What is your pet peeve of the day?

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Double secret confirmation questions when registering at a website. "Who was your best friend in third grade?" Seriously?

Believe it or not, mine were John and Paul. Not the Beatles, that was just their names! Neither played anything but football :)
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So I guess my real pet peeve is inconsiderate dog owners.


Dog walkers who allow puppy to poop on your front lawn and don't clean up or do a lousy job of cleaning up.

Dog owners at camp grounds who think they're in the wilderness and allow puppy to poop at the edge of the campsite or further into the surrounding wooded area without cleaning up.

Dog owners who allow their pets to harass wildlife.

Dog walkers on walking trails who refuse to pull puppy in tight and on the side opposite you so you can pass by them easily.

Dog walkers who allow puppy to pee on your shrubs and trees or on the rear bumper of your car parked innocently in your driveway.

Dog owning friends who have you over for dinner and start suggesting half way through the meal that you should leave the last bite of this or that on your plate for puppy. Then they gather plates and hold them out for puppy to lick right at the table. Oh...... puke........

Dog owning friends who insist they can't visit your home unless their large, undisciplined, hyper-active pooch accompanies them. They spend the evening conversing with the dog in baby-talk and give you a dirty look when you scream at the dog upon discovering it on your bed happily chewing pillows.

Well, I could go on, but....... And I like dogs.
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I AM a dog owner and do not care to hang with other dog owners nor do I like seeing anyone else in the neighborhood getting a dog because of all of the aforementioned reasons.


Dog walkers who allow puppy to poop on your front lawn and don't clean up or do a lousy job of cleaning up.

Dog owners at camp grounds who think they're in the wilderness and allow puppy to poop at the edge of the campsite or further into the surrounding wooded area without cleaning up.

Dog owners who allow their pets to harass wildlife.

Dog walkers on walking trails who refuse to pull puppy in tight and on the side opposite you so you can pass by them easily.

Dog walkers who allow puppy to pee on your shrubs and trees or on the rear bumper of your car parked innocently in your driveway.

Dog owning friends who have you over for dinner and start suggesting half way through the meal that you should leave the last bite of this or that on your plate for puppy. Then they gather plates and hold them out for puppy to lick right at the table. Oh...... puke........

Dog owning friends who insist they can't visit your home unless their large, undisciplined, hyper-active pooch accompanies them. They spend the evening conversing with the dog in baby-talk and give you a dirty look when you scream at the dog upon discovering it on your bed happily chewing pillows.

Well, I could go on, but....... And I like dogs.
Why is it that waitresses NEVER know the price of any beer in the restaurant? They always say "I don't know but I can go find out for you". And of course beer prices are never on the menu. :nonono:
A checker is the perfect car for this if you can't find something bigger, like a '62 Fleetwood.

Yes, that would do quite well. Only mine would be pretty rough around the edges already. No sense dinging up a beauty like that.
Dog owners...

Yep, some of my dog walking neighbors let their pooch crap in my yard, then don't bother to pick it up. If I wanted to clean up dog doo, I'd get a dog...

And another thing, I've been bitten by a dog on two separate occasions, thankfully "just a flesh wound", but I joke that the last thing I heard before being bitten was "oh, he doesn't bite"... Chomp...
Empty office "self serving" coffee pot. If you took the last cup of coffee, brew another one for the next person before you leave the water cooler area. Aaarrrgh! One more albeit minor reason to RE soon.
My pet peeve of the day is when a person buys stuff on ebay but doesn't pay promptly. I just sold four things and two folks paid soon, two are still awaiting payment.

The other pet peeve (and similar I guess) is when someone gets a personal check but takes a long long time to cash it. That's happening now with my sister. She's been holding on to an uncashed check for about a month even after I've politely asked to cash it. :facepalm:

I think next time, when I reimburse her, I'll say, "When you have time, stop by, and I'll see if I have cash around for you or not" :).
Yep, some of my dog walking neighbors let their pooch crap in my yard, then don't bother to pick it up. If I wanted to clean up dog doo, I'd get a dog...

And another thing, I've been bitten by a dog on two separate occasions, thankfully "just a flesh wound", but I joke that the last thing I heard before being bitten was "oh, he doesn't bite"... Chomp...

We just had an Open House, and not 10 feet from the For Sale sign, an inconsiderate neighbor with dog left a souvenir for me to pick up before leaving the house.

I sure didn't want a potential buyer, parking curbside, tracking THAT through the house!
My pet peeve of the day is when a person buys stuff on ebay but doesn't pay promptly. I just sold four things and two folks paid soon, two are still awaiting payment.

Payments, I can wait. But I had couple of transactions which the buyer never paid, and never responded to my e-mail reminders. Just dead silence. I finally had to relist. What the ....
..........And another thing, I've been bitten by a dog on two separate occasions, thankfully "just a flesh wound", but I joke that the last thing I heard before being bitten was "oh, he doesn't bite"... Chomp...
My dog has been attacked (actual teeth on fur contact) twice, and both attacking dogs were on a leash. I've found that owners are way over confident in how much control they have over the dog. Usually a dog can reach out the length of the leash plus at least one arm's length, maybe more if they can tip the human. So, I give wide berth to dogs I meet on a trail, especially if they look aggressive. And carry Halt.
My pet peeve of the day is when a person buys stuff on ebay but doesn't pay promptly. I just sold four things and two folks paid soon, two are still awaiting payment.............
I've only shipped once before payment (I was going out of town, buyer was 100% rated) and the guy didn't pay. I finally tracked him down on the internet and called him on his car phone. His wife answered, so I told her how he had stiffed me. I shamed him into paying. :LOL:
I've only shipped once before payment (I was going out of town, buyer was 100% rated) and the guy didn't pay. I finally tracked him down on the internet and called him on his car phone. His wife answered, so I told her how he had stiffed me. I shamed him into paying. :LOL:

Good thing he listened to his boss (the wife, that is :)).

I haven't shipped yet, despite both of them having a 100% rating. Sorry, not my policy to ship before payment.

The guideline is to wait at least until 48 hrs before investigating. I still got a few more hours to wait.
Pet peeve for today: went by the local elementary school to inquire about registering DS for school and aftercare next year. Was told by the lady at the desk she's not registering 1st graders until June. When is the lottery for aftercare? May. Does he have to be registered to put him in the lottery? Yes. So then she grudgingly agreed she would register him. I asked about the process for entering the lottery, when is it? The date has not been set. I should call EVERY DAY starting May 1 until they decide when it will be. Then I will have to show up in person between 2-4pm on the chosen day.

I'm so not looking forward to dealing with the public school system here...:(
Wife gets a letter from hospital she goes to every 3 months to see a specialist. It says information needs verified or her insurance will no longer pay?

After a few minutes DW asks what needs verified? Our address, odd since we're calling about a piece of mail they sent. We're confused, ask what the real problem is. They claim they never received payment from last visit(we need to confirm). The woman goes on to tell DW, we need to contact postmaster to watch for, not lose their bills. Wife tries to explain it doesn't work that way, woman gets pushy, call the postmaster! It's a good thing I only heard part of the conversation.

Yea, we'll get right on that.
a) When people load a three-fold paper towel dispenser with the towels upside down.

b) When paper napkins are packed so tightly in a dispenser that it is impossible to get one out without tearing it.
The price and quality of womens underwear. Seriously - the dudist version of the all cotton variety is waay more complicated to make and has more expensive base materials than the girly version yet the price is about half. What gives?
The price and quality of womens underwear. Seriously - the dudist version of the all cotton variety is waay more complicated to make and has more expensive base materials than the girly version yet the price is about half. What gives?

You could start wearing jockeys, or go COMMANDO! :p
Time Warner Cable. We have their service 6 months out of the year while in SoCal. We used to have their free modem, which was a PITA to return each year, as their offices weren't open on the weekend or Memorial day, so we would end up only leaving on certain days of the week, then waiting in line for a while when I wanted to be driving.

Then they decided to charge rent for their modem, so I bought a modem and was so happy thinking I could just call and tell them to cancel. Silly rabbit. First I called and was sent to retention and the guy tried to convince me that paying $5? $10?/ month to keep the service on was a good idea. Claimed the re-hookup fee was about $100. Then he said to call during the last billing cycle, as he couldn't order a shutoff more than 30 days out.

Today I called, was sent to retention, and was told that to accept my payment for the final bill she would have to charge me $5 - ok, fine I'll pay online. Now, about cancelling the service on 5/18 - oops, no can do - if she accepts a cancellation order our internet will be disconnected within 3 days. Apparently TWC, for the convenience of their customers, is unable to deal with any sort of advance notice. Weird. Most businesses like some notice when a change in service is anticipated by a customer. Thought that was good business practice.

I really don't want to get cranky with a person making $x/hour and presumably doing what they are required to do - but trashing the company? oh yeah - I'm on that.
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Sirius satellite radio billing, they send the bill out and it's already late when you receive it. Then they call to make sure you got the bill. Then they call the following week to see if you paid yet.

Dog walkers who allow puppy to poop on your front lawn and don't clean up or do a lousy job of cleaning up.

Dog owners at camp grounds who think they're in the wilderness and allow puppy to poop at the edge of the campsite or further into the surrounding wooded area without cleaning up.

Dog owners who allow their pets to harass wildlife.

Dog walkers on walking trails who refuse to pull puppy in tight and on the side opposite you so you can pass by them easily.

Dog walkers who allow puppy to pee on your shrubs and trees or on the rear bumper of your car parked innocently in your driveway.

Dog owning friends who have you over for dinner and start suggesting half way through the meal that you should leave the last bite of this or that on your plate for puppy. Then they gather plates and hold them out for puppy to lick right at the table. Oh...... puke........

Dog owning friends who insist they can't visit your home unless their large, undisciplined, hyper-active pooch accompanies them. They spend the evening conversing with the dog in baby-talk and give you a dirty look when you scream at the dog upon discovering it on your bed happily chewing pillows.

Well, I could go on, but....... And I like dogs.

Dog owners who haven't figured out how to to keep their dogs from jumping up on little old ladies out walking. You may say "he's just being friendly"; I'm going to start carrying mace.
Make sure you have enough for both the dog and the owner.
Dog owners who haven't figured out how to to keep their dogs from jumping up on little old ladies out walking. You may say "he's just being friendly"; I'm going to start carrying mace.

Very gently extend your toes onto the offending dogs hind foot. Just a very small amount of pressure should convince them to alter their behavior.

Agree it's the dog owners problem of not properly training their animal. Properly trained animals are a joy. Not true for improperly trained ones.

A friend of mine rescues German Shepherds. She was telling me about interviewing a well off owner and dog to see if she could take this animal on. The Shepard had an excellent pedigree, many thousands of dollars the lady spent to purchase this dog based on pedigree.

During the interview the dog comes out of the bedroom eating one of the owners shoes. The rescuer steps in to interrupt the behavior, the owner tells her it's OK, its a cheap shoe. Many pets are smarter than their masters.
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