What's your favorite breakfast cereal?

For hot cereal it's either oatmeal with cinnamon, or grits with butter & pepper.

For cold cereal....Cheerios, Life, Raisin Bran, or Shredded Wheat. (I like them all equally)

And if I'm eating grits, I like a 'side' of steak & eggs, hashbrowns, and toast to go with 'em!!! :D
Cranberry Almond Crunch

However it is expensive and the box always seems to be empty and back on the shelf. Now, who would DO that!?

Second choice is Grape Nuts with a blob of Greek Gods yogurt and some frozen cherries.
Old-fashioned oatmeal hot, no sugar, a few dried apricots chopped up to go in, and a bit of soy milk stirred in.

The oats suck up the excess cholesterol in my system, make my stomach feel full, helps me keep my waist trim. On top of that, it tastes good.
Scottish oatmeal, ground flax, cinnamon and almond milk.
So no breakfast for you? :-\

I do generic wheat or oats. Flakes or rings or whatever. But it costs MUCH more than it did a year ago. I know, believe me.

I do eat Grape Nuts, but not for breakfast. I also eat a muesli type cereal that's put together at a local store, but again, not for for breakfast.
[SIZE=-1]Crunchy Sugar Bombs, and Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs
Raw Bits. Eat 'em straight. No milk, sugar, honey, fruit. Nothing. Just Raw Bits.
Oh alright...

For cold cereal, I like the pumpkin flax plus from natures path and trader joes maple clusters are pretty good.

For hot cereal, I do steel cut oats with a few table spoons of whole wheat berries and some dried fruit...usually craisins and cherries...a heaping spoon of oat bran and another one of organic flax meal.

Cooked with milk and allowed to stand until the wheat berries get tender enough to not knock your fillings out.

The oatmeal combo works great in a small buttered crock pot that you flip on around 3am...its ready by 7-8am.

For regular cereals, I get whatever horrifying product that Malt O' Meal makes that looks good. If you havent tried them, MOM makes knockoffs of all the major brand cereals and sells them in ziploc sacks for about half price. Consumer reports rated their knockoffs as better than the originals.
My favorite is grapenuts, but it is awfully fattening and I have to watch that.

So, if/when I have cold cereal I usually go with spoon sized shredded wheat or raisin bran. If/when I have hot cereal it is usually oatmeal or cream of wheat.

I usually just eat a piece of fruit for breakfast instead, though. It's better for me.
I'm also a fan of old-fashioned oatmeal. Mine is topped with crunchy granola, walnuts, raisins and cinammon.

For cold cereal, the favorite is Smart Start. Even our teenage son likes it (amazing).
Oatmeal with raisins, some bran, and a little brown sugar and milk.
Cheerios (the store brand version) or Kashi Go lean cereals when they are on sale.
Hot - Steel-cut oats with blueberries, cinnamon, ground flax, and a mix of black and white sesame, chia, and hemp seeds.

Cold - Nature's Path Flax Plus, with added almonds, raisins, cinnamon, ground flax and the above seed mixture, topped by a cup of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries combined. The thing I like about Flax Plus cereal is that it has more plant based omega-3's than omega-6's in it. The vast majority of cereals out there have way too high an omega-6 content compared to omega-3's for my liking.

Use low fat, unsweetened soy drink on both above cereals.
Cocoa Pebbles (chocoholic)

But I have peanut butter toast far more often.

Usually by the time cereal sounds good I'll find the Cocoa Pebbles have been raided by person or persons unknown, :bat: so I'll get a box at the store and the cycle starts anew.
Kashi's Go Lean with blueberries and skim milk. I like Honey Nut Cheerios without milk for a dry snack. I have already had breakfast, but I am going to have oatmeal with raisins for lunch! Sounds yummy!

I was able to find Kashi Go Lean cereal at a Big Lots store for $1.99 a box. I bought either 12 or 15 boxes at that price. This was around 10/07 and the expiration date is in 05/08. I just checked and I have 6 boxes left. However, I am out of blueberries. I need to go to Sam's Club and buy the large bags of frozen Dole's blueberries.


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Kellog's fruit and nut cereal....I like to add cranberries and walnuts to it as well.
Quaker breakfast bars if I am in a rush.
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