What have they done to my site, ma?

geez! i tried to log in this morning and finally got a new password after i submitted the need help comment, and even tried a new name but never got the emails to my email acct to log in -

what a headache! the administrator's in-box must be full!
I find it interesting that even though people have taken different names, their post counts are still high.
wasted space

If it's possible - this new format sure wastes a lot of space - why do we need an inch for avatar/name and the post below...now threads are 10 pages long whereas before they were 2 or 3...

perhaps that is something that can be tweaked!

add to the list!

Yuck ... I never got the email to reset my password, so I reinvented myself ... at least now I get to check to see if my avatar loaded or not.
Edit .. ah, I see it did. The system kept telling me that it failed.

We don't have any canned avatars to use. I loved using that beautiful woman that WAS my avatar.

Now, I have to be an ordinary mortal like the rest of you, instead of being utterly gorgeous. :( I loved being a blonde. Blondes do have more fun (on the forum, anyway). Never been one before.

How annoying. I would look for and upload a photo of another stunning, enigmatic blonde, but it would seem more misleading if people didn't know it was just one of the selection of avatars provided by the board.
I've seen this kind of thing happen on several other sites and it usually causes a lot of problems for old users for a few days before all the kinks are worked out. Eventually though, most folks start to feel comfortable with the new software and I suspect that will happen here. Generally, some things work better after changes but there are usually some losses also; that seems to be the case here. Hang in there, everybody.
Gone all day and now home only to discover things seem to have changed........ Too many choices....:p
This is GREAT!!

Yeah. That was my primary way of navigating. That's gonna hurt.:p

Ahh, the new software is SUPER! Okay, so the new software spreads the posts out over more distance so they are harder to read. And, the software apparently lacks the navigation tools we all found very useful ("New Topics", "My Previous Topics"). And Janet had to tweak a few things for me just so i could log in. Oh, and the PM box is now overloaded. It is still great because it has been imposed externally for our benefit, and I've been told that it is good! In short--this has reminded me again about one of the things I hated most about the workaday world. And I'm happy because these things happen far less often now that I've (largely) jumped clear of that environment.

To gain still more joy, I'll hit my thumb with a hammer now, then relish the warm feeling of remembering how good it feels most days when I don't do that.

Please--everyone! Remember (to call on the immortal spirit of Voltaire) "Everything is for the best in this best of all possible upgrades."

Not that anyone really gives a flitter, but I'm back as bbbamI! :D

I also like this....> :2funny:
Anyone found a way to change the login timeout? I'm used to navigating back to the site every hour or so on some days, and now I'm forced to login again each time. :(
Wow I'm gone a few days and someone rearranges the furnature, changes the drapes and and paints the walls, interesting and will take some getting use to.

Ehh,,,, all these old dogs will be brought along........ granted it will be kicking & screaming! :D
You can turn off the avatars in the 'edit options' section.

Even with avatars turned off, there's still a large banner of mostly wasted space between the posts. The avatar only adds maybe 25% to that. Time to turbo-charge my mouse's scroll wheel!

Samclem, you're right on.. my former employer's IT department used to allow us to choose whatever email client worked best for us. Then the company was acquired, and we all had to switch to a terrible non-standard email program with a centralized database. It was slow and cumbersome to use, and reformatted your message in random ways. We no longer had control over what messages we could save or for how long. And the best part, there were mandatory training meetings where the IT department would spend all day telling us how wonderful it was.

I'm not saying the forum change is as bad as that - as far as I can tell, it's only a little more cumbersome, albeit with a lot more wasted space - but it does remind me of that feeling.
All seems to be settling down now that i'm getting more familiar with the ins and outs.

In retrospect, perhaps a notice posted a week in advance advising of the change, with a global PM to everyone with the instructions on making sure your email was valid, that your PM's would be limited or need to be erased, and how to log in and retain your identity would have saved a few dozen hours of triage and a lot of irritation.

Giving an hours notice and then having everyone arrive to find a screwed up forum that was busily under repair created an awful lot of friction.

Hopefully we wont be going through any further major s/w conversions.
p.s. On the old forum, the left margin was used for the poster's name, avatar, and other info. That made the message body narrower and easier to read. (Likewise, newspapers divide their text into columns, instead of having the text run all the way across the page, because it's easier to read that way.)
I find the new forum far less readable, with the text running from the far left to the far right. For now I'm resizing my browser window whenever I visit this site, but it would be a lot nicer if the message body could be made narrower. Ideally, the poster's info would move to the left margin, and the ads could move from the top of every page to the right margin. And registered members would all get free ponies, and a chocolate sundae on every 10th post...

Can Someone Tell Me How To Find Out My Damn Password?? The Only Way I Can Get On This Damn Forum Is To Go To The Email I Received To Activate My New User Name(had To Re-register) And Then It Logs Me On. But If I Simply Type In My New User Name, I Have To Type In A Password And My Old Won't Work.
nicer if the message body could be made narrower.

I agree.


I love it when someone actually has to show diagrams to prove a point that makes absolute sense to begin with.

I'm convinced that the people who design forums don't ever use them. Otherwise, don't you think they would see all that wasted space? :crazy:
OK folks don't shoot me but I am not having much of a problem with the new software. Save for the fact that I am back to being Cattusbabe instead of Surreal its all good. I have used this on a few other boards I participate on so am familiar with it. Love the selection of smilies by the way. O0 love the cool dude. Reminds me of Linc on Mod Squad.
who'd've thought a retirement forum could be so much work?

where's the right click cut & paste when posting?
Finally,-- Got logged in. ( I think! ) Took me about three attempts and I'm not certain, how it finally happened.
Wher'es all the Smiley Face thingys?
I liked the OLD forum better!!
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