Climbing through the window


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 24, 2005
I was on the treadmill this morning watching a Netflix episodic show. Anyhow, in the show, there was a high school boy climbing through his girlfriend's window to hang out with her. Now, I've seen that on TV and in the movies about a gazillion (sp)? times. I personally don't recall ever having climbed through a window to hang out with anybody, nor do I remember sneaking out of a window to hang out with anybody. Has anyone here either climbed in or out of a window to be with someone? Or, have they ever had someone climb through a window to be with them? Maybe it's a just Midwest thing.
I never participated in any window climbing, but my younger sister had a gentleman caller who came and went through the window when she was in high school. This was in the San Fernando Valley.
Sure did. There was a great climbing tree outside my window. My girlfriend ran away from home and spent the night in my closet with the Charlie Chips can in eastern PA.
I've never snuck in or out a window. I'd snuck around plenty but generally walked through the front door.

Reminds me of a buddy, he caught a 16 yo boy sneaking down the bedroom hall in the middle of the night. He jumped the kid not knowing he was a kid. After a scuffle the kid cried out, "wrong house!"
I never participated in any window climbing, but my younger sister had a gentleman caller who came and went through the window when she was in high school. This was in the San Fernando Valley.

Well, that's sort of like the Midwest.:)
My daughter admitted to me that as a teen, she went out her window at night to talk with friends in our front yard. We had no idea.

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I grew up in an apartment building in "Da Bronx" NYC as did all of my childhood friends, none of us dared to climb in or out of someones window, such actions could have ended with terminal lead poisoning of the six shooter variety.
Used to be in a ground floor bedroom browning up as a teen in the Pac NW. Used to sneak out a LOT and roam the suburban streets at night with my friends. My poor kids these days can't do that b/c we have every window alarmed... they can't get a bicycle paper route, either. The times they keep a'changin!
I lived in a small town in my very early years, and I would go out the window onto the garage roof, over to the nice close tree and climb down.
Easy as pie.

In the city I had a basement room with a window (french basement?) so I'd just slide open the window and crawl onto the grass of the backyard.

Never crawled in a window to see a girl.
I'm just guess the OP was watching "Stranger Things". Almost enough to justify another $8 to Netflix this month (but probably not the $10 it will go up to next month).
I'm just guess the OP was watching "Stranger Things". Almost enough to justify another $8 to Netflix this month (but probably not the $10 it will go up to next month).

Yes, it was "Stranger Things." Guess I'll have to spring for another $2.00 a month to see how it all ends (along with "Orange is the New Black" and "Bloodline)." If tomorrow turns out to be another treadmill day, I'll watch the third episode. The girl was worth the climb through the second story window. I think I'm going to put "climbing through a window to hang out with my girlfriend" on my bucket list. Weird thing to have on a bucket list when you're 72 years old. Actually, I don't have a bucket list of my own. Maybe I'll just put it on someone else's bucket list and then they climb thought a window and hang out with my girlfriend while I watch "Stranger Things." (I can keep on going here if you like).
Not in the window...but:

In Toronto, in the 1960s, I lived with a bunch of guys in a rented house. I was 'away' overnight one Saturday, and when I came home late Sunday morning I met one of the guys (call him John...because that was his name) sitting on the front stoop.

John regaled me about the 'high old time' they'd had the previous evening....."We even threw somebody out the (open) window" said John.

"Who?" I asked. "I dunno" said John.

Went inside, questioned one of the other guys....."Who got thrown out the window last night?"

"John" he replied.
DW (before being DW) used to help her dorm mates back into the locked dorm through a window or front door, depending upon the location of roving campus security. She was the only one with no room mate AND a key to the (otherwise) locked door (alarmed crash bars for emergency exit only without the key). She was only upperclassman in that dorm building (20 room unit building in a complex of perhaps 25 such buildings.) Upperclassmen were given keys to come and go as they pleased. Frosh - not so much. You gotta remember, this was the 60's. I suppose it's all different now so YMMV.
When I was young, my older sister used to come down the front stairs and tell my parents good night, run the water in the bathroom, flush the toilet and make all the normal going to bed sounds. . . Then she would promptly sneak down the back stairs and out the door! My other sister tried to sneak out, but couldn't get in so she tossed pebbles at my window until I came down stairs, where my parents would catch her. The oldest sister never got caught, and managed to get back into bed and asleep before my mother would try to wake her up. Fast forward 30 years to when my parents sold the house. We were walking through the house, splitting up some of the furniture, when my sister looked at a window and sais aloud "I wonder if it still is broken?" She pushed on a window screen and lifted it up and Voila, we knew how she got back in every night. It also explained a bad burn she had on her calf one fall, the radiator below the window was on and she didn't realize it when she crawled in the window. It was her only mistake (on the window. she did make others!!).
And That was in Cleveland, definitely the mid-west
High school girlfriend used to crawl in MY window! I'm glad that stopped as she's now married to a career special forces professional.?
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On my wedding day, I forgot my new shoes at home to change into. No problem, I had a key to the side door and drove home. (I did not live at home but had kept my key.)

My Mom being the anal type had locked the storm door. I realized that she had gone through the house and locked every door she could and exit the front door where she could lock the storm door with a key. This meant that the side stairway door was also locked. So I went to the bedroom window and broke a small hole in the glass, unlocked the window and climbed in (no alarm).

Got the shoes, taped the window glass, exited the side door, returned to the wedding and whispered to Dad "sorry about the glass"!

(Upon return from our honeymoon, got the 3rd degree. How come no neighbors heard the glass breaking? Because I muffled it with cloth. Easy peasy.)
As a teen in the 70's, my bedroom was in the basement. It was not a walk-out basement, but my then much smaller rear end fit nicely through the hopper window, thus I turned the basement into a crawl-out basement. We lived near a golf course, and all the friends would meet in "the rough" for 70's fun and frivolity. And if I do recall, we had members of the opposite sex crawl in to participate in slumber parties. Thanks for that little walk down memory lane. Those were the days!
Think I've told this story before. Lived a block from my elementary school that was built in 1908. 1st floor windows were locked, but if you could scale the brick & limestone to the second floor, windows were usually unlocked. Around this time they started CATV which was an educational thing where a plane flew around and broadcast educational stuff on a TV set up in the classroom. Teacher made mistake of saying you could also watch regular TV. So at night during the summer, I'd slip out my bedroom window and go to the school and watch Johnny Carson. They kept cartons of milk in a fridge in the basement for 1st graders (I think), cost a nickle. I'd always put my nickle in, take a carton of milk, go upstairs, pull the blinds, turn on the TV and watch Johnny. Was never caught and nobody ever suspected anything, but sure got me addicted to watching Johnny (the greatest TV night guy ever)!
I just remembered another way to enter and exit: DS was little for his age, and when he was ten he was a dog-walker/dog exerciser for the neighbors' four big dogs after school. No need for a window, he just scooted through the little pet door to get into their house.
We were supposed to be inside after the streetlights came on but often I'd climb out the ground floor bedroom window and run around with friends, sometimes to the wee hours. No girlfriends went in or out though. My sisters were in the upstairs bedroom so they were "trapped" up there and couldn't get out without being seen.

I don't think my parents ever had any idea of what I was up to.
I had a 2nd story bedroom - and would climb in/out... over the garage to a large pine tree.

I got busted one morning because I hadn't scrubbed all the pine sap off my hands.

Dad did a serious trimming of some key branches.

I'm still friends with one of my high school buddies and she's asked what I'm going to do to prevent my kids from doing the same. We've replaced the windows - which makes it harder... and the screens are long gone. Older son is in the one room with no path - just a sheer drop... so he's covered.
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