Sudden Unexplained Coma


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 9, 2010
Yesterday morning my sister-in-law who will be 65 in a couple of months woke up, ate breakfast, made the bed then laid down on the couch because she didn't feel well. Told her husband she was going to throw up, which she did. She then collapsed and fell unconscious. She was rushed to a small regional hospital where they suspected a stroke. They ran blood tests, MRI, cat scan etc and could find nothing wrong. After remaining in a coma all day she was transferred to a large metropolitan hospital as the small hospital did not have the equipment to run an EEG.

She arrived at the large hospital last night still in a coma. Additional tests will be performed today. She does not respond to any stimulation at all. Her breathing was shallow so she has been intubated. Her vitals otherwise appear to be fine.

She has not been ill. She has no on-going medical problems. She has low blood pressure, but has had low blood pressure all her life. She is stick thin, little more than a bone, but has been that way all her life. She has not hit her head. She is not diabetic. MRI and cat scan show absolutely nothing wrong.

No change this morning. Still in a coma. Still not responding to any stimulation.

Has anybody ever heard of such a thing?
West Nile virus is back in the news. It is mosquito transmitted.

It is a slim possibility.
West Nile virus is back in the news. It is mosquito transmitted.

It is a slim possibility.

This is on the list of things to ask the doctors today. Along with checking for tick bites. They have a lake house which they go to frequently and there is a lot of woods and vegetation surrounding it so this is a strong possibility.
Very sorry to hear about your SIL, MissMolly. We hope they figure out what's going on and can treat it soon. Must be horribly stressful for everyone so take care of yourselves.
That is terrible. I hope they can figure out what is wrong with her and help.
So sorry to read about this, MissMolly. I can't imagine what could have caused it. But moving her to the big hospital was a very good thing to do. My guess is that if anyone can figure it out, they will.

Good luck and I hope she recovers ASAP. It doesn't sound good but we never know.
Have they done a toxicology screen on her blood? Could it be poisoning from something? These are similar symptoms to those being poisoned in the UK. Seems unbelievable it could be something like this.....but the only thought I have since the studies of the brain appear normal at this point.
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Very sorry to hear about your SIL, MissMolly. We hope they figure out what's going on and can treat it soon. Must be horribly stressful for everyone so take care of yourselves.
+1. thoughts and prayers are with you
Thank you all for you responses/concern. It is appreciated.

Still no change. Still no response to stimuli. Waiting for more test results. For the life of me I can't figure this out. I have never, ever heard of this happening before. So sad for her husband and kids.
Have they done a toxicology screen on her blood? Could it be poisoning from something? These are similar symptoms to those being poisoned in the UK. Seems unbelievable it could be something like this.....but the only thought I have since the studies of the brain appear normal at this point.

They have. It showed elevated levels of anti-depressants. She is not on anti-depressants. Her husband is not on anti-depressants. The doctor had her husband go home and gather up all medications and bring it in. They opened all the bottles and looked and nothing was an anti-depressant. So this elevated level makes no sense. However, all this was done at the small hospital which quite frankly I don't think is capable of handling anything beyond a cold or at most a broken bone. Little more than an urgent care facility. I don't know if repeated blood tests at the large hospital show the same.

Just got news they have done an EEG and are preparing to do a new MRI. Awaiting results.
I assume they've done the standard blood panels looking for elevated white counts.... The reason I bring this up is I had a very good friend get the sniffles and 3 hours later was in a coma, and dead the next day from septic shock. She was a school teacher - so exposed to kids with colds as part of her work environment. But she also had her spleen removed 30 years earlier when fighting (and beating) cancer... so her immune system wasn't 100%...

Positive thoughts that your SIL recovers and that they figure it out.
They have. It showed elevated levels of anti-depressants. She is not on anti-depressants. Her husband is not on anti-depressants. The doctor had her husband go home and gather up all medications and bring it in. They opened all the bottles and looked and nothing was an anti-depressant. So this elevated level makes no sense. However, all this was done at the small hospital which quite frankly I don't think is capable of handling anything beyond a cold or at most a broken bone. Little more than an urgent care facility. I don't know if repeated blood tests at the large hospital show the same.

Just got news they have done an EEG and are preparing to do a new MRI. Awaiting results.

Could they have mixed up her blood samples? Hopefully those tests have all been redone. ...So sorry for your family.
If the blood test is correct about the anti-depressants, it makes me wonder if she was taking OTC supplements such as St John's Wort that may have interacted with other supplements/medication.
I am so sorry to hear this. Hopefully, they will figure it out and she will recover quickly. Your family is in my prayers.
My 93 year old mother had something similar (without the coma) from a tick bite. She lives in Southern Missouri. It turned out that several other older people in her church had a similar reaction to a tick bite.
I assume they've done the standard blood panels looking for elevated white counts.... The reason I bring this up is I had a very good friend get the sniffles and 3 hours later was in a coma, and dead the next day from septic shock. She was a school teacher - so exposed to kids with colds as part of her work environment. But she also had her spleen removed 30 years earlier when fighting (and beating) cancer... so her immune system wasn't 100%...

Positive thoughts that your SIL recovers and that they figure it out.
They have. Apparently nothing is showing up. So sorry about your friend! That's just awful! Her husband (my BIL) has been fighting bronchitis so I wonder if she may have picked up something like this?

Could they have mixed up her blood samples? Hopefully those tests have all been redone. ...So sorry for your family.
Heaven only knows. Like I said, that was from the small hospital. I don't know what the large hospital is saying about this.

If the blood test is correct about the anti-depressants, it makes me wonder if she was taking OTC supplements such as St John's Wort that may have interacted with other supplements/medication.
Good question. I don't know. She is certainly the type to take supplements like that.

I am so sorry to hear this. Hopefully, they will figure it out and she will recover quickly. Your family is in my prayers.

My 93 year old mother had something similar (without the coma) from a tick bite. She lives in Southern Missouri. It turned out that several other older people in her church had a similar reaction to a tick bite.
Tick bites/spider bites/mosquito bites are supposed to be some of the things being checked today.
To update: she has an actual neurologist working with her today (unlike yesterday). He has been able to get some reaction to pain he administers. She opened her eyes a couple of times. EEG is finished. No word on that yet. MRI being done now.
Just remembered that my sister had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and she was touch and go, for a while. She was not in a coma, but she was pretty much out of it.
Sounds similar to what happened to former U.S. Senator from North Carolina, Sen. Kay Hagan. She went into a coma and it took a while to figure our she had encephalitis from a rare tick bite.
Doctor is saying it is Herpes Encephalitis. The EEG shows this to be the probable cause, they will do a lumbar puncture to confirm. They are going to go ahead and start her on antibiotics for this. Doctor says without the antibiotics she will die. Herpes Encephalitis is the same virus that causes cold sores. He said they do not know why it turned into encephalitis.
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