What's next for hoarding?

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I have not been back to this thread since now.

NW, now everything works WITHOUT wires! (like magic, but needs battery).:D

Yeah right. How's that magic is going to work when you have no batteries?

Soon, game makers will have a new breed of game controllers with wires. See that socket on the console? Plug it in and it works without batteries. Magic!

On the controllers with rechargeable lithium battery, is the battery replaceable or built-in, I am curious.
I was in Home Depot, and they were out of freezers and would not have stock again until May. This food hoarding has gotten to ridiculous levels.
Isn't unobtainium #0 on the Periodic Table of Elements, symbol "No"?

Actually it's the square root of -1, if you know what I mean ;)

(and Chevy.... you overpaid....it's in the 130's elsewhere...)

(...and I don't need to buy any gamma seal buckets , as I've kept lots from the old lab days (large buckets for microbiology plates etc.... have kept my dog food and bird seed in them for years so as to keep away from mice etc, although given enough time even they can chew through... so do keep checking to make sure. last thing you want is for a hoard of mice to be shacking up with plenty of food )
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Gas $2.39 at SAM's today. Cheapest I've found here in my neck of California. Not a single car was there filling up. We used to fill up a couple times a week. Been 2 weeks now and we still have over 3/4 tank full.
Filled up at 1.95 yesterday. Wonder if I should stock up now for the upcoming hurricane season.
Gas $2.39 at SAM's today. Cheapest I've found here in my neck of California. Not a single car was there filling up. We used to fill up a couple times a week. Been 2 weeks now and we still have over 3/4 tank full.

We are driving so little, that our cars are good for gas for about 2 months.

And our oldest car battery drained down because I had not driven it in a few weeks (it's an old battery). :facepalm:
Bloomberg has an article on what may be in shortage soon due to supply chain disruption from China: condom.

Somewhere on this forum, someone mentioned the possibility of a baby boom 9 months from now due to the lockdown keeping people at home with little to do.

Now, here's another factor to stoke the fire.
What? That’s crazy! Maybe someone is there caring for a sick parent or any number of legitimate reasons to shelter in place in another county or state.
Mountain town, Silverton. They don't want people up there snowmobiling and needing assistance. They are wanting to reserve their medical staff to sick people not tourists. At 9300' you really don't want to have a respiratory problem there.
Bloomberg has an article on what may be in shortage soon due to supply chain disruption from China: condom.

Somewhere on this forum, someone mentioned the possibility of a baby boom 9 months from now due to the lockdown keeping people at home with little to do.

Now, here's another factor to stoke the fire.

I am a lot more worried about other things being in short supply, like antibiotics. We can easily lick the condom problem.
My post on condom shortage was tongue-in-cheek.
You know they label every box 'Extra Large' just to make guys feel better.
Somewhere on this forum, someone mentioned the possibility of a baby boom 9 months from now due to the lockdown keeping people at home with little to do.

More young folks to pay into the SS system. :D Could CV19 be a perfidious plot by old folks? :rolleyes:
Not hardly. If the virus doesn't kill them off, the old folks will be dead by the time 2020's babies are old enough to pay into SS.

More young folks to pay into the SS system. :D Could CV19 be a perfidious plot by old folks? :rolleyes:
Not hardly. If the virus doesn't kill them off, the old folks will be dead by the time 2020's babies are old enough to pay into SS.

So let's do the math. Who's going to start to be eligible for SS when kids born in 2020 start to work?

That'll be 2038-2040. Someone who is 67 in 2039 was born in 1972. So pre-Millennial. It's the Gen-X'ers who hatched the conspiracy! Let's go with that. They haven't been blamed for anything in a while.
I'm OK with that. Hiding between two generations, they get away with everything!

It's the Gen-X'ers who hatched the conspiracy! Let's go with that. They haven't been blamed for anything in a while.
Not hardly. If the virus doesn't kill them off, the old folks will be dead by the time 2020's babies are old enough to pay into SS.

But, we FIREd people retire anywhere from 5 to 20 years earlier than ordinary people. And we live longer because we don't work ourselves to the bone, sacrificing our health for 'the man'.
I was keying on the phrase "old folks," not extrapolating to "retired folks." Hey, we could chop logic all day! I think I'll go chop some celery to make tuna salad from the last actual cans of tuna I was able to buy back in February!

But, we FIREd people retire anywhere from 5 to 20 years earlier than ordinary people. And we live longer because we don't work ourselves to the bone, sacrificing our health for 'the man'.
So all I could get was a 50-lb bag of flour.

So my research says, use Home Depot buckets with gamma-seal lids.

So, every Home Depot within 100 miles is flat out of gamma-seal lids and no ETA of new shipments.

Home Depot buckets (at least a few years ago) were not food grade. Do not use them to store flour unless it is kept in the bag.

I have a variety of grains for brewing (and other things) in buckets with gamma seal lids. Some of them are traditional buckets w/gamma seal lids acquired from various places. This bucket: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Encore-Plastics-5-Gallon-Pail-White/20703096 used to be food grade (made by Eoncore plastics) but I haven't verified if that is still true (5+ years later). The Encore site implies this but I haven't researched if the Walmart bucket is using the same buckets as is mentioned here: Industrial Plastic Pails | Buckets

I also have some "Vittles Vault" pet food containers w/gamma seal lids. These ARE food grade containers and appear to be available: https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/gamma-vittles-vault-stackable-836966?cm_mmc=PSH-_-GGL-_-SPP-_-PME-_-PET-_-AQU-_-0-_-PTC_P_SUP_PLA-GG_FY19_SBU04_Dog_Bowls_SMRT-_-Product_Listing_Ads-_-Smart_Shopping&kpid=go_6511491356_77679990665_382913341588_pla-891297732135_c&utm_config=tad0iunwp&utm_campaign=PTC_P_SUP_PLA-GG_FY19_SBU04_Dog_Bowls_SMRT&utm_source=google&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsYb0BRCOARIsAHbLPhF0gqoFyUGIBlIqQUDimRzzm2N1kMY6rUwj0yt9C0luicEObofiBgEaAvyVEALw_wcB These come in various sizes and are pretty nice --- and stackable!

You can also buy gamma seal lids online. For example, Baytec has sold these for many years (never bought them from them so YMMV): https://www.bayteccontainers.com/gamma-seal-lids-all-colors-6-pack.html?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsYb0BRCOARIsAHbLPhENaJEq-4acukjfzUrwnHglNG1XlsRD8mchmy1m1RbpYTk12azF9E8aAmuLEALw_wcB
DW is paranoid that we are going to run out of tp. I can’t convince her that there is no need to go the store every few days to get a ration of tp. So I made a spreadsheet. So far only 5 days of data, but at the current rate of 0.28 rolls used per day, we have a stockpile that should last 173.5 days. Still won’t stop,her from wanting to buy more in a few days.


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