This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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Beautiful sunny day...temps in the 70's. :) Would have worn my shorts, but the glare from my white legs would have been blinding. :p
um i recall your legs.... nobodys complaining. Glad youre enjoying the heat!
We had a record high today of 47 degrees. We've only had a couple inches of snow so far and it's almost all melted. This is the best dec/jan I can remember in 30+ years of living in Wisconsin. No more than flurries in the next 10-day forecast:)
We had a record high today of 47 degrees. We've only had a couple inches of snow so far and it's almost all melted. This is the best dec/jan I can remember in 30+ years of living in Wisconsin. No more than flurries in the next 10-day forecast:)

We were in the 50's and sunny around Chicago. Came out of the restaurant last night, it was more like a Sept evening than January. No meaningful snow yet. Can't recall anything so mild. But we need to get some 0F~10F sometime, or I'm afraid the bugs are going to take over next summer.

Except for a few low teen mornings, it has been fairly mild in SW PA. So far. Love this global warming thing. Can we get some more?

OTOH last winter was miserable.
We, too, have been having "beautiful" weather. Sunny and 60's. But, the powers that be just took a sample of the Sierra snowpack - to tell how well we are going to do water-wise next summer. The snowpack is at 24% of normal. I am praying for a series of really strong storms flowing through our area. A Pineapple express would be nice. I am remembering the awful summer that Texas had in 2011.

Winter is when we "pay" for the abundant water that flows from the mountains in the spring. But, I have to say, I am enjoying this weather!
For January, I'll take this weather anytime! For the last two days afternoon temperatures above 60 F, the next several days are forecast to be 50+.

But we're gonna "pay". Last Feb. we were knee-deep or more in snow.


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Looks like our strange weather might continue (I hope!)


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As of Christmas '11 daffodils are up and roses are budding, in Dayton OH.
As of Christmas '11 daffodils are up and roses are budding, in Dayton OH.
It is a snowy day today, up in my place in the high country in the SouthWest.

Is this all part of the Mayan 2012 prophecy? Something is very wrong...
It was 77F at lunchtime here in New Orleans, and we are both wearing shorts and short sleeved shirts.

Very nice (despite some clouds), and no change is predicted for the coming week. This is in contrast with last week, during which we had freeze warnings for a couple of nights.
It's crazy snowy weather in Seattle this week. There's about three or four inches of packed snow/ice on the sidewalk in front of my house. The weather forecasters were saying all week by tonight it would be warming up and raining instead of snowing, but there's no sign of that yet. I wanted to drive down to Aberdeen after church on Sunday to check out another piece of property that's for sale, but it's looking very doubtful. My car is still snowed in down at my Mom's house and I'm not even sure I'll be able to get it back and get to church, let alone Aberdeen.
Pretty nice here today, low 60's. Tomorrow suppose to be in the low 70's so another day of golf. I noticed some bradford pear trees budding out today. Crazy.
It's crazy snowy weather in Seattle this week. There's about three or four inches of packed snow/ice on the sidewalk in front of my house. The weather forecasters were saying all week by tonight it would be warming up and raining instead of snowing, but there's no sign of that yet. I wanted to drive down to Aberdeen after church on Sunday to check out another piece of property that's for sale, but it's looking very doubtful. My car is still snowed in down at my Mom's house and I'm not even sure I'll be able to get it back and get to church, let alone Aberdeen.

I have been thinking of our members in Seattle and the northwest, who are getting pounded by this storm. I saw footage on the news and it looks crazy. They also said that people in Seattle are urged to stay home if they can. Stay warm and safe, kyounge1956!!
Yeah, it's been a pretty heavy snow up here (Seattle area)...but I'm only 2.5 years removed from the Midwest, it makes me kind of happy and nostalgic :)

Not that I can travel anywhere, but I'm happy to WFH and watch it snow outside.
I am the OP and I was writing about a particularly nasty storm in Portland. This weekend was nasty.. the honestly minor snowfall was very very wet and heavy, brought down a lot of trees and has melted quickly. Some towns in the Willamette Valley got over 10 inches of rain in two days and are flooding, one car was sucked into a water filled ditch killing a mother and child. We needed moisture but could do with it in smaller doses. My son's home was out of power for a day so the grand-kids came to our house :). [Funny: the 3yo likes to read on the potty, with the power out he was not a happy camper so his Mom found a flash light mounted on a hat. Kid didn't notice mom snaping a pic. Sooo cute.]

Seattle was on the north in of this storm and had lower temperatures. They got significant snow and ICE. Seattle is as hilly as San Francisco, no sensible person should be in or near a roadway as for all practical purposes it will be bumper cars. SEA was closed for hours, our local media outlets say that their traffic was diverted to PDX but based on my own experience long haul aircraft may have waited in Spokane (a flight training airport for heavy aircraft). Posting from an expert:

Snow belongs on mountians, thank you. Flakes you should just get with the program and stay there until September when we need you to fill our rivers.
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We had a similar experience. Our first winter in South Carolina (2.5 years ago) was the coldest winter on record, according to the locals. We were quite encouraged by this, after spending the previous 30 winters in Chicago.

It all is a matter of perspective.
Meanwhile, this is shaping up to be The Year We Had No Winter down here in Texas. We had a long, horrific drought period and then some appreciable rain from October to December. The October rains made the weeds shoot up rapidly. And since we're not getting hard freezes (we usually have some by mid-December), the weeds aren't dying. I still have to mow 2-3 times a month in January at a time when everything is usually dead and dormant.

It hit 82º here yesterday and forecast for almost the same today. We've only had about 5 days this winter drop below freezing.... and all just barely. The 10-day forecast calls for highs and lows considerably above normal in each and every day (which should be around 60).

I'm not complaining about not getting a few nights in the teens and low 20s as we get in most years, just that I am tired of mowing in January. It's ridiculous. I guess nature is making up for the drought leading me to not mow at all from May to October last year.
I have been thinking of our members in Seattle and the northwest, who are getting pounded by this storm. I saw footage on the news and it looks crazy. They also said that people in Seattle are urged to stay home if they can. Stay warm and safe, kyounge1956!!
Many of the main roads are salted and sanded. Nevertheless buses are getting stick even downtown on the flats, and most of the hilly routes are cancelled. I have a set of city crampons that fit my boots, so I can walk around safely on the ice, and everything I need is walking distance. Today I would like to go out to north city though, I'll have to check if the buses I need are running.

Here in central Seattle it has been kind of festive, for those who don't have to drive anywhere. Wenesday I walked down to Seattle U. The students were sledding on those steep hills, and making snowmen and snow forts.

That evening I went out for wine and tapas with someone from my former building who happens to live just down the street from me now. She has been off work from snow emergency all but one day this week.

The tapas place was mobbed to where we had to wait a little while to get a table.

They didn't use salt on the roads in Washington, when I lived there in the 90's One of the reasons my old Dodge truck is still rust free, that and 15 years in Arizona.

Many of the main roads are salted and sanded. Nevertheless buses are getting stick even downtown on the flats, and most of the hilly routes are cancelled. I have a set of city crampons that fit my boots, so I can walk around safely on the ice, and everything I need is walking distance. Today I would like to go out to north city though, I'll have to check if the buses I need are running.

Here in central Seattle it has been kind of festive, for those who don't have to drive anywhere. Wenesday I walked down to Seattle U. The students were sledding on those steep hills, and making snowmen and snow forts.

That evening I went out for wine and tapas with someone from my former building who happens to live just down the street from me now. She has been off work from snow emergency all but one day this week.

The tapas place was mobbed to where we had to wait a little while to get a table.

They didn't use salt on the roads in Washington, when I lived there in the 90's One of the reasons my old Dodge truck is still rust free, that and 15 years in Arizona.
Yes. But former Mayor Greg Nickels lost his job after refusing to salt Seattle streets in the long lasting snow of Dec 2008. Nothing went anywhere for almost 2 weeks, and that was too much for many. So this time, even "Bicycle Mike" McGinn saw the writing on the wall, and down went the salt.

Since I am mainly a pedestrian, I prefer that everything be packed snow, then when I cross a street there are almost no cars, and my crampons bite cleanly.

Local News | Seattle refuses to use salt; roads "snow packed" by design | Seattle Times Newspaper

Mayor McGinn » City Preparing for Winter 2010-2011: SDOT to keep streets clear using salt, salt brine pretreatments and technological upgrades

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Yes. But former Mayor Greg Nickels lost his job after refusing to salt Seattle street in the long lasting snow of Dec 2008. Nothing went anywhere for almost 2 weeks, and that was too much for many. So this time, even "Bicycle Mike McGinn" saw the writing on the wall, and down went the salt.


A lot of places in the midwest are using this beet juice stuff in place of or to augment salt.

Beet Juice Salt | Ice Melt Headquarters | Beet Juice Salt | Snow and Ice Melter

I guess it's a waste product from sugar beets, I need to read up. But supposedly environmentally friendly. We see the streaks from the sprayers on the roads near us, hard to say how well it works, but I guess the tests are positive.

I remember the snow of 2008. For two weeks the trash was not picked up, the private package delivery companies did not deliver, repair people did not get out to fix things, etc. However, one organization did make its daily rounds and only missed ONE DAY. The United States Postal Service! Somehow they got the mail delivered almost every day when everybody else cancelled and waited for the snow to melt.
Cold front tomorrow! It's only going to reach 65º according to the current forecast.

It got up to 86º here today and there were bees flying all over flowering weeds around the place this afternoon.

You heard me. Bees. Flowers. In January.
It's been snowing and cold here in Vancouver all week. To be fair, there's very little snow but it only takes a couple of flakes to panic everyone. Freezing rain today.

I'm taking it philosophically. This is my last winter in Canada - at least until senility really sets in.

As of June 1st, every day will be a Saturday and every month will be July! :dance:
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