Moto G3 Android Phone won't let me answer it


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Dec 21, 2008
I have a Moto G3 Android smartphone. When it rings, it doesn't give an "answer" option any more, and I can't find anything in Settings to bring that option back. Does anyone else have this type of smartphone?

Now, when the phone rings, a flashing circle appears. When I touch the circle, or swipe right or left, it doesn't answer the phone. It either cuts it off, or displays an icon of a "red" and a "green" old-fashioned handset. I thought "green" would mean "answer," but when i touched "green," the phone cut off. Same when I touched red! This has caused so much frustration (to the caller, as well) that I actually experimented by calling my smartphone. Just as when someone else calls me, none of the available icons seems to answer the phone.

I looked online for "Moto G3 answer calls" and what I found was a video showing me the former "answer" option.

Maybe my swipe/touch technique is off, or maybe I haven't looked in the right Settings area - then again, there really aren't many Settings options for the phone. :confused::confused:
You know that should be a feature, after all I bought the phone for my convenience not other people. Excuse me I just got off the phone from a collection agent calling about a car we don't own. Who the heck finances a 12 year old car?

I'd also cycle the thing.
The ON-OFF Button is the first thing I always try. Not to do so is to admit PEBDAF - Problem Exists Between Device and Floor.

Have you tried turning the phone off then restarting it?
swipe right? I have a moto g4 play and took me awhile to swipe to answer. Instead, I'd miss calls or somehow answer and hang up on callers.
My Motorola Droid TurboII suddenly started doing the same thing. Turns out it was a recent update to the TrueCaller Caller ID app that caused the trouble. Uninstalled the app and reinstalled and it all works again.
Welcome to the new economy where customers have replaced product test.
have you tried swiping/dragging the circle toward the green symbol? I think that's how mine works, kinda
You could always do a factory reset. Just make sure you do a backup first. Or if you use Google, Gmail, etc. they should have your contacts, etc. in the cloud.
My 4 year old Samsung was SLOW and battery wasn't lasting but a few hours. But instead of buying a new phone I reset it and it is working fine now. Did the same to my DW's Moto 4 and is working well again also.
Factory reset is a good way to get rid of all the c**p apps you've tried out and not using.
I really feeling the same frustrations when switching over from a flip phone to a smartphone. Guess putting an "answer" option is too old fashioned as if you won't swipe, it's not a smart phone :facepalm:.
This may help (or confuse things even more :popcorn:)

What a coincidence, DW just was having this problem. But it is compounded by the fact that her ringer is intermittent. I got that fixed temporarily - based on some notes from the web, 'massaging' the back in certain places would bring the ringer back (loose connection at that point?). I got that to hold for now, will check the videos on that to see about a more permanent fix.

Back to "Answer" - we called her from another phone, and this is what we noticed. If the phone is 'sleeping', (dark screen), a notification pops up on top, and you touch (not swipe) "Answer". That brought up the app, and it seemed like a right-swipe of the green phone icon would answer, but it quickly turns to red, so if you swipe repeatedly it hangs it back up? Kinda hard to say.

But answering a phone should be simpler than this! And these darn kids - I bet they don't even know what that "phone" icon is, they are probably thinking, "that doesn't look like a phone!".

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Because of one of the recent major android updates on my Moto G5 plus I now have to swipe up to answer calls.
We have new G6 phones and it is swipe UP. If I don't recognize the caller I swipe up with my middle finger :eek: [emoji23][emoji23]
Makes me want to get an Android!

But answering a phone should be simpler than this! And these darn kids - I bet they don't even know what that "phone" icon is, they are probably thinking, "that doesn't look like a phone!".


"oh look! there is a phone in my camera!"
I think Sunset and Zinger are right. I had a moto g5 for my last phone and I think I swiped UP. Missed a call or two on my Samsung because you swipe to either side on this one
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