Are Airlines trying to reduce demand ?


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Jul 15, 2014
Spending the Kids Inheritance in Chicago
The latest airline to behave badly is now Delta.
They had a flight waiting 30 minutes to take off, some guy used the bathroom.

This it turns out is nearly criminal, plane is returned to gate, everyone off, and then re-boarded, except the guy who has to fly home on a different airline.

Man says Delta kicked him off flight for going to bathroom before takeoff -

Since airlines can wait 3 hours !! to take off, the question becomes how long can you hold it ??

No wonder I fly less.
They did the right thing. I think they should do that with Dr. Dao. Reboarding.
Ridiculous! I can see why they don't want people walking around but if not taking off but just waiting and it was an emergency what is the big deal.
Ridiculous! I can see why they don't want people walking around but if not taking off but just waiting and it was an emergency what is the big deal.

Couldn't agree more! Simple human decency - no rules and regulations needed.
We don't have all the facts here, just one person's view. :)
Been in similar situation. tight connection through ATL. Caught my flight at the last minute. No time to use restroom before push back. We then sat for 45 min. Once we began to taxi, we were like number seventy five for take off. By the time we got to 10K and could use facilities, almost two hours had passed. And then, I had to queue up with other bladder busting geese and wait my turn.

At what point is it acceptable to just pee in your seat?
For men with prostate issues the decision will be made for them if they can't use the bathroom(:)
You are allowed to use the facilities until the plane pushes back from the gate. I've never been in a plane where boarding took less than 20 minutes, and it often takes 45. Simply use the facilities during this time. It's not difficult.
They should have just whacked him with a stroller & dragged him off.
Sounds as if the guy was simply anal retentive if it took so long.

Delta, United and American Airlines are simply not the operations they used to be. They're companies with the bottom line--no heart.
I have also been on flights where they pushed back from the gate in order to 'depart on time'. They then sat on the tarmac for an extended period of time for either mechanical or flight delay reasons.

One flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam, we sat on the ground for at least two hours. Just before we were ready to go somebody near the rear of the plane threw up in a spectacular fashion. They decided to return to the gate and bring a cleanup crew onboard before taking off.

There are somethings about flying that I don't miss so much. That long haul to India is near the top of the list. The return flight was always worse.
It really is a shame. For a number of years after 9/11, I felt like the flight crews literally hated the passengers. Then, things seemed to start to mellow as the airlines made money, or maybe it was because I switched to Southwest. We seem to be heading back into an us vs them mentality.
You are allowed to use the facilities until the plane pushes back from the gate. I've never been in a plane where boarding took less than 20 minutes, and it often takes 45. Simply use the facilities during this time. It's not difficult.

As I stated, in my situation, I got on the plane after sprinting through the busiest airport in the world (inbound flight was late), got bag stowed and was asked to sit so we could push back. My next chance to unbuckle was over two hours later. Maybe not difficult for you - some of us, not so much. :blush:
Delta, United and American Airlines are simply not the operations they used to be. They're companies with the bottom line--no heart.

My FIRE portfolio appreciates companies with the bottom line in mind!
Well, I will be sure to carry an empty cup with me, just in case. :angel:

PS. Make that a cup with a lid.
I have also been on flights where they pushed back from the gate in order to 'depart on time'. They then sat on the tarmac for an extended period of time for either mechanical or flight delay reasons.

One flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam, we sat on the ground for at least two hours. Just before we were ready to go somebody near the rear of the plane threw up in a spectacular fashion. They decided to return to the gate and bring a cleanup crew onboard before taking off.


I was on a flight from Kansas, and we pushed back from the gate, then sat for 2 hours on the tarmac waiting for the weather to clear in another city !!
This was prior to the 3 hour time limit came into effect, where they can now only sit on the tarmac for 3 hours max, no more 7 hour sitting....

At the 2 hour period, I asked if I could be let off, or taken back to the gate, the answer was no, so basically I was being held prisoner against my will.. I resisted the urge to open the door and flee... :angel:
Every airplane seat should be a toilet. Problem solved!
I was on a flight from Kansas, and we pushed back from the gate, then sat for 2 hours on the tarmac waiting for the weather to clear in another city !!
This was prior to the 3 hour time limit came into effect, where they can now only sit on the tarmac for 3 hours max, no more 7 hour sitting....

At the 2 hour period, I asked if I could be let off, or taken back to the gate, the answer was no, so basically I was being held prisoner against my will.. I resisted the urge to open the door and flee... :angel:
I know they stopped this horrible practice. Now they don't let you board the plane if there is some kind of weather hold or weather delay at the destination airport. Much more civilized.
As I stated, in my situation, I got on the plane after sprinting through the busiest airport in the world (inbound flight was late), got bag stowed and was asked to sit so we could push back. My next chance to unbuckle was over two hours later. Maybe not difficult for you - some of us, not so much. :blush:

I know, I wasn't talking about you. There were no similar situations listed in the article or video. It sounds like this guy didn't have any such extenuating circumstances.

I've been in your shoes before and it sucked. The difference is, both you and I stayed in our seat until we were allowed to get up [emoji16]
Just another reason for me not to fly anymore. Been there, done that and had more than enough.

Going thru an airport and flying coach reminds me of loaded cattle pens and cattle trucks. Smells included.
I have also been on flights where they pushed back from the gate in order to 'depart on time'. They then sat on the tarmac for an extended period of time for either mechanical or flight delay reasons.

One flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam, we sat on the ground for at least two hours. Just before we were ready to go somebody near the rear of the plane threw up in a spectacular fashion. They decided to return to the gate and bring a cleanup crew onboard before taking off.

There are somethings about flying that I don't miss so much. That long haul to India is near the top of the list. The return flight was always worse.

From the little I know by reading and listening to people... they cannot get into the take off queue until they push back... so even if there is a KNOWN delay for take off they have to push back in order to get in....

Once I was on an overseas flight and the captain said that there was a long line... but then came on about 15 minutes later and said 'we are taking off'... said that international flights got priority.... I do not know if this is true, but we did pass a number of planes when we were taking off that we had skipped...

OHH, edit to add... I forgot my main point... if someone gets up to go to the RR they plane is supposed to get out of cue and go to the back... that is why they do not want anybody to get up..
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Common sense vs disruption of the flight

IMO, that's the balance needed.

As for me, I avoid flying unless I really really have to fly.
Don't like being treated like cattle. That said, can't have the passengers run the plane boarding/flying process either.
Well, since I now have to dump my water bottle just before security, at least I'll have a receptacle waiting for #1 just in case. I can handle the business strapped into my seat so no FAA regulations will be violated. :) Just like when we used to ride with Grandpa as a kid and he wouldn't listen to us kids yelling "I gotta peeeee!!!!" from the back seat. "Here's a bottle. Don't make a mess."
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