Favorite Christmas commercials


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 8, 2012
I just saw the Hershey’s Kisses one where the chocolates ring like bells to the tune on We Wish You A Merry Christmas, with that extra effort from the last “bell”. Also, the Coca Cola one with the white polar bear has some sentimental value, for some reason.

What are some of your favorites?
I was always fond of Santa sledding through the snow on a Norelco rotary electric razor.
The Budweiser Clydesdales bringing the Christmas tree through the snow.
The GM truck commercial with featuring two of our ER members...
She to him a watch... He to her... Two GM trucks... She runs to the Blue one "I love it!"
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The "Silent Night" Pampers commercial--clever way to sell diapers!
Just to show how tastes are different, I hate that GM truck commercial, mostly the way she says "I love it" the second time. Probably has a lot to do with seeing it countless times during football games. First couple of times it was probably pretty cute, but that wore off a long time ago.
the last one on dec 24th. seriously, most of what we watch is on DVR and we skip thru the commercials. but of those we do see i think Coca Cola's are very good.
None! And I also don't like "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" and mechanical snowmen or Santa Claus in stores that sing the same thing over and over.

How many other young people would have enough to buy $130,000 worth of trucks for Christmas presents? ;)

And w/o even asking the other? I can't imagine buying a car for DW w/o having her test drive it.

Every year, as long as I can recall, there are Christmas Commercials with cars being given as gifts with a big ribbon on them. I wonder what % of people have ever done that?

And what % of people drive their cars off road, as shown in so many commercials?

And yes, the repetition of that commercial drives me (no pun intended) nuts. It ran last year, so I was sick of it by the 2nd playing this year. Anyone ever notice the subtlety - looks like her early gift is matching Apple watches (or equiv?), in red and black, and the trucks are in red and black?

ETA: Hah! I just realized, I cannot tell you what brand those trucks are - and I've seen that commercial a hundred times, at least! :)

The GM truck commercial with featuring two of our ER members...
She to him a watch... He to her... Two GM trucks... She runs to the Blue one "I love it!"

I hate the smugness of this commercial. It somehow has a feel of 'doesn't everyone buy hugely expensive presents for one another?' Oh, and look, how cute : the woman is going against the cultural expectations and wants the macho gift (the big truck instead of the smaller SUV). Oh wow, those Madsion ave ad makers are just so darn clever and bright! Yay for them! ANother thing: I thought it was one truck and one SUV. She is supposed to automatically run to the SUV, no? And I can never make out what the husband says at very end. Sounds like he is mumbling. Did I mention I hate this commercial?
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I hate the smugness of this commercial. It somehow has a feel of 'doesn't everyone buy hugely expensive presents for one another?' Oh, and look, how cute : the woman is going against the cultural expectations and wants the macho gift (the big truck instead of the smaller SUV). Oh wow, those Madsion ave ad makers are just so darn clever and bright! Yay for them! ANother thing: I thought it was one truck and one SUV. She is supposed to automatically run to the SUV, no? And I can never make out what the husband says at very end. Sounds like he is mumbling. Did I mention I hate this commercial?

"I like red". In a rather disappointed, accepting defeat voice.

So after spending all this money, he owns a truck he didn't really want?

Really bad commercial, and I agree with the "smugness". And these extremely expensive gifts are their "early" presents - what do they get for each other as their main gifts? Does she expect the Hope Diamond under the tree?

I think all the GM commercials are insufferable. Thankfully, most stuff we watch is on-demand or DVR'd, so we can ignore/FF them.

Speaking of car commercials, have you noticed that TODAY is the BEST time to buy? What about when you said that last time? Or the time before that?

Another quite annoying commercial "theme" is the JCP. Whatever is on sale, you see people just running around willy nilly. Where are they going? To the store? I don't think so since they are usually running around with the items on sale already.

Oh, and how can we forget the perfume commercials? Yep, they make me want to go right out and buy that "stank in a bottle"...no thanks.

Oh, wait...what's my favorite commercial for the season? +1 on the Hershey's Kisses. :)
I just had to look -

About 99.9% of the comments are negative. WARNING - lots of foul language in many of the comments, proceed at your own risk.

Either the ad agency lives in a bubble, or accepts that any attention is good.

OK, I just noticed this is favorite Christmas commercials, not pet peeves - I'm sure there are some I find to be cute, when I recall which ones I'll post.

Though I do have a bit of sentimental nostalgia for that old Folger's commercial, where "Peter" ("Petah!") surprises everyone by coming home (or just early?) for the holidays (from college?), and makes the morning coffee.

I think they ran it a few times last year, maybe they'll do the right thing and wait until after Thanksgiving?

I like this one, most likely because the father is depicted as a good loving father instead of the usual self-centered, foolish idiot.

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I hate the smugness of this commercial.

As is typical, the man/husband/father is depicted as an out of touch, insensitive idiot. Do they really think men don't pick up on this?

Can you imagine a commercial where the woman buys her guy a brand new Prius when what he really wants is a 4WD Off Road vehicle? ....... I didn't think so.
It's not a Christmas commercial, but to me this is the much better car buying commercial. It's not even a car company commercial, but an investment firm commercial.

Summary: an older gent has a dream car he wants to buy. His son throws him for a loop when the son has to move, and asks the grandparents if his daughter can stay with them for his senior year of high school. You see some adjustments he makes having a teen live with them. The closer, the guy takes the girl out to the driveway to surprise her with a car he's bought for her. She's very excited...then stops and say "But Grandpa...what about your dream car?" He replies "This is my dream now."

I just really like how the girl has the awareness to realize the sacrifice the grandfather made, and not just gushing over the gift itself.

Of course in the e-r.org version of the commercial, the grandfather dumps his financial advisor and by saving the 1% fee each year, he can by both his dream car and the car for his granddaughter. Still, it's a heartwarming commercial.
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