Jury Duty dress code


Moderator Emeritus
Aug 23, 2007
Northern Illinois
I'm in the group of possible jurors for county cases beginning 12/4. I donated all of my business casual work clothes except for one pair of dress pants and several shirts. I think I have some shoes that are acceptable.

Just wondering what folks here have worn or seen worn while on jury duty. I don't want to go out and buy dress pants that I'll seldom wear again.
I've been on jury duty a couple of times. The attire I wore was business casual like something I'd wear during days of megacorp. No tie, but no sneakers either.

Dressed not like a bum but also respectful of the court but not uncomfortably dressed. Remember, you may be sitting at the courthouse all day.
I've been on jury duty a couple of times. The attire I wore was business casual like something I'd wear during days of megacorp. No tie, but no sneakers either.

Dressed not like a bum but also respectful of the court but not uncomfortably dressed. Remember, you may be sitting at the courthouse all day.


When I was on a jury everyone wore long pants, mostly khakis, no shorts but some jeans. The men wore button down shirts or polos, some short sleeve and untucked. The retired guys stood out, their clothes looked comfortable and well worn.
I wore a polo and khakis (FL Formal). The court specified no shorts but there were a few in the waiting room with shorts. A few really trashy folks but most dressed appropriately. Least respectful was probably a young woman with bare midriff and open back top and tight leggings.
I did jury duty earlier this year. The women were dressed pretty well, not super-casual. One of the younger ladies went all-out each day with hair, makeup, and stylish outfits.

Some of the older guys dressed business-casual. Most, include a couple guys my age, wore jeans with decent shirts, and a couple did the not-so-nice jeans, logo T-shirt, and ball cap thing with sneakers.

A balance between comfort and respect seems appropriate.
It's going to vary by area, but there are no real requirements, and no need to go shopping. Many in your jury pool will not have the luxury of even deciding if they have something nice enough to wear. I'd probably avoid at sweat pants and ratty shorts, but I'm sure casual pants or jeans are fine.

Just dress as though you'll be in a cold air conditioned office in an uncomfortable chair for hours on end.
The jury summons should state what. is acceptable & unacceptable attire. That info may also be found on the court's website.

I'm in the group of possible jurors for county cases beginning 12/4. I donated all of my business casual work clothes except for one pair of dress pants and several shirts. I think I have some shoes that are acceptable.

Just wondering what folks here have worn or seen worn while on jury duty. I don't want to go out and buy dress pants that I'll seldom wear again.

I was called in the Islands and got as far as voir dire. I wore shorts and an Aloha shirt.

My jury experience on the mainland, I wore a collared shirt (no tie) and slacks. Half the males were without ties. This was over 15 years ago.

I love the movie "My Cousin Vinny."

(Language alert)

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I’d wear a shirt with a collar and try not to wear jeans. But, if jeans were all I had, I’d wear my cleanest/nicest pair. It’s really nothing to worry about. Where I live, I think they’re just glad you came.
Unless the jury summons says otherwise just wear what you would wear going out for the day. I wore jeans and a hoodie. Seems like the blue collar people wore jeans and a hoodie type clothes and the office people wore business casual attire. Just wear your every day clothes. Don't wear stuff with holes in it or offensive logos or anything like that but a tie or even a collared shirt are absolutely not needed. Wear whatever shoes yo have that you are ok wearing for 12 hours straight. Do not go buy something new just for jury duty.
My wife had jury duty a couple of weeks ago. The summons, and the court website, described the dress code. Basically business casual.

Most potential jurors followed the dress code, but some did not.

And expect the courtroom to be on the cold side.
Most of the people I see are in polos and slacks. Comfortable shoes.

As others have advised... bring a light jacket. Bring something to read.
Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers.

You are the one doing the public service here. Everyone else is getting paid or is the dirtbag on trial.
Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers.

You are the one doing the public service here. Everyone else is getting paid or is the dirtbag on trial.

They’re not a dirtbag until proven a dirtbag.
In this part of the country a clean good pair of jeans would be classified and respectable. I would be in leans, boot and a nice top.

Good Luck!
Casual, clean & respectful is good.

I used to think that lawyers would select the jurors who look most intelligent, but the truth is they're looking for jurors most likely to vote in favor of their clients. Once when I was in the pool & not selected, one of the chosen ones was a guy in rags who looked homeless. You never can tell!
I wear to court what I wear whenever I go out anywhere. "Clean" jeans, pullover shirt, and comfortable socks, shoes and a ballcap. If it's cold outside I'll wear a windbreaker too.

Pretty much what all the men in the county wear, except some aren't always that clean. :) . No issues. I think they are happy if half that they summon even show up.
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Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers.

You are the one doing the public service here. Everyone else is getting paid or is the dirtbag on trial.

Most jurors get paid. In my county it is $25/day plus mileage.
You can check the Court's website for any dress code.

Otherwise, think neat, clean, and comfortable.
Thanks everyone! I checked the county website - says to wear comfortable clothes and shoes for a long day. Nothing specific. And dress warm because it may be cold in there.

After seeing advice here, I plan to go in a decent plan of pants, collared shirt and my old office work Rockport shoes on the first day if called. And if see other jurors wearing jeans the first day, then I'll be in jeans when I run out of good pants. I'm not buying good pants again.
Casual, clean & respectful is good.

I used to think that lawyers would select the jurors who look most intelligent, but the truth is they're looking for jurors most likely to vote in favor of their clients. Once when I was in the pool & not selected, one of the chosen ones was a guy in rags who looked homeless. You never can tell!

I did a couple of months on call for Federal duty, and did five trials. In my experience, if it was anything more than a routine case they were looking for the least intelligent who would buy whatever legal theory they were selling. I sat on a hard wooden bench though 8 hours of voir dire one day, and they dismissed everyone with a advanced or technical education.

I was finally called up when they were picking alternates and the slick* defense attorney used my environmental remediation background to make a speech about how lab results weren't perfect. I was dismissed.

*It was a big case in Federal court in Knoxville, TN. IIRC the defendant was accused of trying to kill (assassinate) a local District Attorney, and was convicted. The presumably high-priced defense lawyer from Atlanta looked like a TV lawyer from a romance movie. He had salt-and-pepper hair with a ponytail and an impeccably tailored gray suit that perfectly complimented his hair. A little too slick, methinks, for Knoxville.

A further anecdote is this was the same time as the OJ Simpson trial. These Federal judges in Knoxville didn't put up with any of the nonsense you saw in California state court.

Anyway, if I was called today I would wear slacks and a collared long-sleeve shirt (golf shirts and T-shirts are too cold).
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