Any interest in a midwest USA meeting?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Feb 9, 2011
I noticed that the Washington group is getting together again.

In a previous website I enjoyed that had a similar level of helpful comradery, a California group also had that tradition. I did get to meet a handful of these people who lived more locally and it was pleasant to have a real person meeting with a known online presence. And yes they were very much like their online persona.

I'd suggest a very public place with free parking at a non prime time and day where people could share as little or as much as they chose to get together for a while and maybe have a bite to eat and over tip the staff for putting up with us. I have no overwhelming desire to organize anything and am open to ideas even if it doesn't work out for me date wise or location wise.

Should people worry about salespeople attending or personal privacy some people just had a nametag with their site name.

I am on the northside in the city as opposed to the surrounding burbs.
Hmm 97 views and no comment..

Would people be interest if I did all the prep? I'd still need some idea of possible number in attendance.

Would there be more interest if I did all the prep and didn't attend? : )
Midwest is a big area. No mention of where in midwest, unless you were referring to your location Chicago.
My logic was first to find if there was interest and where those people might be. As to what is far for me that might not be to others. I'd drive 5-6 hrs for such a thing if necessary. Also timing is important. After the snow is done flying and hopefully before or after reunions and graduations...

So yes I could find locations in Chicago but Milwaukee St Louis Iowa city, Dubuque, Indianapolis might work too. Or people could subdivide and meet others closer because as you say Midwest is large.
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It would depend on the location and the timing. I'm in Kansas City.
I like the idea of the people with interest giving the general area where they tend to live.

Maybe if we give an indication of how far we would consider traveling that might help us decide where we could attend.

I'm closer to Washington than Tulsa. I had to look at a map. Funny how I always think of Oklahoma as a western state.. Probably associate too many cowboy movies with it.

Re Kansas city, Kansas or Missouri? Just kidding as I know it straddles the state line.

If we can get a core to agree to a place or places others will be more interested.
I live near Detroit and travel to MO often to visit my dad. Places along the way would make it something I would consider. Places such as Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Kansas City. Cities along I-70 are good or the northern route goes by Chicago. Chicago would be good as I have a old work buddy there I could add to the trip.
I've noticed there are quite a few us in MN. I'd guess most of them in the great MSP area which is about 2 hours away for me.

Am I an outlier when I say I prefer to be virtual friends and not meet in person. Oddly enough I've shared enough personal details and problems here, things I wouldn't have been comfortable telling a complete stranger.

Sharing some of this stuff has help me get clarity, especially with some things related to my birth family and rather unusual childhood, but I don't want to feel the need to censor myself.
I like the mystery of this forum. I enjoy guessing what someone might look like or how they act. Sometimes writing is easier than socializing. I'm free to say something here, that I might not say in a social setting.

Ha! reminds me of that South Park episode where the brilliant mastermind of a Dungeons and Dragons game sat in his basement with zits and facial hair eating junk food obsessively playing for hours and hours killing all his enemies. I want that person to be a handsome, brilliant hero on a white horse who was smarter than everyone else.
I have a picture in my head of everyone and don't want that to change.


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I suspect we have an entire spectrum of people here.

Just as Intelligence Quotient (IQ) does not directly relate to Emotional Quotient (EQ), I'm sure Financial Interest and Wealth Building tactics and Early Retirement (ER)don't relate directly to Sociability aptitudes or interests.

I've met some people who are great in many areas. These are the ones I still keep in touch with and admire.
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