Toothaches suck!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 22, 2017
Just whining.

Never had one like this before, yes I got antibiotics and taking Advil. . . .
I hope the pain subsides quickly and you are able to get that tooth fixed!
Toothaches ... some of the worse pain I've ever felt in the past.

I feel for you.
You're very fortunate that a toothache came on Monday.

My experience is that all toothaches come on Thursday night, and there's not a dentist anywhere around that works on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Nothing worse than a toothache. Cut my head off if it stops the pain.
One of the best tips my dentist ever gave me, which I think works better than narcotics - take 1 extra strength tylenol and two advil together. Worked fabulously for me.
toothache and earache--both the worst kind of pain!
Adding heat or ice pack may help--try both and see.
Yes, alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen every two hours (for short term)can add to the pain relief, but discuss with your health care provider first.

Take care! Hope the reason behind the toothache gets taken care of soon.
Thanks for the sympathy and suggestions! I just took the advil/tylenol combo. It started on weekend of course, like all medical problems. . .
Especially if they lead to root canals, extractions, crowns or implants!
Yep root canal. If anyone reads this can someone ELI5 how whatever is left of my tool doesn't just fall out if they mess with the roots. Makes no sense to me whatsoever. I will google it of course, it just that the dentist couldn't explain.
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Yep root canal. If anyone reads this can someone ELI5 how whatever is left of my tool doesn't just fall out if they mess with the roots. Makes no sense to me whatsoever. I will google it of course, it just that the dentist couldn't explain.
I don't know what ELI5 means, and I sure hope your tool doesn't fall off!!! ;)
Root canal removes the nerve that goes down the center of the tooth. To prevent it rotting away and causing more problems.
For me, my root canals, two of them, were part of the procedure to crown teeth that cracked or cracked off a point and could not be fixed. Dentist scheduled 3 hour time slot for it. The last one I went with Nitrous Oxide, though he had to turn the gas up to max for a bit to have any positive effect on me. After that, I was fine. 3 hours goes fast if you're not completely "there". Before, I used Halcyon, 2 tablets an hour before the appointment. But that required DW to drive me there, walk me in, and take me home. 3 hours went quick that way, too!

In each case, I left with a temporary crown, came back a week or so later for the permanent (I went with gold) crown to be installed, and that was no big deal, maybe 1/2 hour. Most of that time was for fine sanding to the crown for best fit and proper clearance to adjacent teeth.
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I don't know what ELI5 means, and I sure hope your tool doesn't fall off!!! ;)
Root canal removes the nerve that goes down the center of the tooth. To prevent it rotting away and causing more problems.
For me, my root canals, two of them, were part of the procedure to crown teeth that cracked or cracked off a point and could not be fixed. Dentist scheduled 3 hour time slot for it. The last one I went with Nitrous Oxide, though he had to turn the gas up to max for a bit to have any positive effect on me. After that, I was fine. 3 hours goes fast if you're not completely "there". Before, I used Halcyon, 2 tablets an hour before the appointment. But that required DW to drive me there, walk me in, and take me home. 3 hours went quick that way, too!

In each case, I left with a temporary crown, came back a week or so later for the permanent (I went with gold) crown to be installed, and that was no big deal, maybe 1/2 hour. Most of that time was for fine sanding to the crown for best fit and proper clearance to adjacent teeth.

I had to look up ELI5 myself. It means Explain Like I'm 5.
Sorry to be confusing. I have had a crown there 25 years. Which several dentists told me later appeared unnecessary. But I guess now I get to the the root canal and a new crown when they destroy this one. Which is also infected. /sigh.
You're very fortunate that a toothache came on Monday.

My experience is that all toothaches come on Thursday night, and there's not a dentist anywhere around that works on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Nothing worse than a toothache. Cut my head off if it stops the pain.

I relate to this so much! A few years ago, I was having various dental problems and ended up partially dreading when Friday came around knowing that if I had a problem, I could be in agony for 3 days! And the dentists in my area don't even see patients on long days (no 4-10s). It's 8-5 M-W and 7:30-3 on Thursday. :(

Especially if they lead to root canals, extractions, crowns or implants!

If I'm counting correctly, I've had three root canals and always felt physically euphoric once they were over because the infection, and accompanying pain, were gone. The part that didn't feel euphoric was the invoice, especially since a root canal also typically meant a crown, and that would reach a few thousand dollars quickly.
Yup. About a grand for the RC and another for the crown.
Sorry to be confusing. I have had a crown there 25 years. Which several dentists told me later appeared unnecessary. But I guess now I get to the the root canal and a new crown when they destroy this one. Which is also infected. /sigh.

I just had a root canal for a tooth under a bridge earlier this week. The endodontics practice said they could drill through the bridge and perform the root canal, no need to replace the bridge. They did that, and I have a temporary "plug" in it that my regular dentist can then fill in with a permanent filling.

It was the first root canal I needed in over 10 years, and this time it was much easier. Once the area was numbed I felt no pain, while in the past I usually ended up having a death grip on the chair during periods of the root canal. Post-canal I would have at least a day on pain drugs and bothersome soreness for a week, but this time there has been little soreness and I have only had to take a total of 4 200mg ibuprofen, mainly at night before bedtime. The day after the root canal I was out golfing.

Root canal cost was $500.
Should I see an endodontist? It sounds like you had great experience.

The dentist I have I do not trust anyway was going to change. . . Is it normal for them to actually explain anything? Because he didn't. Just said so when do want your root canal and I was like I don't want one so he said you want me to pull it and I said of course not. And internet tells me #19 is an important tooth. . Why I am not quite sure but. . .
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Should I see an endodontist? It sounds like you had great experience.

The dentist I have I do not trust anyway was going to change. . . Is it normal for them to actually explain anything? Because he didn't. Just said so when do want your root canal and I was like I don't want one so he said you want me to pull it and I said of course not. And internet tells me #19 is an important tooth. . Why I am not quite sure but. . .

It has been. I am also in the process of changing dentists. My current dentist practice have declined in quality. The dentists now there do not want to be questioned (we almost took them to the state medical board over an issue), and their office staff are recruits from Dante's 5th circle. DW had a new they put on crown that kept coming off, after 3rd time in 4 months the dentist literally threw her hands up and told her "you are doing something wrong, there's nothing more that I can do." She found another dentist that several of her friends used, he found the issue and the crown has been fine for 6 months. So I went to the new dentist when the tooth acted up, he took xrays and spend 15 minutes walking me through the x-rays and my options. He said he could do the root canal, but he would rather refer me to an endodontist as they had more equipment specific for evaluating root canals, particularly ones under crowns and bridges. So I had a choice, and went the endodontist route.Both offices were pleasant through and through.

The fact that your dentist will not explain anything to me is a red flag, as that sounds a lot like the practice I am leaving. Whereas both my new dentist and the endodontist walked me through the x-rays they took, pointing out the good things and the bad things, discussing options and what they thought best to do, the pros and cons, and asked me if I had any questions. That is great service, as far as I am concerned.

The other nice touch in the endodontist office: for both my evaluation visit and root canal, once I was in the chair they asked me what type of music and/or artists I liked, and then punched up an pandora playlist for me to listen to during my appointment. That certainly helped me relax :).
It has been. I am also in the process of changing dentists. My current dentist practice have declined in quality. The dentists now there do not want to be questioned (we almost took them to the state medical board over an issue), and their office staff are recruits from Dante's 5th circle. DW had a new they put on crown that kept coming off, after 3rd time in 4 months the dentist literally threw her hands up and told her "you are doing something wrong, there's nothing more that I can do." She found another dentist that several of her friends used, he found the issue and the crown has been fine for 6 months. So I went to the new dentist when the tooth acted up, he took xrays and spend 15 minutes walking me through the x-rays and my options. He said he could do the root canal, but he would rather refer me to an endodontist as they had more equipment specific for evaluating root canals, particularly ones under crowns and bridges. So I had a choice, and went the endodontist route.Both offices were pleasant through and through.

The fact that your dentist will not explain anything to me is a red flag, as that sounds a lot like the practice I am leaving. Whereas both my new dentist and the endodontist walked me through the x-rays they took, pointing out the good things and the bad things, discussing options and what they thought best to do, the pros and cons, and asked me if I had any questions. That is great service, as far as I am concerned.

The other nice touch in the endodontist office: for both my evaluation visit and root canal, once I was in the chair they asked me what type of music and/or artists I liked, and then punched up an pandora playlist for me to listen to during my appointment. That certainly helped me relax :).

Jollystomper, thanks for sharing your experience. When I really think about it I see a few more subtle red flags. This was the 2nd time that crown came off and and he was like eh its normal. No checking of tooth just slap it back on. Always in a hurry. . . Just don't think I want him rushing through the root canal and leaving some there to haunt me later. Why didn't he tell me on Monday when he gave me the antibiotics and took the xray? I learned about the tylenol/advil here because he certainly didn't mention pain and I clearly looked like I had a couple golf balls in my mouth I was that swollen. Of course it didn't feel great!
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This is such a nice group here. No matter how silly my question people always jump in to help! :)
For those of you awaiting your appointment to get your root canal, etc.--one trick I found to help the pain is to get sensodyne sensitive teeth toothpaste (does not matter which kind) and smear the toothpaste all over the affected tooth and gums and leave it on there. The sensodyne tooth paste seems to numb the tooth and gums and reduces the pain. Repeat this several times a day until you can get the tooth fixed.
I use a 5000ppm fluoride toothpaste each night. I just had a crown replaced and have had pain since. Dentist instructed me to put the high fluoride toothpaste around the tooth and leave it there. He plans to deal with the underlying issue when he returns from vacation next week. Let us hope! The fluoride DOES seem to help. YMMV
Yep root canal. If anyone reads this can someone ELI5 how whatever is left of my tool doesn't just fall out if they mess with the roots. Makes no sense to me whatsoever. I will google it of course, it just that the dentist couldn't explain.

As other posters noted the endodontist opens up the top of your tooth & goes to work with their magic files from the top down to remove the infected tooth pulp.

In my case there's probably a little nerve left at the bottom since I can still feel pressure (but no pain) when I press on the crown over the tooth that had the root canal.
I have an appointment with an endo on Monday. :) I have had 7 xrays in 4 days and nothing was shown to me or explained. Yes I asked and was ignored in the rush to sign me up for the next bill. It would be funny/sad if endo said I didn't need it but I am sure I probably do.
quite a coincidence, my toothache began Monday night, went to my dentist Tuesday morning, who referred me to a specialist who was able to get me in Thursday for my root canal. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday weren't fun. Constantly sipping on cold water helps for future toothaches out there. Still feeling very tired from the infection but thankfully the toothache is gone.
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