterday that life is short, and that I should loosen my purse strings a little and enjoy pursuing a little decadent consumerism.
I think that is excellent advice! :)

Congratulations on your new furniture, but if you were going for decadent I think you missed the mark. It looks very classy to me.
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