Snakebit Friend (Rant)

Being concerned that a recent Windows Update may have caused my printing problem (not necessarily my SBF's problem), when I was prompted to do another WU last night, I suspended all Updates for 7 days. A WU occurred after last Friday morning, when I last printed successfully, and the printing problems I had on Sunday. I am concerned that allowing WU again will add the same update which prevented me from printing. Doing the System Restore set my PC back to the day before I last printed successfully.

So I have to keep suspending WU in order to keep my printer working? Or is there a way to prevent the specific update, if I can figure out which one it is, from getting downloaded and installed?

Do not know enough about the updates... mine finally did work and I let it update as normal... the computer actually died of old age eventually...

The one that went into a coma was pretty new and I do not know why it did...might have to hook it up again and see what is happening... but I do not need two computers...
Good news, for a change! SBF had some other friends who not only got his PC powered up and working, but got his printer working properly like it had before all the nonsense. These other friends also had a set of Allen screwdrivers needed to fix some chairs which had become rickety due to screws becoming loose. I had offered to bring my one Allen screwdriver, but by the time I was going to go to his place again, that problem was fixed so he didn't my help any more.

Unreal, huh?
Another SBF update.

The good news is that SBF's PC and printer are working fine. But the bad news is two old issues I have with SBF (or SBF's own issues) have reappeared, like a bad sequel.

The first is with his current CO/Smoke detector. He bought it about 6 months ago and it just died. He was somehow able to take it down from its housing on the ceiling. I tried but couldn't find any way to get the bottom off to view or replace the battery. This may be a disposable detector you just replace with a new one. If that is the case, then 6 months is a pretty short time for one of these detectors to work. SBF will have someone else (who is associated with the building's management) come by who knows more about these things. As long as it's out of my hands, that's fine.

But SBF repeated a gaffe from 2014-15 when he gave my phone number to another friend who had me make a housecall to fix a very simple problem, one he could have fixed on his own if he had gotten down on the floor and seen an unattached cable. I asked SBF to tell his friend not to call me again, but that didn't get through because SBF's friend called me a year later asking for another housecall.

This time it wasn't a housecall. But it was a friend of his who called me out of the blue asking for a rematch of a chess game we played back in high school, circa 1980! This man, I'll call him "M", called me about a week ago and didn't identify himself as a friend of SBF. It was only several minutes into our conversation when I began to put the pieces together. Yes, I had played a game of chess against M while we were in high school. M attended the same high school as SBF. I wasn't sure, but I believed our game ended as a draw because the match had already been decided and our game was the last one left. It was common for the players to simply take a draw because the visiting team (my team) had a bus waiting and we wanted to get home.

M wanted a rematch and wanted to get together with me like we were friends, which we were not. That game circa 1980 was the only time we ever met, and I had no desire whatsoever to get together with him or play a game of chess with him, no matter how our 1980 game turned out.

Being the collector I am, I saved many chess games I played in back in the 1980s, from high school, college, and in a chess club I played in later in the 1980s. And I happened to have the exact game we played in January, 1980. It was a draw, but I was losing at the time. I told SBF, after chewing him out for giving M my phone number ("I f**ked up," he said), to tell M we drew in our game he was winning, and I had no interest in any rematch.

Why did SBF think it was okay to give M my phone number, just like he did with his inept friend for me to make PC repair housecalls?

Rant over......
Patience young man ;-)

Simple block on the number should work, doesn't know where you live does he?
The rednecks I knew in high school warned me learning to play chess would come back to haunt me. Looks like they might have been right. :)
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Why did SBF think it was okay to give M my phone number, just like he did with his inept friend for me to make PC repair housecalls?

Rant over......
Are you absolutely SURE that SBF is your SnakeBitFriend, and not your SnakeBitEnemy? I don't know the man, but he sounds like a royal PITA to me. :LOL:
I would not like him giving out my cell phone number to anybody.

I also think that it is pretty weird that a person wants a rematch to a game that you played in 1980.

I don't think that I would want a friend like your SBF.
very odd that someone from years ago would randomly call you like that.
I do not answer any call if not identified in my contacts.
I would block that caller.
You can ask SBF to not give out your number, but the ultimate decision is his choice.
If it continues to happen, your choice is to not answer unknown calls, or stop being around or being friends with SBF.
Another SBF update.

This time it wasn't a housecall. But it was a friend of his who called me out of the blue asking for a rematch of a chess game we played back in high school, circa 1980! This man, I'll call him "M", called me about a week ago and didn't identify himself as a friend of SBF. It was only several minutes into our conversation when I began to put the pieces together. Yes, I had played a game of chess against M while we were in high school. M attended the same high school as SBF. I wasn't sure, but I believed our game ended as a draw because the match had already been decided and our game was the last one left. It was common for the players to simply take a draw because the visiting team (my team) had a bus waiting and we wanted to get home.

M wanted a rematch and wanted to get together with me like we were friends, which we were not. That game circa 1980 was the only time we ever met, and I had no desire whatsoever to get together with him or play a game of chess with him, no matter how our 1980 game turned out.

It seems that M has been haunted, or dare I say obsessed, by this for 40+ years. Reminds me of the Duncan Meyer character in "The Race" episode in Seinfeld! Smart to stay away from this guy.

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Are you absolutely SURE that SBF is your SnakeBitFriend, and not your SnakeBitEnemy? I don't know the man, but he sounds like a royal PITA to me. :LOL:

I would posit he is neither snakebit, nor a friend.
Being concerned that a recent Windows Update may have caused my printing problem (not necessarily my SBF's problem), when I was prompted to do another WU last night, I suspended all Updates for 7 days. A WU occurred after last Friday morning, when I last printed successfully, and the printing problems I had on Sunday. I am concerned that allowing WU again will add the same update which prevented me from printing. Doing the System Restore set my PC back to the day before I last printed successfully.

So I have to keep suspending WU in order to keep my printer working? Or is there a way to prevent the specific update, if I can figure out which one it is, from getting downloaded and installed?

This is not an update about anything related to SBF. Instead, it is an update about my own minor printing issues in the last few months.

After using System Restore last month to undo the most recent Windows updates in order to get my printer working again, I did another Windows Update (I have to do one every 5 weeks, the max time it allows me to suspend them). I created a few Restore points in the last 5 weeks so I would have more of them to restore back to, in case 1 or more of them failed.

But, to my utter shock, after doing the latest updates (for the first time in 5 weeks), my printer kept working properly. I guess Microsoft fixed the bad update in the last 5 weeks so it wouldn't interfere with my printer's normal functioning. Yay! :dance:

I will continue suspending updates for 5 weeks at a time, at least for now.
Sometimes it is not the update data but another problem with the update...

I had the same problem many moons ago... the update 'froze' and part of it did not go through even though it looked like it did... when I forced the update to go through again it worked just fine.
SBF is back at it again. After a few mostly peaceful months without anything big happening to him which required my assistance (he had trouble recently resetting a password he always has to reset because he never remembers it or can find where he wrote it down), he now can't get on line at all. I am going to his place to day for a regular biweekly visit so I will check it out. If the cleaning woman jostled the electrical plug and he never looked for that, I'll yell at him bigtime!
SBF is back at it again. After a few mostly peaceful months without anything big happening to him which required my assistance (he had trouble recently resetting a password he always has to reset because he never remembers it or can find where he wrote it down), he now can't get on line at all. I am going to his place to day for a regular biweekly visit so I will check it out. If the cleaning woman jostled the electrical plug and he never looked for that, I'll yell at him bigtime!

I have one of those too, and he refuses to try to learn anything tech, even simple stuff. Yet, he retired after being a corporate exec in an oil company.
I have one of those too, and he refuses to try to learn anything tech, even simple stuff. Yet, he retired after being a corporate exec in an oil company.

Up until about 10 years ago we had many execs who refused to use a computer and would have their assistant print out their emails. They'd dictate replies and their assistants would type and email them. I don't have much respect for people who brag about not learning new everyday technology like smartphones, etc.
Up until about 10 years ago we had many execs who refused to use a computer and would have their assistant print out their emails. They'd dictate replies and their assistants would type and email them. I don't have much respect for people who brag about not learning new everyday technology like smartphones, etc.

I have gotten to the point where I don't go to his house anymore to help him fix whatever is wrong. He has to pay to have any tech work done, even simple stuff. This has been going on for over a decade.
I was able to fix the printer problem, although I am not sure how I did it. This wasn't his fault, just a case of his being snake-bit when it comes to his devices.

I tried to feed paper into his printer (which is the same as mine, so I am familiar with how it works). Nearly every time, the printer failed to grab the paper from the paper feed tray. I checked for paper jams, as he had printed out other stuff earlier this morning before I arrived. I removed the toner cartridge, too, to look around inside the printer and found nothing unusual. This went on for about 45 minutes. I was able to print out 2 random sheets correctly along the way, which was encouraging, but also baffling because I didn't know what was going right to get that done.

But just when I was about to give up, the printer began printing properly. There were a few pages of printing unsolicited printer self-test results, which was strange, but also encouraging, like the printer was undergoing some self-diagnostic which was being successful. So, the printer is working correctly although I don't know how.

As for his online stuff, he can't access his email using his PC (he can through his Smart Phone) because of too many unsuccessful login attempts. That also prevented him from resetting his password for 24 hours as a security precaution. He's on his own there, but in familiar territory. It just rots that he so rarely gets to use the same password for more than a few weeks before having to reset it due to forgetting what it is.

I told him about the password manager I use with Google Chrome, not the browser he uses (he uses Edge). I don't know it Edge has a password manager, nor would I know how to activate it if there was one.
Password manager = sticky note in his wallet. Personally, I keep a spreadsheet that’s password protected.

You’re a good friend. Thanks for sharing the stories.
Your friend could keep his passwords in a notebook so he doesn’t have to remember them.,
Your friend could keep his passwords in a notebook so he doesn’t have to remember them.,

He does write them down in a notebook. But the notebook is not organized, so he doesn't know which page the password is written on. This means he can't usually find a current password in there, rendering the notebook useless.
WOW, so I guess an encrypted excel spreadsheet is out of the realm of possibility's?

Your a good man !!!!!!!

Retired in late 2008 at age 45. IRA, SS, and a pension await me at age 60 and later.

So have you gotten your pension? You deserve it !
He does write them down in a notebook. But the notebook is not organized, so he doesn't know which page the password is written on. This means he can't usually find a current password in there, rendering the notebook useless.

My DW does the same thing. Drives me crazy! :facepalm: :facepalm:

I've begged her to put them in an address book MANY times. I just don't get it. :confused:
Mine are numbered in a spiral notebook just for passwords. I have 35 and when I need one I just go through my list which is very easy and fast. I mainly did this in case my kids ever needed them but I have occasionally used it to.

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