What did you do today? 2017 version

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Had neighbor go into crawl space to figure out why A/C is having problems. Stuff is 50+ years old, and is disintegrating.
Had neighbor go into crawl space to figure out why A/C is having problems. Stuff is 50+ years old, and is disintegrating.
Time for a new one! I had my central HVAC replaced last September, $7200 but it is terrific.

With any luck it should last 20 years. I'll be 69 years old in about three weeks. So, I think this could be the last HVAC that I ever pay for. :dance:

Oh, and also, since I went from an old Freon system to the new type, my electric bills will be slightly lower so there's that.
Had neighbor go into crawl space to figure out why A/C is having problems. Stuff is 50+ years old, and is disintegrating.

IIRC you are knocking your house and building a new one, while living next door. If this is your neighbour's house, at least you know the problem will be temporary. Perhaps you can buy a window AC unit to get you through the next few months. You could gift it to your neighbour when you move into your new home. Sounds like he/she will need it.
joined the Windows Insider program so I can get my hands on the new 'Story Remix' software. I have to admit I like the direction Microsoft is heading these days. May have to pick up some shares, they're already on my watchlist...
A/C unit is 2 years old.
Underneath stuff is ~50 years old.
Right now running fans at 80°F.
Took MIL out to lunch for mother's day. Spent the afternoon resting before getting back to hardwood floor installation tomorrow (should be done by next weekend). Getting ready to fire up the grill for dinner.
Yesterday we went to a college graduation party for the twin sons of one of DW's cousins, both earned degrees in history and are leaning toward careers in law enforcement. Both me and another cousin's husband have lots of experience in that field so we both got a lot of questions. The history degrees won't hurt them if that's what they want to do as (I think) while most law enforcement agencies want to see degrees, they don't much care what subject it's in because they want that wide range of expertise. When I first started the station commander had a degree in animal husbandry, something I'd never heard of. But when I had a cattle rustling case he was the go-to guy for questions I had since I grew up in suburbia and knew nothing about cattle.

Also one of them had some questions about finance and investing, and he knows about compounding interest and that he'd be better off starting saving out of the gate at his first job. Smart kid. I sent him a list of recommended books.
Visited the cellars of Remy Martin, and fell for a bottle of a blend that is not available in the US, despite telling myself before hand that I would not want to lug anything through the remaining of the trip. My wife encouraged me to buy it, so that I will have something to share with son and son-in-law when we get back.

Had planned to do more today but the drive from Blois to Cognac wore me out, and we called it a day early.

I don't drink much cognac since I have had stuff like Remy Cordon Bleu and the sad imitations that are within my budget do not hold a candle to what the same money will buy in the bourbon or tequila worlds. Maybe one of these days I will feel like treating myself to some Remy again. It has been years.
Walked the dogs 4 miles after dropping DD2 at school. The daily half mile walk to elementary school will be over for good in less than 2 weeks. Sad.

Came home and commenced a 10 gallon batch of a defunct style, stock ale. I might sneak a rye beer in before the heat really starts, but this might be the last batch until September. In between brewing and after I split and stacked a bunch of wood. Getting down to the pieces that will require a chainsaw to deal with. Was about done for the day when I got the job description for the spot at my buddy's firm that has been rumored for some time. At first glance, they seem to be putting it out there at too low a level (sr analyst vs. VP), but I will talk to him tomorrow and find out more. All my career my mantra is that I will answer to "Sally" if you pay me enough and don't drive me crazy.
The river was high, so I went boating with a couple guides (two of us in a small raft, one in a kayak). It started out a little chilly but by lunch spot I was overdressed so shed a layer. Hopefully this is the last day I'll need a wetsuit until next Autumn.

I made arrangements to take my kayak out on the river for the first time on Wednesday. It will be on a much tamer section than we paddled today. I want to get comfortable in moving water with only baby rapids before I take on the Class III's in the fun section of the river.

When I got home I pressure-washed the deck in preparation for restaining soon.

All that fresh air wore me out. I bet I fall asleep pretty soon after I sit down to read this evening.
Hiked 6 miles trying to track down some bison, looked at a new truck, found a repair place to work on my boat motor, finished up spring flower planting, cut my ear on my boat top framing, and went on a site inspection for the HOA.
Today continued the really nice weather of the weekend. I finished cleaning up from weekend activities including DD and her hubby staying and helping with the camp activities.

I went to town (again :( ) to do laundry. I have to go down to the city tomorrow to get warranty work done on the Jeep. That should do it for going to town almost every day for a while. Good thing too. The weather folks are predicting 8 to 10 inches of snow Thursday and Friday...
Hiked 6 miles trying to track down some bison, looked at a new truck, found a repair place to work on my boat motor, finished up spring flower planting, cut my ear on my boat top framing, and went on a site inspection for the HOA.

Stopped at a dealer last week and asked the salesman for someone who knew trucks. The young (and obviously new) salesman said he was my man! I told him I wanted to use it with a slide-in camper. Got this "deer in headlights" look. I said it goes in the back something like a topper. He brightened right up and told me he could sure help me with a truck and topper! I thought I would try another approach and asked if he could tell me the load rating for a 1-ton without duallies. I got a lot of bragging on how much his trucks could pull. I told him I needed to know about load capacity and not towing capacity. He was befuddled again. Then I asked if there was a commercial fleet truck guy I could talk to. He waved across the way and said "over there" and lost interest. :facepalm:

Truck shopping is so much fun!
Stopped at a dealer last week and asked the salesman for someone who knew trucks. The young (and obviously new) salesman said he was my man! I told him I wanted to use it with a slide-in camper. Got this "deer in headlights" look. I said it goes in the back something like a topper. He brightened right up and told me he could sure help me with a truck and topper! I thought I would try another approach and asked if he could tell me the load rating for a 1-ton without duallies. I got a lot of bragging on how much his trucks could pull. I told him I needed to know about load capacity and not towing capacity. He was befuddled again. Then I asked if there was a commercial fleet truck guy I could talk to. He waved across the way and said "over there" and lost interest. :facepalm:

Truck shopping is so much fun!

Got a real chuckle out of this.

Yes, the lack of knowledge regarding truck capabilities/specifications by a typical auto salesman is legendary. To them, numbers is really hard... :)
Stopped at a dealer last week and asked the salesman for someone who knew trucks. The young (and obviously new) salesman said he was my man! I told him I wanted to use it with a slide-in camper. Got this "deer in headlights" look. I said it goes in the back something like a topper. He brightened right up and told me he could sure help me with a truck and topper! I thought I would try another approach and asked if he could tell me the load rating for a 1-ton without duallies. I got a lot of bragging on how much his trucks could pull. I told him I needed to know about load capacity and not towing capacity. He was befuddled again. Then I asked if there was a commercial fleet truck guy I could talk to. He waved across the way and said "over there" and lost interest. :facepalm:

Truck shopping is so much fun!

It is tough to find someone at these dealerships who can answer your questions. You're better off finding the answer online. I find everything I need to know from online forums. jeepforum and f150forum.Great sources of info - kinda like ER.org
Another drive today.

North Dakota traffic jam. It's best to just pull off the road and let them go by. Also that field I photographed on the 11th is already starting to sprout.


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NoDak that is some awesome pictures and looks like a great day for a drive.
Realized today marks my age of 59.5...I can withdraw from my IRA without penalty! :dance:

Funny thing is...I don't wanna. :-\
Realized today marks my age of 59.5...I can withdraw from my IRA without penalty! :dance:

Funny thing is...I don't wanna. :-\
Yeah, but it's still nice to know you can, right? Congratulations. :)

On a similar vein, I am old enough to stay out late and party, but I never do.
I went and checked my garden this morning and my water melon seeds have sprouted. I was elated, there was a time where I was not sure I will get any this year. But these are the seeds that I planted directly to the ground. Let's hope the pill bugs will leave my seedlings alone.
I was out of town over the weekend, and received a notice from the mortgage company that they were cancelling my auto draft of the monthly mtg payment. That means only one thing, the balance in the escrow is sufficient to cover the remaining balance (turns out the final payment was $58.63!). I AM MORTGAGE FREE!!!:dance::dance::dance::dance:
I was out of town over the weekend, and received a notice from the mortgage company that they were cancelling my auto draft of the monthly mtg payment. That means only one thing, the balance in the escrow is sufficient to cover the remaining balance (turns out the final payment was $58.63!). I AM MORTGAGE FREE!!!:dance::dance::dance::dance:

Congratulations!!!! For those of us who are inclined to pay off our mortgage, it's a wonderful, wonderful feeling. :dance:

One thing I loved about paying off the mortage on my old house, was that I never have to do it again. For me it was just a one time thing. When I moved up, I just added some money that I had saved to the cash I got from my old house, and bought the new house in cash. No need for another mortgage, ever again.
I was out of town over the weekend, and received a notice from the mortgage company that they were cancelling my auto draft of the monthly mtg payment. That means only one thing, the balance in the escrow is sufficient to cover the remaining balance (turns out the final payment was $58.63!). I AM MORTGAGE FREE!!!:dance::dance::dance::dance:

Isn't that a load off your shoulders? That how I felt when I wrote the final house payment check.
I am visiting my mum and she got a new ventilator in her kitchen. Only the man fitting it for her must be a complete idiot. The overhead cupboard had a cutout where the ventilator should go. But he fitted it below the cupboards! :facepalm:

So my mum had problems cooking since her ladles and spatulas would hit the bottom of the fan. And she's too polite or perhaps timid to complain to the company he works for.

So I got my toolbox out of my RV and managed to put the ventilator where it was supposed to be. Took me two days since I'm not used to this kind of work. But now it's where it's supposed to be. And still works! :cool:
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