What is your pet peeve of the day?

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And let's not forget "Bro". Bro used to be a term of manly admiration. "Hey, Bro, haven't seen you in a while. What's the hap?" Then somehow it came to mean "fraternity brother" or "jock" about 10 years ago. I know some Millennials who use the word "Bro" as in insult. Wow, no greeting is safe anymore.
Wait staff that interrupt in the middle of the main course asking if I/we would like dessert.
Taking a slightly different tact (tack), what about mispronounced or misused words? Ever know someone who lived "acrost" (across) the street? I even hear business people say things like, "we can introduce this new feature "acrost" (across) the entire product line." That is a bit disturbing, "ex-specially" (especially) when the speaker is an educated person who should know better. Even some "reel-it-turs" (realtors) mispronounce the name of their own profession, and seem to think it has an extra syllable. It seems we can't "ex-cape" (escape) these assaults on the language. If you have heard some of these or have others, be sure and touch "bases" (base) with me.
The word "groom" seems to have an alternate meaning now of pedophilic molestation by our youngest employees. any effort to use the word in the traditional sense of mentorship+training is met with sniggering or gasps.

I insist on continuing to use the word correctly. I demonstrate the innocuous uses of the word: Dogs go to the groomers, not the doggy salon (and not to get molested); and I always say bride and groom, not man and wife. I think they know deep down I'm right, cause no one has made a formal complaint yet. But it's such a pet peeve, I'm hoping someone does.
The word "groom" seems to have an alternate meaning now of pedophilic molestation by our youngest employees. any effort to use the word in the traditional sense of mentorship+training is met with sniggering or gasps.

I insist on continuing to use the word correctly. I demonstrate the innocuous uses of the word: Dogs go to the groomers, not the doggy salon (and not to get molested); and I always say bride and groom, not man and wife. I think they know deep down I'm right, cause no one has made a formal complaint yet. But it's such a pet peeve, I'm hoping someone does.

Careful what you hope for. I guy in DC government correctly used the word "niggardly" a few years ago. He got fired after someone mistakenly believed it was a racial slur.

I would say niggardly use of the word "groom" might be in order when dealing with snowflakes requiring "safe spaces".
I have a stack of junk mail and fliers still coming through the mail everyday. It reminds me of the story of the advertiser who decried that he wasted half of his advertising, but didn't know which half.

It's so much wasted paper, and quickly becomes my own wasted time having to haul out recycling more than necessary because it becomes full of wasted advertising.

You can sign up through the FTC.gov portal to stop receiving some physical spam, but still some comes in. Only instead of under my name, it's Current Resident.

Maybe if I start keeping it all, I can just shred it and use it as insulation in the attic. :trash:
If it weren't for junk mail it would probably cost several dollars for a first class stamp.

I don't mind it, since it goes straight into the recycle bin.
I don't mind. We don't mail anything anymore. I have to cut my name out of junk mail before I throw them out.
"Aks" instead of "ask" drives me crazy. And Illinois, with the final "s" pronounced.
Careful what you hope for. I guy in DC government correctly used the word "niggardly" a few years ago. He got fired after someone mistakenly believed it was a racial slur.

I would say niggardly use of the word "groom" might be in order when dealing with snowflakes requiring "safe spaces".

Although you are right, one always have to be careful of one's readers' pr listeners' vocabularly--I know what niggardly means but I would never use it because it does sound like a racial slur and it is not a common word in very many people's vocabulary, and there are synonyms for it that don't distract from its meaning. A lot of people have never heard the word "renege" and I don't use that very often for the same reason. Except when playing pinochle.

I don't think pedophile when I hear groom.
Wait staff that interrupt in the middle of the main course asking if I/we would like dessert.

We had a meal recently in a Michelin starred restaurant (for the first and probably the last time!) and were never interrupted by any of the five people assigned to our table. It was amazing how inconspicuously they served us. I think most waiters today learn how to troll for tips and try to get their faces in front of you several times during a meal.

My dear late MIL's pet peeve was waiters clearing dishes from the table as each diner finished eating, which draws attention to either how fast or how slow each person is (and interrupts the meal a bit each time, and sort of is an assumption on the waiter's part that a diner was done)). At the above referenced restaurant, nothing was removed until the last person obviously finished a course--MIL would have loved it.
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Wait staff that disappear when it is time to bring the bill.
Clique being mispronounced as "click". The word "jealous" being used when the speaker really means "envious". (Perhaps the misuse for so many years has resulted it being acceptable now..argghhh....)
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Wait staff that disappear when it is time to bring the bill.

....Dining companions that disappear to the restroom or have to step away to make/take a phone call when it is time to *pay* the bill.
"Screamer" TV ads--every town seems to have one. Ours is a mattress liquidator company. Also, ads that repeat the exact same thing twice, or the phone number three times.
Ads in general on TV. Terrible. Thank God for PBS.
Careful what you hope for. I guy in DC government correctly used the word "niggardly" a few years ago. He got fired after someone mistakenly believed it was a racial slur.

I would say niggardly use of the word "groom" might be in order when dealing with snowflakes requiring "safe spaces".

I remember that vaguely. I also remember being disappointed with his apology speech, since he actually made one. I don't know how he was threatened to toe the line, but I wish he had used his speech time as a vocabulary and etymology lesson.
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Wait staff that disappear when it is time to bring the bill.
I left on purpose in a ship on the Danube River near Vienna because we had waited for 30 minutes and we couldn't stand the two females who were smoking at our table. Sure enough they found us.
....Dining companions that disappear to the restroom or have to step away to make/take a phone call when it is time to *pay* the bill.

That doesn't work in my world. I would just pay for my own meal and let them deal with their own bill.
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