10 Years Retired

Congratulations everybody !!

I stopped working when I was close to 59 about 7 yrs back, I went on disability with a private policy which lasted till age 65, which was last year. Although I volunteer & go for walks regularly, but lately I have been getting bored at home.
Maybe it is just me, I do not seem to fill the day ahead of me.
Coming up on eight years for me. And I still have work dreams :facepalm:
Took a Crazy Gamble.

Retired from the military 31 years ago hoping for the ideal job in the perfect location. Lo and behold that was asking a bit much. I had been playing the stock market for about 8 years and doing quite well so I decided to give it a shot on a full time basis.. As you can imagine, that plan brought with it many ups and downs, luckily, mostly ups. Please join me in crossing your fingers that we may find our way out of the current mess.
Dang, I just realized we will be hitting 10 years retired in 2025...and that is coming up fast. Still feeling sort of young at 52 1/2 but things are starting to ache here and there :)
Hey class of 2013! I will hit my ten year anniversary in mid-May. I worked for 20 years at my last job, no way did any 10 year period of my work life go this fast.

Here is to the next 10 years. Cheers.

Early July for me. And people used to ask me, Won't time drag for you with nothing to do?
Ten years for me too, coming up April 30. It's been a wonderful ten years!!
Me too.

It's kinda funny that I see a Facebook group of former co-workers. Sometime there was a poll about when people left the organization. There was a bumper crop in 2013. There were no RIFFs that year. People just said they had enough of the new management "style."
A year and a half for me. I'm still figuring out what retirement is, but enjoying cooking, and hiking, and not commuting.

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