what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Went running this morning after the first snow of the season. Roads really icy - I may need to move inside to the treadmill. Took a nap and played in my workshop for a few hours. Now having a couple of beers getting ready to help DW put up the Christmas tree.
We went to the gym and I worked out hard - - increased the weights on 5 of my usual machines. Then we had a free lunch. No such thing as a free lunch, you say? Not so. We have lunch cards at one restaurant that are initialed each time, and after 5 lunches the 6th one is free. This was the 6th time, so all we had to pay was the tip. After yesterday's $2.99 red beans and rice lunch, I am feeling like we are showered with restaurant bargains this week.
Sounds like you need to ask DH for a butt rub!
Well, he has taken over the chores that require bending at the waist and he fixed some hot chocolate for me.

Perhaps I shouldn't push my luck asking for a butt rub too...

Decisions, decisions....:angel:
This is about yesterday. Had a working supper for several colleagues at my home. Cheated a bit: got gourmet lasagne and garlic roast potatoes from the local organic deli, made salad, grilled salmon. Guests brought lots of goodies and washed the dishes! These people can come over anytime! :dance:

Actually ran the obstacle course of about a dozen 6 to eight year olds approximating Brownian motion on ice. In time, horizontal and vertical dimensions.

It was fun to watch at times when most were in the horizontal position on the ice trying to get up. Several mothers were in attendance on rental skates. More amusement.
Finished up the refinance application and documents and uploaded them to mortgage broker's website, made a pot of baked beans in the slowcooker, rescued my son from car problems he was having, ate beans, and after dinner went to a great college hockey game that ended in a tie but was one of those ties that feels like a win since the home team came back from a 2-4 deficit at the beginning of the third period to even the score at 4-4.
Got our couches delivered!!! The place is looking a lot more like home now :)
But the best part was when the bf and I went and bought a ring!!!! HOLY CRAPOLIES!!!
I decorated the inside of the house today.
I have a new 4 foot pre-lit "wonder tree" to replace that sad little Charlie Brown tree from years past.
I pulled out all of my decorations out of the attic and went to town.
I found 22 glass icicles, ordered years ago from Lillian Vernon. I used plastic xmas light hangers to suspend them from a metal flat curtain rod. They looked funny hanging at the same length, so I used some thin wire ornament hangers to change the length they dangled at. :cool:
Here is a pic of the results.
I call upon all the physicists and musicians on the forum to tell me how to play Jingle Bells or Mary Had a Little Lamb by tapping each glass icicle to produce the correct tone (note) in the song.
Hint: Each glass icicle is of equal length and mass. The spacing between adjacent icicles on the flat curtain rod is approximately equal. The only difference between adjacent icicles is the length of the suspending string/wire combo. :D

PS Ignore the reflected icicles.


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Got our couches delivered!!! The place is looking a lot more like home now :)
But the best part was when the bf and I went and bought a ring!!!! HOLY CRAPOLIES!!!

Woo hoo!!! Congratulations. I am so happy for both of you. :D
Shredded 85 lbs of pork yesterday in prep for a tamale making marathon tomorrow. Peeled and seeded 35 lbs of Hatch green chilies the day before. Phew! This has been a tradition in friends' family for generations. Kinda nice to be part of the crew.

The tamalada is next weekend. Get to enjoy the fruits of labor with long-time friends and families.
I was up early and as long as I was up, I watched the moon being eclipsed. But, this being the Seattle area, I couldn't see the moon recover from the eclipse because of the clouds!

-- Rita


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Got a visit from the police, and entertained them on our property for over 20 minutes.

It turns out that Oahu's finest feels they've stamped out cockfighting in Waianae and on the North Shore, so they've turned their attention to our neighborhood. It's gotten so loud on weekends at the local "exotic rooster breeding farm" that you can hear the shouting & cheering through our new insulated windows.

Sounds like a small-town scandal, but the reality is that the police don't really care about cockfighting until organized crime & drugs move into the picture. So it's not just about animal cruelty but rather about gangs.

Unfortunately our property looks down upon this spectacle, although the participants have arranged a canopy within a grove of trees. Kinda hard to get a good surveillance photo from above or on a slant.

I guess the police will be back to gather more evidence before swooping in to stop it. Maybe they'll finally do something about the unpermitted breeding operation as well, and it'll get a little quieter down there without a couple hundred roosters crowing. But I just hope there are no photos introduced as evidence that would cause vengeful indicted fowl enthusiasts to visit our property.

Turns out spanners in the UK are what we call wrenches here.
"Spanners" are one of many types of wrenches, and submariner mechanics had an amazing variety of them to [-]play with[/-] choose from.

But ask an electrician for a set of diagonal cutting pliers and they'll have no idea what you're talking about... until you tell them to look in the dikes drawer.
Sounds like a small-town scandal, but the reality is that the police don't really care about cockfighting until organized crime & drugs move into the picture. So it's not just about animal cruelty but rather about gangs.

There should be plenty of organized crime & drugs associated with it, I would imagine. Cockfighting was rampant when I lived there, too, and at that time it was not only gruesome but also attracted a pretty rough crowd.

How exciting that they are going to photograph from your property! It's sort of like having an episode of "Law and Order" in real life, right there in your house. :)
It turns out that Oahu's finest feels they've stamped out cockfighting in Waianae and on the North Shore, so they've turned their attention to our neighborhood. It's gotten so loud on weekends at the local "exotic rooster breeding farm" that you can hear the shouting & cheering through our new insulated windows.

Sounds like a small-town scandal, but the reality is that the police don't really care about cockfighting until organized crime & drugs move into the picture. So it's not just about animal cruelty but rather about gangs.
Good grief! It never ceases to amaze me what people do for what they consider "entertainment". I also stopped watching boxing matches on TV many, many years ago, when I realized how senseless it was.
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Ask the cops if they will 'flip the negative' so it will appear the shot came from the other side of the valley.
I'd like to (politely) persuade them to move over to the sewage booster station next door where they can camp out all they want. (Free public toilets, too!) Otherwise I'm just hoping that the criminals aren't mastermind imagery analysts.

I used to wonder if we should lock our shed to keep the neighborhood kids from hanging out there for sex/drugs/rock&roll. Now I think it might be a good idea to claim that anyone can get in there.

There should be plenty of organized crime & drugs associated with it, I would imagine. Cockfighting was rampant when I lived there, too, and at that time it was not only gruesome but also attracted a pretty rough crowd.
How exciting that they are going to photograph from your property! It's sort of like having an episode of "Law and Order" in real life, right there in your house. :)
Plenty of bribery & corruption in the police department over this "cultural practice", too. Just because a police officer shows up on your property with a badge to investigate cockfighting doesn't mean he's on your side and against the cockfighting group. He might only be showing the cockfighters why they need to pay him more money to take care of them.

Most of the occupants of that property are running unpermitted/illegal businesses. For some reason the Department of Planning & Permitting has never managed to get around to doing something about it. But the police certainly don't have a monopoly on corruption.

This is one form of excitement that I hope to do without. And indeed, they police may just be using the cockfighting to start tracking these people as they move on to bigger activities, so they might not want to disrupt their "incubator".
But ask an electrician for a set of diagonal cutting pliers and they'll have no idea what you're talking about... until you tell them to look in the dikes drawer.

Had to think about that one for a moment. You hear all kinds of stories about submarine life. Then, noticed it's spelled differently and no apostrophe. Sorry, 'bout that.:blush:
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