Sleeping in…a retirement luxury


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Jan 21, 2008
I got up early today as usual, DW slept a little longer. I won’t put 00:00 times to it because this thread isn’t meant as a contest about who gets up earliest/latest/other - I think that’s already been done here anyway.

When I get up varies almost every day, same with DW. I was just reflecting on how nice that simple freedom is — after years of getting up very early, at exactly the same time, every weekday for well over 30 years. I don’t miss that AT ALL. We still set an alarm some days for golf, pickleball or an appointment, but most days not.

I can’t imagine getting up early at the exact same time every day, to an alarm, ever again.

Simple pleasures…
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Totally agree! Although I'm still in the adjustment phase having retired 7 mo ago. Super nice to not have to get up in the dark , drive to work in the dark, return home in the dark ( winter of course). Laid in bed and listened to the wind and rain this morning, then realized I had to let the dog out...
But yes, simple pleasures!
Yes, it’s wonderful not using an alarm.

I have to work at it to get over 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. So I rarely sleep past 7 am unless I woke up for a couple of hours during the night, which I hate.
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No alarm anymore, except for the dog. :) 6.5 hours is my average sleep time over the last 3 years or so. Everyone is different in this regard.
Bingo! the greatest aspect of retirement, getting up whenever you want. Happy 1st Saturday.
Since ER just over 7 years now I never have taken advantage of sleeping in. The latest maybe was close to 7 AM. I have to many things of interest for me to stay in bed. I can't wait to wake up and get my day started each day. Too much fun to do and so little time.

Like they say, "people die in beds".
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Since ER just over 7 years now I never have taken advantage of sleeping in. The latest maybe was close to 7 AM. I have to many things of interest for me to stay in bed. I can't wait to wake up and get my day started each day. Too much fub to do and so little time.

Like they say, "people die in beds".
I never “stay in bed,” we just get up whenever…still quite early in my case.
Ha. Love threads like this. In my first year of ER -2017-I woke up whenever I wanted. I didn't like it. One thing I've always known about myself and it's really become apparent in retirement is that I do better with structure. I'm not good at "winging it"

I have a pretty disciplined morning routine-feed the cats, eat breakfast, stretch/yoga, meditate, some online brain games and exercise( weights or swimming) . I find it grounds me and gets the day off on the right foot. So anyway, I do get up at 6:30 to get all this done and I like it. I can always take afternoon nap if I'm tired which I love.
Ha. Love threads like this. In my first year of ER -2017-I woke up whenever I wanted. I didn't like it. One thing I've always known about myself and it's really become apparent in retirement is that I do better with structure. I'm not good at "winging it"

I have a pretty disciplined morning routine-feed the cats, eat breakfast, stretch/yoga, meditate, some online brain games and exercise( weights or swimming) . I find it grounds me and gets the day off on the right foot. So anyway, I do get up at 6:30 to get all this done and I like it. I can always take afternoon nap if I'm tired which I love.
+1. Another simple pleasure of retirement - you do you, no matter what that is!
That’s one of things I looked forward to in retiring.

I have noticed, as a result, I don’t always pay attention to what day of the week it is and sometimes lose track ! I joke that I don’t need a watch for time / just day of the week !
Weather and seasonal daylight/sunrise has a lot to do with our wake-up times.
I've never needed an alarm clock. My issue is I wake up before anyone else in the house and am too considerate to go make coffee and rouse the sleepers so I am usually on my phone or iPad for an hour at least before I can get up and get my java fix.
Amen! Especially on a Monday after watching football all day Sunday, having fun and not sweating having to get to the office before everyone else.
Weather and seasonal daylight/sunrise has a lot to do with our wake-up times.

I typically go to bed at 10 or slightly later year-round then wake up with the sun. That means closer to 5am in the Summer and 7am in the Winter where I live.
No alarm clock for me, but I almost always get up at the same time every day. And it’s a bit earlier than in the past.

I have a morning routine and it provides a bit of structure to my days.
I do set an alarm for Pickleball, but am usually awake before it goes off. Still an early morning person, but the choice to sleep later is nice.
Up here in the PNW in the mountains it gets dark at about 4pm. I find if I don't get up rather early, the day seems over by the time I finish my 2nd cup of coffee.

Summer is better, with sunshine until 9pm.
We usually go to bed around 9-9:30 and sleep 8 or 9 hours but that includes getting up at night. Once a week we go out to breakfast at our favorite place. Had our neighbors over for wine and cheese over the weekend. No pressure, time floats by. My DB and SIL are still working at 68 and 70 yrs. old. They did not LBYM. I refuse to feel guilty that we live a leisurely life.
I go to bed about 9:00 pm and I wake up without an alarm between 4:00 and 5:00 every day. Start the day grinding those coffee beans for a fresh mug and watching Squawk Box on CNBC while reviewing the day's interest and dividend income that my employee(money) is sending me. DW rises about 7:30 and has a quick breakfast, then off to the days activities.
It took a long time to break the habit of waking up the same time every day for w*rk. I never needed an alarm clock. More than 7 years into retirement now, I'm able to "sleep in" an hour and a half or so later than when I was w*rking. Still early by some standards.

But the big difference is I don't have that dread of falling asleep too late, not getting enough sleep, and having a miserable day tomorrow. Put another way, just knowing that I can sleep in if needed makes a huge difference.
But the big difference is I don't have that dread of falling asleep too late, not getting enough sleep, and having a miserable day tomorrow. Put another way, just knowing that I can sleep in if needed makes a huge difference.

Right. the dread of Sunday nights ugh. deserves a whole nother thread. And those Monday morning conversations with co workers. Shoot me :LOL:
I have sleep apnea. Being able to go bed when I'm tired and waking up when I'm not is the BEST! And the afternoon nap.
No alarm anymore, except for the dog. :) 6.5 hours is my average sleep time over the last 3 years or so. Everyone is different in this regard.
+3 <dogs>
One is a special case. She's blind, has Addisons, gets steroids daily and is hungry and thirsty, and needs to be carried outside or else.
In for a penny in for a pound when it comes to our pets, so regular sleep is not to be had some mornings.
I give her trazodone every night and she is doing better with sleeping in.

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