Cell phone plan - Freedompop

What good is a cell phone for a 13-year-old girl if you can't understand what she is saying?

"Hi Mom? Dad? I'm stranded and need a ride home!"
"Hello? Hello?"

I'd suggest loosening the purse strings enough to get her a functional phone. Well, unless you can respond to texted emergencies right away.

But that is a point I make all the time... she is never ever ever someplace without an adult that has a phone... if there were an emergency she can use their phone....

This phone is only for status with the group and texting between themselves... if it were for anything important I would go with something that is better...
I've gotten used to the crap voice on FreedomPOP. The texts are 90% reliable too. Data is good. You eventually learn to adapt, but my daughter and DW would probably refuse to do this.

$7.99/mo unlimited text. Voice mail, add $3... Can't recommend it overall.
FreedomPop is on the Sprint network.
You'll want to see how the coverage is where you live.

You may want to look into RingPlus.net
They have an unlimited talk/text + 1 GB data plan for $9.99 a month.
Also, on Sprint network.

This is something that I can agree.... probably would be what we would pay for Tracfone..... will read up on it a bit more...
We're using ting. You can set limits on the data, texts, or minutes. I have it cut off my 14 and 16 year old's data after 2G. They have gotten better at managing their data use after a few months of having it cut their data off a week before the end of billing cycle. Data is not a safety thing. You don't need data to call parents or 911. You could even turn data off on her phone. She'd have smart phone features when she was someplace with wifi, but be out of luck elsewhere.
This is something that I can agree.... probably would be what we would pay for Tracfone..... will read up on it a bit more...

My mother has a Tracfone.
She bought it for $85 including tax from HSN.
It came with 1200 minutes/1200 texts/1200 MB data and 1 year of service.
You can buy more texts if you run out $5 = 1000 texts.

Once the first year is up, she will do the $20 = 60 minutes/90 days x 4 and add $10 = 1 GB data. So, $90 for another year.

I am on RingPlus with one of my smarthpones. I don't use that smartphone much so I can't speak to whether the service is "good or not".
Republic Wireless has a $15/mo plan, unlimited talk & text. Catch is you have to either buy one of their phones or have a phone that can use one of their SIM cards such as some of the Motorola phones.

FWIW After about a year of trying to cope with their poor service, DW and I had to fire Republic.
^You do need to be willing to put up with doing your own research and using their forums if you go the "Republic" route. I haven't needed to, but DW has run into a few issues that required "opening a ticket", and she always gets results, just not really very quickly.

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