Dash Camera


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 25, 2017
I witnessed a major accident recently, fortunately we weren't involved. I have been thinking about getting a dash camera for a while. This has got me looking again. I am looking at the Garmin Dashcam Mini 2. It is small and discrete but has no GPS or screen. Do any of you have thoughts on dash cameras in general and GPS and screens in particular?
I have the Garmin Mini 2. I like it because it is discreet. Set and forget. Nobody knows it is there. It looks like part of the car, especially these days with all the driving assists.

The video is just OK. Nothing special. It works. My biggest problem is windshield glare. If I could get it closer to the glass, it might be less.

It doesn't have a screen and I'm OK with that. I only pull video a few times, and is done simply by popping out the card and reading it on my PC. It also has an app you could use which I'm not a huge fan of.

GPS and MPH encoding are cool, but generally not needed. Your location is easily confirmed with a google streetview cruise in most cases. MPH encoding could even be used against you.

Dashcams have pluses and minuses. It can help you a lot in an accident when someone else is lying. It can also be used against you if you are at fault. I vote for truth.
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I don't have one yet, but one of the RV Youtube channels I watch just did a comparison of some of the Garmin solutions..

Two other things to consider:
- Do you need video while parked?
- Do you also need a rear view?

For some people, it is all about the parking and catching thieves in the night messing with their car. I don't care about this. It can be tricky to hook up without draining your battery.

A lot of people swear by having forward and rear view. They are probably right, but I went for simplicity on my first try.
I see cars with these. What exactly is the point? Is it just to have video in the rare instance of an accident? Even then, it only helps if the accident occurs straight in front of you, not if you're hit from the side or rear. Is there some other purpose for them?
I see cars with these. What exactly is the point?

Way back when I was a police patrol officer and writing accident reports I would have LOVED to see people with these! It would have answered the question(s) of: Who ran the red light? Who ran the (four way) stop sign? Was it really a rear-end collision or did the car in front back up as the driver in the rear says? (And yes that did happen more than once.)

And lots of other scenarios. They are invaluable evidence. I wish I could have had access to video like that then. (I really, really, dislike liars.)

Given the costs of even a minor property damage collision the prices are certainly cost-effective now.
Was it really a rear-end collision or did the car in front back up as the driver in the rear says? (And yes that did happen more than once.).

My dad drove a charter bus and had this happen to him once (car ran into the back of the bus and claimed the bus backed up). This was on the NY State Thruway. He was driving slowly due to a heavy fog and had all the bus lights on. The trooper just shook his head and wrote up the driver of the car.
Even then, it only helps if the accident occurs straight in front of you, not if you're hit from the side or rear. Is there some other purpose for them?

If you get t-boned at a light the dashcam footage will show the light was green for you when you entered the intersection.

I got mine mostly to record footage while driving outside the US where I might not be so confident of my rights after getting pulled over or being in an accident. I like having the mph because I don't really exceed the limit, or could at least show that I was just going with the flow of traffic.
Was it really a rear-end collision or did the car in front back up as the driver in the rear says? (And yes that did happen more than once.)

My dad drove a charter bus and had this happen to him once (car ran into the back of the bus and claimed the bus backed up).

So a truck DID back up into me. It is the only accident I've ever been in. When it happened, I thought: "I'm screwed, he's going to claim I hit him."

Cops come, and the driver professionally steps up to the officer and tells him that he accidentally backed into me.

That was a miracle in my mind, but it is also the reason I decided to get a cam.
I've had one in each car for years, won't leave home without it! Listen to Walt's advice on this. You won't need one until you do.
I see cars with these. What exactly is the point? Is it just to have video in the rare instance of an accident? Even then, it only helps if the accident occurs straight in front of you, not if you're hit from the side or rear. Is there some other purpose for them?

Would you say the same thing about a defibrillator or fire extinguisher? Although not life and death, they can come in VERY handy if there is an accident and if you aren't at fault yet the other party says YOU ARE at fault. It can be very helpful in the event of legal action. Is it remote? Sure. But...they are quite inexpensive so I see very few negatives.
I'm parking in a garage except when traveling so I'm willing to let that part go. The video pointed out that you can pair multiple Garmins. If I see the need for a rear camera or more features in the future I could use the mini as a rear camera. I'm thinking about getting a car fire extinguisher too. I could have used it at the recent wreck although the fire department got there fast.
I'm thinking about getting a car fire extinguisher too. I could have used it at the recent wreck although the fire department got there fast.

I've always liked the requirement (in some European countries) to have things like a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, reflective vest, and warning triangles in every car. There are dozens of car fires every day in this country, and most seem to end up totaling the vehicle.
We have some cheap ones, they work well enough to show if someone backs into us.
I simply put one in the front and one in the rear window, each records separately to it's own card.
After a year or two, one failed (died).
Really the most important one is the one in front.

I think they are worth the $25+ cost, and in case of an accident, I'll show the proof if it helps my case.
A question on the Garmin. Their ad says that you push a button to save the video in case of an accident/whatever. Does that mean that when you push the button, that the previous minute or two is buffered and saved? It would seem useless to save anything after the incident.

Also, is there anything out there that is battery powered and doesn't need a power cord?
If you want to see the value of a dash cam, search the auto accident videos on YouTube.
A question on the Garmin. Their ad says that you push a button to save the video in case of an accident/whatever. Does that mean that when you push the button, that the previous minute or two is buffered and saved? It would seem useless to save anything after the incident.

It saves at least 15 seconds before and after. The mini 2 also has an "event detection" (acceleration?) that should auto save. You can also yell at it and use a voice command to save. I have not tried this. ("OK Garmin, save video")

All "saving" does is mark the videos and not allow them to roll off. Normally, videos roll off over time. Depending on the size of your card, that could be hours or even days of video. This marks them so they don't roll and you can retrieve them later.
I've been involved in 3 accidents over the years where the other driver lied. Mostly they were fairly minor, and were eventually resolved favorably. I've been interested in a dashcam, but haven't had one installed yet. I was very interested to note that dashcams are now an option for the new Toyota Venza. I'd definitely get one as a factory option if it was available on a new vehicle I purchased.
I've been considering a dash cam for a while now. Are they frequently targeted by thieves?
I've been involved in 3 accidents over the years where the other driver lied. Mostly they were fairly minor, and were eventually resolved favorably. I've been interested in a dashcam, but haven't had one installed yet. I was very interested to note that dashcams are now an option for the new Toyota Venza. I'd definitely get one as a factory option if it was available on a new vehicle I purchased.

I was in an accident many years ago.
The other driver's insurance company phoned me to state that they felt it was my fault and payment wouldn't be coming.
I was confused and thought it was my insurance company I was talking with, and so I figured they needed "help" and offered to send them the video of the accident.
The agent was surprised I had a video, and then said it wouldn't be needed. They paid up right away.

Funny part was I was thinking about video from my cell phone after the accident, but their reaction convinced me to go buy a dash cam for next time:cool:
Had a close call recently. I really don’t know how the truck left and ahead of me recovered after hitting the tall concrete divider so hard. During a rain event. Tesla built-in dash-cam caught it all. It records 4 cameras.
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I had started my project of using an old smartphone as a dash cam, but Amazon had this dash cam on sale for $19.99, so I figured why not, worse case I can easily return it:


I tired it for the first time today, so far so good. nothing fancy, but the recordings are very clear and provides a very wide view.

It has a suction mount, so I can move it between cars, and store it away as not to tempt thieves.
I have the Garmin Mini 2. I like it because it is discreet. Set and forget. Nobody knows it is there. It looks like part of the car, especially these days with all the driving assists.

The video is just OK. Nothing special. It works. My biggest problem is windshield glare. If I could get it closer to the glass, it might be less.

You can get a polarized lense cover for the Garmin mini 2 that takes care of the glare.

What's involved in installing the cameras? Do they plug into the auxiliary plug (cigarette lighter)?
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