Rehabbing a summer cabin built in 1972

At 45+ years old you might want to think about changing all the breakers out as they do age. Also at that age you might check to be sure the wiring is copper.

Thanks- I love a do-it-yourself project but electricity scares me, and I'm going to leave that one to the experts. I'll ask the electrician if the breakers are original. I admit my ignorance here- is copper wiring good or bad?
Thanks- I love a do-it-yourself project but electricity scares me, and I'm going to leave that one to the experts. I'll ask the electrician if the breakers are original. I admit my ignorance here- is copper wiring good or bad?

In houses of that vintage aluminum wiring was often used which is bad copper is good wiring. Aluminum wiring can cause arcing and fires as things age. Here is a link to a wikipedia article explaining the problem:
As the article states many outlets are connected with screw terminals on the sides, and the metal to metal contacts corroded over time between the Aluminum and the metal in the outlet.
But just the faux paneling on the first floor, right?

Looks like it's real wood above that...which I wouldn't paint.

Because of water problems we had to rip out genuine wood paneling on the walk-in level of our place in the mountains (sob!) - replaced with Sheetrock painted off-white.

But it's still the original wood paneling above.

Our old 1925 built cabin had 60-70s era wood paneling in the kitchen, living room and bathroom. We ripped it all out, and there was beautiful wood bead board walls underneath. They were painted a strange light lime green color. I've seen this color used on trim on older 1920's era homes. It must have been popular at the time. So far we have left the green. Again, kind of makes us laugh.
Take care, JP
How cool! I always wanted to buy a vacation cabin but most everything within 3-4hrs driving distance is more than modern houses in other parts of the country.
How did you find this cabin? How much land is available? Are you on well and septic? Does it perc in other places?
If it was my place I’d add a few more cabins around if there’s room- you could always rent them out to city slickers

FNMA foreclosure listed thru a realtor. On septic, neighborhood well. I suspect it would perc. There is a spring on the property. Not enough space for more cabins. And, frankly, to rural. The nearest town of any size for over a hundred miles is only 50k.
we're closing on our 70's cabin by the lake tomorrow. It has been remodeled more recently than yours but we are going to update and fix gradually. Whoever owned it before us loved blue and EVERYTHING in this cabin is blue. I do not love blue. Some of it is pretty easily fixable, some is not. Every horizontal surface is covered with blue formica. the counter can stay but the kitchen table is getting a coat of paint, the coffee table and end tables will be replaced or modified, etc.

We love that its quirky- its got brass name plates on some of the doors! But some of it- someone put exterior siding (blue of course) on the inside of the bathroom. Eventually, we'll tackle that, but we want to enjoy it so not doing that this week.

The first things to go are the upholstered blue dining room chairs that look ridiculously out of place. A friend donated some that fit better. And I can't live with the blue formica backsplash, so we'll put up black chalkboard contact paper for now, and corrugated tin later. Shopping for replacement items on craigslist as we want to keep the comfy- well loved look it has.

Please keep us up to date. I may steal some of your ideas...
Please keep us up to date. I may steal some of your ideas...

I have a sneaky suspicion some of the blue "features" may come up for sale soon. How do you feel about blue siding? :cool:
I have a sneaky suspicion some of the blue "features" may come up for sale soon. How do you feel about blue siding? :cool:

I think I only want to steal ideas, not actual merchandise.

Perhaps a trade? I have some VERY funky avocado green light fixtures...

And a Cherub decoupage on a toilet seat.
I think I only want to steal ideas, not actual merchandise.

Perhaps a trade? I have some VERY funky avocado green light fixtures...

And a Cherub decoupage on a toilet seat.

Decoupage on a toilet seat?? Ugh. No thanks!
Played hookie from work today. Spent about ten hours working. Installed a ledger board for the front deck rebuild, prepped and prepped and prepped and painted the front and one side. Hadn't been painted in a loooong time.

Would've been easier if id just gone to work, but not as scenic or as much fun.


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Sounds like a great buy and a fun project. Keep us posted on your progress.
Keim, examine /inspect that porch. I've personally been on one when if fell straight down. thanks for the pictures ad details...this is the stuff that interest me :)
Planning to add supports for just that reason. Seems solid, but I still worry.
Our friends called their cottage near us Holiday Hobby! I thought it was a great way to capture the experience. After they got finished the cottage, they put in a Japanese Garden! That was too much for us.



I'm having a hard time seeing which pictures I'm uploading- be patient- this is the front view of the house- facing the water. The downstairs area is a screened porch. The interior view is the most recently refinished rooms- the kitchen and living area also facing the water.
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The view from the water, the crooked addition downstairs, and the bathroom with the exterior siding




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The other side of the addition- I rarely use handrails, but the stairs in here are so crooked that I have to. The stairs are crooked because the floor is crooked, but we'll fix it later. Maybe in the fall.
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The other side of the addition- I rarely use handrails, but the stairs in here are so crooked that I have to. The stairs are crooked because the floor is crooked, but we'll fix it later. Maybe in the fall. Also the downstairs screened porch- which needs a lot of work, and the "mini kitchen" on the top of the pier. Nothing works- the fridge is broken, the sink fixtures leak and the formica is buckled. We are talking about getting rid of all of it. We'll use it this summer and see if we wished we had one, and if we don't, we'll just rip it all out. For now- the swimming ladder needs replacing, a few pier boards have to be replaced, and the tree has to be trimmed and one has to go altogether. Everything else can wait.
The loft. The door leaked and rotted the floor- the carpet is damaged and rather than replace it- we'll probably pull it out, repair the plywood, paint it and put down some area rugs. The railing is a desk. Not sure how to get it out so its staying.IMG_20180504_162726541 (1).jpg


Nice place, geauxgirl. Looks like somebody left the seat up -- not allowed here! :)
That is pretty cool! Few things better in this life than fresh (caught and eaten same day) fish. Have big fun - :)
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