Our school district just announced it would be 100% online in the fall.

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Governor Cuomo gave the green light for in class learning today. I assume now it is up to individual school districts to decide.

So our school is going to do a hybrid plan, 2 days in school and 3 days remote. But we also have the option to do all remote learning for the first semester. The classes will be live taught and follow the same schedule. If we choose this option, we have to continue with it until the second semester.

This is what I will have my daughter do. Her school did a great job transitioning in the spring. I believe there is a good chance that the schools will close due to covid again anyway, so I feel it is better for her to already be set up for remote learning again this year. Cuomo said they will close them if infection climbs to 5%. If all goes well we will go back for the second semester.
Sorry for so long post, but want to give another take on how a school district is preparing in the Northeast with a low positivity rate. It is not perfect and many different outcomes can occur of course, but they are trying their best to minimize the health impacts as much as they can for students, staff and families.

sounds like your school board has a good plan for the start of the year.
Guy said he can't enforce masks.

But apparently they have a dress code?
That makes absolutely no sense. They have all sorts of school rules. Requiring masks during a pandemic is no different, especially as it makes a much safer environment for everyone in the school.
Also, they suspended her for 3 infractions of their code of conduct, then it was pointed out that only 2 of them happened and only 1 of those (posting a photo that included other students) is actually an infraction; and they haven't suspended other students for doing the exact same thing in pre-pandemic times. It was not going to survive an appeal to any higher level authority.

That and since several have been diagnosed with Covid19 classroom instruction is suspended, back to online education.
The Power 5 conferences may be on the verge of delaying or canceling the college football season. One reason driving the decision would be concern about potential for myocarditis:

A rare heart condition that could be linked with the coronavirus is fueling concern among Power 5 conference administrators about the viability of college sports this fall.

Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, has been found in at least five Big Ten Conference athletes and among several other athletes in other conferences, according to two sources with knowledge of athletes' medical care.

For athletes the myocarditis is a biggie. Not worth the risk of contracting the virus.

Work out at home and/or in your neighborhood park. Avoid contracting the virus.
Well, our elementary schools will be open and I will be at my corner with my STOP sign, my reflective vest and wearing my mask.

Originally our schools were due to open Aug 19th, and were postponed until Aug 24th with an option for in-person or remote learning using a hybrid plan based on grade and local Covid levels.

As of tonight this has been updated to delaying the opening to Aug 31 with all instruction being online (no in-person classes) until Sept 28th.

On a personal level this means I won't be back at my crossing guard job until Sept 28th. I'm disappointed because I truly enjoy it and was looking forward to getting back after 5 months. But I'm also glad that my school district took our county recommendations and decided to make changes.

Wise decision and I think they will be cautious about when and how to reopen in-person classes.
If these young healthy athletes are getting myocarditis from Covid then I wonder what it is doing to the hearts of older people who get it.

That myocarditis is what stopped me from getting out a little more as the numbers get better in my State. That condition probably adds a whole other aspect to people over 60 being 'high risk'.

I live in Chapel Hill. The people in the town are up in arms about the college kids in large groups partying. On the other hand, most pizza places and t shirt places in town are glad to see them. Bars cannot open and no alcohol can be sold past 10 pm. I give it 30 days before all the students have to be sent home.
UNC Chapel Hill just announced that all undergrad classes are going to be online starting this Wednesday. There was 4 virus clusters in the dorms over the weekend with 130 plus cases.
Students have to vacate the dorms except for hardship, international and athletes.
I had predicted they would make it 30 days but they only make it one week.

I am hearing most other colleges in our state are soon going to be doing similar.
Older son starts an online community college course tonight. Entire CCdistrict (4 campuses) is 100% virtual for the fall term.
My grandkids go back next week, one all virtual (college), the others half time (high school). I am nervous and excited for them all.
UNC Chapel Hill just announced that all undergrad classes are going to be online starting this Wednesday. There was 4 virus clusters in the dorms over the weekend with 130 plus cases.
Students have to vacate the dorms except for hardship, international and athletes.
I had predicted they would make it 30 days but they only make it one week.

I am hearing most other colleges in our state are soon going to be doing similar.

Yet ACC plans to go ahead with fall college football.

Where are the student athletes housed if not university housing or frat houses?

Plenty of other chances for college football players to cluster, as in gyms, locker rooms, buses, etc.
Yet ACC plans to go ahead with fall college football.

Where are the student athletes housed if not university housing or frat houses?

Plenty of other chances for college football players to cluster, as in gyms, locker rooms, buses, etc.

I am doubtful for ACC football or any other college football. The UNC football players have their own wing of a dorm and are suppose to be in a "bubble." Actually with most all the other students being sent home and with all classes online it will probably be easier for the football players to "bubble." The players are frequently tested and quarantined. The UNC coach has said there have been no positive cases among the players in over a month.
UNC Chapel Hill just announced that all undergrad classes are going to be online starting this Wednesday. There was 4 virus clusters in the dorms over the weekend with 130 plus cases.
Students have to vacate the dorms except for hardship, international and athletes.
I had predicted they would make it 30 days but they only make it one week.

I am hearing most other colleges in our state are soon going to be doing similar.
In case anyone wants to read about it in more detail:
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