What did you do today? 2017 version

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Just got back from a Tri state (AZ,NV.CA) Angel flight meeting at Lake Havasu, Arizona. The meetings were held outdoors, and it was warm. Fortunately, the meeting was at the Hangar 24 brewpub, so that helped:)
DW had been to the Lake years ago, and was blown away by the way the place grew in the present time.
We flew from the Lake to our home airport on the Pacific Coast,glad to be back in the cool weather.
P.S, We also brought back two one liter growlers and a 6 pack of onr of their IPA's.
Went to see "Logan Lucky" yesterday. A sort of "Ocean's 11" in backwoods West Virginia. :) One would think they were exaggerating WVa culture, but I know better. :)
MRG: have you tried the Epley maneuver? Have had vertigo x2, have not had it since I found the info on it, but have the cheat sheet and a video in case it is needed.
Yes, I tried that no luck. Luckily I'm slowly improving, maybe that's what did it?

Today I took DW to her DR. in Durango. Sixty miles of the most beautiful scenery on the planet. The leaves are changing and it's incredibly brilliant.

It was sunny here when we left, a bit overcast during the drive. Then clouds opened up and huge chunks of the mountain sides were illuminated. Absolutely fantastic. Of course some of the peaks are snow capped so we had that view both ways.

During the drive home DW was tired of me pointing out the scenery. Since she had seen signs about wildlife crossing she suggested I pay more attention to wildlife. As she said that I pointed to a flock of wild turkey on her side of the road.? I shut up after that.
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The best part of the day was the dream I had this morning - - I dreamed that Louisiana offered seniors a SECOND social security, this one from the state. Of course, that is not the case as I realized while awakening. But it was a nice dream. :)

I had an opthalmologist appointment and F drove me, since I was getting my eyes dilated. There was a thunderstorm with such torrential rain it was like standing under a waterfall. No really! It was. :LOL: Flash flood warnings went up, and some of the intersections flooded were close by so that was frightening to me. In the doctor's office I saw on TV that there were cars flooded up to their roofs at those intersections, too. Also saw awful footage of Catalonia and Vegas, and was floored by all the human suffering that is going on in the world. Then got my eyes dilated and could hardly see at all. For some reason I was scared to death that we would end up swimming through flood waters on the way home, with me half blind from eye dilation. But of course, F saved the day by navigating around the floods and got me home safely. No flooding at our houses at all, so I am home, safe, and dry.

Still, it was not a very peaceful day and I think my dream was nicer. :)
Cut and shredded 100 lbs of cabbage for sauerkraut today with my brother. Two ten gallons crocks full. Should be ready to bag and freeze in about 6 weeks.
I was out most of the day yesterday so today was an errand, food prep and to do list items kind of day. Yesterday I went to a benefit concert with a friend in the afternoon and in the evening DH and I saw a Led Zeppelin tribute band Called Get the Led Out at the UC Theatre in Berkeley. They put on a great show - very close to the original band sound. This is a clip of them from youtube:
Accompanied DW to the shops on Sunday, and I was surprised to see the Christmas display already up at Macy's. This is unbelievable. Oct 1! Pretty soon they're just going to leave the darn thing up all year long.


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Got back from a bit of a road trip. DW did the "couch potato to 5K" thing a few years ago and has truly discovered the joy of physical activity. She doesn't have the joints to handle running, but thoroughly enjoys walking half-marathons and does about one a month.

She has set a goal of doing a half-marathon in all 50 states, and much to my (and her) amazement, she did two of them this weekend. One Saturday and a second in a different state Sunday. She is up to 18 states now.

It's going to get more complicated (and expensive) since there is much more planning now. She doesn't want to do a distant state unless she can do at least two in the same trip, and wants a week in between since the back-to-back races she just did were too taxing.

I'm very happy to go along as support crew. Just so glad to see her enjoying it.
Had a remote meeting with my new Fidelity rep. Thirty minutes turned into an hour. He's OK, we have a common thread of employment, he had worked for another fund company that was a Megacorp client.

Swapped a few war stories of folks getting taken for rides by the industry. He made sure he discussed his compensation sources.

It was an awesome day for sunlight. I'm not sure if I saw a cloud today; bright blue sky's everywhere. Temperature around 64°F.

I was talking with a young guy and mentioned the great weather. He explained "it's like a HD, 4K kinda day outside".

He's right.
Got back from a bit of a road trip. DW did the "couch potato to 5K" thing a few years ago and has truly discovered the joy of physical activity. She doesn't have the joints to handle running, but thoroughly enjoys walking half-marathons and does about one a month.
I'm very happy to go along as support crew. Just so glad to see her enjoying it.

Congrats to your DW !! :D And good on you for supporting her.

I used to run halfs and DW would always come to support me. I have to get off my backside and start running again. Nowadays only my elbow is getting exercise.
Did the Yosemite ride through. Over on 120, back via 140 to 49, up 49 to 132 and home.

Left at a quarter to 9, home at a quarter to 6. 280 miles of twisty turnies and scenic bliss.

I ache. Now drinking rum & coke - :)
DH and I spent the day helping DD at her new house. I cleaned all the kitchen cabinets and a few windows while they made a couple of trips between the old and new house. We also helped change the locks.
Had my best round of golf yet. Good apres-Golf.
Baked pumpkin scones for a party tomorrow.
Breakfast at Panera's.

....a grocery store trip and lunch at home. I spatchcocked (first time in my life)/roasted a chicken yesterday.

serious decluttering plus dusting baseboards and furniture. We are getting ready for a road trip to Chincoteague. :)

Viewed "American Made". Reading a couple articles this evening showed how different reality/movie can be. Who knew? :LOL: It was a very entertaining movie. I remember when it all came down in Mena, AR, but wasn't paying much attention back then.

Leftovers for dinner. Then, decided to visit a local hangout for hummus plate (leftovers were not that wonderful).

Home again and caught last half of This is Us. I like to cry with the best of them.

It has been a wonderful retired day.
I bought my fresh green chile yesterday - about 35#. I get the chile roasted at the store but then I peel the skin off, remove the stems, and freeze it in small bags using a Foodsaver. It takes most of the day.

The Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta starts Saturday. It is supposed to rain through Friday but clear up for the weekend and next week. Hope they have good weather. I'm thinking of going next Thursday for the Special Shapes Glowdeo in the early evening. Weekends are too crowded and I have no desire to get up very early to make it to the morning events.
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Went to the post office to drop off a repaired intake manifold to be sent back to Australia. In the vintage VW hobby, this is one of those little details that makes the difference between a $25k car and a $60k+ one. Although the later intakes were very similar in appearance, this one (called a "jacketed K manifold") has a symmetry that the others don't have. This intake was only used in production from March 1950 until sometime in late '52. The heat riser tubing (the thinner tube) rusted out and allowed exhaust gas to be blown into the engine bay under the lid. If the heat were turned on, this gas would get sucked into the fan and blown into the cabin of the car (= sleepy driver = bad). So these intakes were often discarded and replaced with later ones which had a thicker heat riser tubing.

I extract (what is left of) the old tubing from the jacket, ream it out, hand fabricate new "legs" from metric spec tubing using a pipe bender, bolt it up to a fixture that I made and weld on laser cut flanges. The new legs are epoxied into the jacket, then the whole thing is media blasted.

I have been doing this since 2003 and charge $200 for this work and am the only person in the world that does it ( = play money). This one is going back to Australia today to be installed in a 1951 "Tempo Matador" which was a delivery van type vehicle that used the Volkswagen drivetrain.


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Went to the post office to drop off a repaired intake manifold to be sent back to Australia......... .
Nice work. It is ironic that people pay a premium to install the more dangerous manifold.
Nice work. It is ironic that people pay a premium to install the more dangerous manifold.

Yeah, but the reality is that on a restored, high dollar car like that, it isn't going be driven much. I sell those intakes restored for $1000-$1300 each when I have them.
I got a nice packet of personal information from the processing company that took the payment of some dumb just out of high school adult. The problem was they used my credit card and personal info to pay, and relayed the receipt to their personal email.

So I gave the little turd a call. He was none too pleased about all the information I had on him. But I got a huge laugh out of it all.
Got a haircut, then stopped by the Fedex drop-off point where I had dropped off a box for delivery last Monday. Noticing no activity on the tracking number other than it had been dropped off, I went by there again. The box was still sitting there! For whatever reason someone had stuck a sticker on it indicating that it was to be held there, so the pickup guy never picked it up. Fortunately he was there at the time and I watched it going on the truck so hopefully it'll be delivered this month.

"If it absolutely, positively, has to be there..." my butt!:mad:
Had a 6 month Dr visit. She wanted to see me after 6 months since I went back on a beta blocker for hypertension.

My BP, heart rate are great. The beta blocker helps with other minor issues like Pulsatile tinnitus. Unfortunately it slows down the metabolism in some folks and I'm one. I've tracked my calories for over 800 days and it appears to cause 5-10% reduction in my daily calorie burn.

I'm a few pounds above my BMI and was concerned it. She wasn't, said BMI to age and muscle mass was very good. I was surprised at her knowledge of nutrition, my prior PCP, would have had to pull his nurse into the room.?

I see her in a year.
Played 9 holes of golf. Really fun game with good friends.
Booked a golf trip for 2018.
Made a chicken pot pie. It’s still in the oven, but I can smell it!
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