What do you take for high blood pressure?

he told me that Amlodipine was a known cause of gum inflammation.

Funny you should mention that. I've had an area in my gums that have been bleeding since I got a crown a few months ago. Dentist exam and X-rays said everything looked good, but even with extra care it hadn't stopped.

Since quitting Amlodipine a little over a week ago, the bleeding "seems" to have stopped. Maybe coincidence, or just temporary, don't know. But bleeding gums is listed as a side effect for Amlodipine. Time will tell...
How long were you on HCTZ? It seems like once you get "wrung out", output cannot exceed input, right?

Only a few weeks, but I regularly drink liquids all day and normally have to urinate every hour or two anyway. I've done that my whole life, and yes I've been checked for diabetes and the tests always come out great (first thing everyone always asks). So I'm still taking in as much liquid as HCTZ forced me to expel, no chance of wringing it all out. It just shortened the time between bathroom breaks.
20mg Lisinopril, 25 HCT & 5 Amlodipine seems to work for me. Steady 120/70 now. As high as 190/110 without it.
I was just reading a book "Are Your Prescriptions Killing You?" and the author seemed to favor calcium channel blockers in older adults.

I am trying the Diltiazem 120mg calcium channel blocker now. It has only been a bit over a week, but so far it seems to be working well. BP was back down to 128/80 this morning.

I thought I was having a bad side effect after starting the Diltiazem, as the chills and sweats seemed to match known side effects, but I'm starting to think it was just withdrawal symptoms from the Metoprolol. I had tried quitting that a couple times in the past (once doctor ordered for a stress test, once because side effects were getting bad), and after a week I would get all day runs of PAC's, weakness, shakes, BP shot up, and more. It always scared me so I ended up starting the metoprolol again. This time urgent care assured me I wasn't having a heart attack, so I toughed it out (suffered it out). Felt fine the first week, then one really bad day, not as bad the second day, and started feeling better by the third day. Today I have a normal heart rhythm and feel pretty good. I hope it continues, but I've gone months between symptoms before so way too early to come to a conclusion.

I have long suspected the metoprolol was causing my heart to act weird, but it will be ironic if the medicine that was supposed to prevent PAC's was actually causing them.
I thought my BP at 140/90 without medicine was high, but many posters were at 190/100.

Yikes! That would scare the heck out of me. Would you not drop kerplunk any minute?
I have found that if I do not drink any alcohol my blood pressure is very good--around 130/80. If I have one glass of wine per night my blood pressure goes up to around 140/90.
I have HBP and a too fast erratic heart rate. I have to be on a beta blocker. About every 4-5 years it quits working and I switch to another. Topral left me winded just walking around at work when I was only 50. Right now I am on Ziac.

NW Bound, once before I knew I had HBP I went to the ER because my chest was being squeezed. Turns out that was asthma I didn’t know that I had but my BP was 200/100 and they had to lower it chemically with a IV which is dangerous. They were worried that I was going to have a heart attack or stroke. Went to the hospital with no diagnoses and came home with 3 chronic conditions:)).
I started taking 10mg of lisinopril 3 weeks ago and so far as I can tell all it does is make me feel crappy.

I just read in "worst pills" newsletter they recommend diuretics as first choice. I think the recommendation is a few years old and I have no idea if they are a good source. I just signed up today.
Ugh, just read NOT to take calcium channel blockers too. All the information seems so contradictory I know how even doctors make sense of it. One thing says it is great one thing doesn't.
Lisinopril 20mg with HCTZ 12.5 works good for me. Typically 120/70, and haven't noticed any bad side effects. Been taking for about 7 years now.
I use ramipril 2.5mg just to nudge my blood pressure under 120/80.

DW is on lisinopril with no obvious side effects.
BP -- frustrating

Thanks for sharing, sadly I have no solution only my own quandary.

Disclosure: I have NOT lead a healthy lifestyle. I have phases where I'm good- but that's it - phases. I am 5.11. 47 yo. At my high I was 265 pounds some years back. I've been as slow as 227, and currently 247. My diet with 1 being terrible suicidal to 10 being Whole Foods poster child.........I am a 5. I do eat fast food - once a week. I eat a donut most mornings. Some days I'm great like today - egg whites, 3 fruits, a huge salmon salad with avocado and tomato. Other days - yep, it's Whopper Time.

I'm on Ramipril and Amlopidine. Yet I keep getting high readings.

DOC - is visibly frustrated with me , I dont blame him. Last week I brought up BP and he was masking exasperation and just said "nothing More I can do on drugs....it's about weight and belly fat....IF you decide to do it".

So yeah I get it, it's on me. BUT I'm also wondering - does this mean that all peoples who are fat - never ever have normal BP even with drugs?

Exercise: I do 25 min walks - 4 times a week. Yeah, the other 3 days I fall off wagon. Of course - all of a sudden this week my darn feet and legs are so stiff! It's an effort to walk around the house I don't know what this is.

I'm scared.

Dang I love food and I'm trying. But i'e been "trying" for years and I need to do better. It's just - well - if you gave me a choice between a night with Miss America AND Miss Universe.....with all activities to be at my discretion, OR -- - a nice quiet Burger King dinner - I'm sorry, but I swear on anything - - yeah I'm going for the Whopper meal. I read, watch movies monitor investments, try to occupy myself But in the end I'm still eating too much, and the wrong things.
I know people who are larger than that who have better blood pressure control. I think your doctor doesn't sound real nice honestly.
I have HBP and a too fast erratic heart rate.

My resting heart rate was usually in the low 60's range before meds. Metoprolol dropped that to the 50's, with occasional dips into the upper 40's. No biggy except I couldn't get my heart rate above 65 or so even when exercising or working outside. So I would reach an upper limit and feel exhausted way before I normally would.

So far I'm back in the low 60's again for a resting heart rate since stopping Metoprolol.
Doc has called in an Rx for me to switch to (Losartan). It is almost like I feel guilty the first one didn't work. I mean I took it as directed.
Been on BP meds for 17 years

I had been taking Vytorin 10/10 for probably 15 years but then my new internist felt it was not lowering my LDL's. Made some changes and then realized that the leg pain I've had for many years was not due to sciatica but the statin.
Now on a pricier Repatha self-injectable that I take every two weeks. No more leg pain.
Usually "take" a trip by myself for a few days. :LOL: Drops my BP by 20 to 30 points, at least until I get back home. Then I'm back on Toprol.
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Made some changes and then realized that the leg pain I've had for many years was not due to sciatica but the statin.

My wife's doctor prescribed a statin for her recently. I'm not sure why as her cholesterol levels have always been good. However, she quickly started having really bad aches and pains everywhere. I read this was a common side effect of statins, so she stopped taking it and sure enough the joint pains went away immediately.

I have been on Diltiazem 120mg for just over two weeks now and seem to be doing much better. I still have an occasional PAC, but for the most part my heart has returned to a normal rhythm. Thankfully I haven't noticed any significant side effects yet.

I did start feeling a little jittery a couple days ago, sort of like when I've had too much caffeine, but I've really cut back on that. I couldn't find any mention of jittery feelings in the side effect lists for Diltiazem. However, I started taking magnesium again after my last bad PAC day, and did read a few mentions of the jitters with that. So I've stopped taking the magnesium again to see if that helps.

Ah... Medicine. Sometimes it seems like the side effects are worse than the condition I'm trying to treat. :)
Ah... Medicine. Sometimes it seems like the side effects are worse than the condition I'm trying to treat. :)

Truer words were never spoken, but most/many doctors don't seem to understand that. I've gotten to the point I tell my doctor(s) no to some meds they want me to take. They don't like it but that's too dang bad.... If they push me to hard, I'll switch doctors (which hasn't happen) "yet".

At this point in my life, if I come down with something really serious, I'm not sure how much I'll do about it... Depends I guess.
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I went on 10mg of lisonpril a couple of years ago. My BP was high 130’s over low 99’s. My Doc said it’s safe with minimal side effects. But sounds like you’ve been through a lot. Any other underlying conditions you’re dealing with? May be a good idea to see a specialist to help find the best course for you. All the best.
If your blood pressure isn't too much above 140/90 maybe you can get by without meds by losing some weight and/or being more active. I wouldn't keep taking meds that caused side effects like mentioned above.

I agree. The OP’s BP isn’t all that high and the side effects suffered seem pretty bad. I would try all possible lifestyle changes before having to deal with these side effects. I have been on Amlodipine/Benazepril for about 5 years without any noted side effects. Dr. Added Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg a few mos ago because I had high potassium. I have noticed lightheadedness when bending over since this was added.
I'm 52F with a family history of hbp/heart disease. I used to be pretty overwieght. My blood pressure in like 2017-2018 was HIGH, scary high. I have been taking HCTZ 12.5 for the past 4 years or so and my blood pressure is well-controlled. I do not notice that I'm urinating too frequently? I do have bradycharida (low resting herat rate) and was originally told by my doctor as long as my resting herat rate isn't dipping under 50 it's okay however recently it's been in the low 40s which is LOW. So now I'm supposed to go see a cardiologist about that and potentially that doctor would take over medicine management on the high blood pressure. When my doctor first noticed my blood pressure was getting scary high, she also put me on an over the counter supplement called Carditone, you can get it on amazon. It worked wonders, but the benefits will eventually wear off after a while of taking it (like, over time you get immune to its benefits). Once covid hit I dropped about 60 lbs by being home and only cooking for myself (I am not a very good cook). I do work out about an hour a week strength training and also take a pretty long (like 3.5+ mi) walk on the weekend. I really watch what I eat anymore, so it's still me cooking but I eat pretty carefully - lots of vegs, lean meats, lower calorie recipes. I have not had any alcohol in several years and assume that is a help.
My blood pressure got up above 140/90 a couple years ago so I finally started taking medicine for it.

My situation is similar to aaronc879 and Ronstar. Decades ago when I was in the military and in great shape my BP was right on the line by the standards at the time. No idea what is was prior to the military because I don't recall ever having it done. Have only taken medicine for a short time in my late 30s and never went back due to not liking the side effects.

Years ago met an old doctor (now retired) who educated me on the changes in .med about what they consider problematic BP (and a variety of other health "norms") and said he had patients who used to have astronomical numbers by today's standards that took no medicine and lived long, active, lives. The key is understanding if the BP issues are heightened due to dysfunction in your body or for some people their BP naturally elevates as they get older. My preventatives are the same old, same old: diet, exercise, activity, moderation of the bad stuff and I've thrown in time-restricted eating and fasting more recently. For contrast my resting pulse rate is in the low 50s, sometimes 40s.

I'm sure some will have [strong] disagreement with my post and I appreciate differing views/opinions and am not here to start an argument, best wishes and continued health to everyone and good luck on your search mountainsoft.
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