If An Intruder Entered Your Home What Would You Do?

If an intruder entered your home what would you do?

  • Shoot

    Votes: 63 40.1%
  • Wish I had a firearm so I could shoot

    Votes: 20 12.7%
  • Call police and hide (outside if you're feeling lucky...)

    Votes: 27 17.2%
  • Hand over my valuables and hope the intruder goes away

    Votes: 9 5.7%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • While looking over barrel of S&W-Ask "Have You Given Much Thought To Early Retirement? - Well Have Y

    Votes: 18 11.5%
  • Try Out Moves Just Learned in "Discovering Karate" class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sneak Up On Him And Yell In His Ear

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Sneak Up On Him And Kiss Him On His Ear

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ask Dog To Show Him Out

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Shake spouse awake and say "Greg, Greg, I hear something"

    Votes: 5 3.2%
  • Walk Up To Him And Say In A Wide-eyed Intimidatingly Scary Mysterious Foreign Accent - Heh, Want To

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Show Him Your Pumpkins

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
The big dog knocks him down and sits on him while the little dog farts in his face until he is incapacitated. And you thought bacon and beer was just for humans.

Of course if he thinks the Pats have a good football team - I might let him go.

:D:D:D Now we need a good UTube song to go with a rescued thread.

heh heh heh - Thoughts??
In many instances armed homeowners empty out their gun at an intruder from a distance of ~6' without hitting them.

Up until a few years before his passing, my Dad had a loaded sawed-off shotgun beside the bed, in case an intruder paid us a visit. With an 18" barrel all he'd need to do is point it in the general direction of the intruder....and squeeze off a shot. Darn near guaranteed not to miss at close range.

I wish I still had it, even though I'm a fairly good aim with my hog leg. But in the middle of the night a nice scatter gun could really work wonders. Maybe I could drop a few hints, and my bro. would give it to me for a ER present. :D


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I'm all for defending my family and not sorry for any bad guy who gets shot while committing crime. A similar situation happened to my neighbor. They ended up in hand to hand combat with the guy. Turned out to be the daughter's boyfriend who sneaked in at her invitation. Tough talk is pretty cheap, but I hope you all are absolutely sure you don't shoot first and regret later.
My Mom's voice scared the bejesus out of me one night when i opted to sleep at home after being with my Dad for a month or so - had finished a night time machining project and was going to grab some zzs at her house. Rattled around downstairs, then walked upstairs with the light off as no-one seemed to be waking up. As i got to the top of the stairs my Mom's voice sounded behind me - low and serious - "you stop right where you are". When i asked if i could turn on the light and did i turned around to see her with a little .32. Don't think she would have missed. Still raises the hair on my arms.
I'm all for defending my family and not sorry for any bad guy who gets shot while committing crime. A similar situation happened to my neighbor. They ended up in hand to hand combat with the guy. Turned out to be the daughter's boyfriend who sneaked in at her invitation. Tough talk is pretty cheap, but I hope you all are absolutely sure you don't shoot first and regret later.

I wonder what the ratio of accidental boyfriend shootings is to real bad guys getting blown up. :rolleyes:
I've had intruders twice, so I don't have to guess what I'd do, I know.
The first time was when I was a teenager, home alone. Just a few weeks before, our house had been burgled, so I was antsier than usual. I was in the front room, and I heard the back door knob jiggling. Both parents were at work, no one was expected home. I'd heard that most burglars don't want to encounter people, so in my best scary voice (probably not very scary, I'm female) I yelled, "Go away. There's nothing left for you here," and whatever else I could think. I heard footsteps coming towards me down the hall. I looked. It was my father, home unexpectedly. Good thing I didn't have a gun. He was not pleased at the names I'd called him, but he probably didn't know I knew those words.
The second time, I was in my 40's, alone at my cabin 12 miles from the nearest road, accessible only by walking on a moose trail. There isn't a lot of casual foot traffic, if you get my drift. It was around 11 pm on the 4th of July, so it was dusky dark but not full dark (it's pretty far north). I awoke to two male voices laughing and making grunting sounds, coming up the trail towards the cabin. Needless to say, I was freaked. I reached towards my shotgun (I carry it to scare bears). But then I had to decide if I could really kill another human just because I was scared. I didn't touch the gun, and remained still.
They didn't identify themselves, and walked clear around the place, not coming too close to the door, thank heavens. I hadn't unshuttered many of the windows because usually DH does that, they're heavy bear shutters, so it wasn't obvious that anyone was in the cabin, and I wasn't about to say anything. Finally they went back down the trail, but not far, and I could hear them laughing and rustling around. I didn't get much sleep.
Two days later when I walked down to the train flagstop, I saw where they had set up a camp (on my property!), but they were long gone. Down at the tracks was a couple I know, the man about to set off fireworks. He stopped when he saw me. My eyes were still probably bugging out. I told them what happened. It was his teenage son and a friend who had been looking for their cabin, missed the turnoff, and walked to ours. They were drunk. They gave me their son's phone number and permission to call him and tell him what a close call he had.
So far, both times I've thought someone was out to get me, I haven't touched a gun, and both times it was the right decision. Your mileage may vary.
Trigger happy bunch we have here,it sounds like some of you would enjoy killing an intruder,I wonder how many people have shot a family member by mistake because they were raiding the fridge at 2am or coming home late and creeping around the house so as not to wake up mom or dad.
Anyone know where to get training to use a gun, in this case a shotgun?

I got it -- 12 gauge Mossberg -- and the practice shells and the 00 buckshot.

Just need me a few lessons someplace.... 8)

My cop acquaintances helped me decide what to get. One cop referred me to the NRA, but their closest training place is too far away (Long Island).

Buying it was prompted by being in a situation where I needed it. :mad:


actually a shotgun is a terrible choice only because any long arm in close quarters is very easy to take out of someones hands if they grab the barrell before you shoot which is more likly the outcome with a homeowner . i can teach anyone in 10 minutes how to use leverage to disarm any long arm they can grab hold of. dont think these things arent picked up on in prison or the street. . at close range the pellets dont spread yet and still require the pin point aiming ability of a rifle. a handgun is the defense weapon of choice.,preferably .45 or .40 claliber of glasser or mag-safe ammo. how do i know all this? hmmmmm i saw it in a movie. actually 55 years of living in nyc requires alot of training to survive ha ha ha, actually i have had quite a few urban combat traing classes

bet you all didnt know if you shoot the bad guy and he sues you that your insurance wont cover you? yep shooting even a bad guy is an intentional act and not an accident and therefore isnt covered.
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Trigger happy bunch we have here,it sounds like some of you would enjoy killing an intruder,I wonder how many people have shot a family member by mistake because they were raiding the fridge at 2am or coming home late and creeping around the house so as not to wake up mom or dad.

hey if they can't take a joke they shouldnt come home so late
ill add one more helpful hint , you know like good housekeeping magazine does. . consider a 20 ft circle as your safety zone . anything closer such as most home situations is a major problem for you. hitting a bad guy even dead center in the heart will let him survive long enough to cover 20 ft and stab you to death . unless your rounds were lucky enough to stay within the bad guy and dissapate that energy disrupting the nervous system odds are he will continue his attack, in fact someone on drugs may not even know they are hit unless a major organ is hit and even then it can take minutes for them to stop their attack. . now you know why law enforcement has to fire soooo many shots and why if you think you will stop someone by wounding them your so wrong. .......sooooooooo your point of aim should always be the pelvis area. its a big target for when your fine motor skills go bye bye as panic sets in and by shattering the pelvic bone you make it mechanically difficult to carry out a further attack.
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Up until a few years before his passing, my Dad had a loaded sawed-off shotgun beside the bed, in case an intruder paid us a visit. With an 18" barrel all he'd need to do is point it in the general direction of the intruder....and squeeze off a shot. Darn near guaranteed not to miss at close range.

I wish I still had it, even though I'm a fairly good aim with my hog leg. But in the middle of the night a nice scatter gun could really work wonders. Maybe I could drop a few hints, and my bro. would give it to me for a ER present. :D

Goonie, your dad had the right idea. Security pros suggest an loaded PUMP shotgun with no shell chambered, until necessary.

That "CHICK - CHICK" sound of a round being racked is usually enough.

Been there, done that.
To those who want to try out your new karate moves...

A fellow student was recently held up at knife point in Charlotte. The student beat the crap out of his assailant and added the knife to his collection. Keep practicing!
I may have said it earlier in this thread but i'm not gonna look.

In many instances armed homeowners empty out their gun at an intruder from a distance of ~6' without hitting them. Granted the police have a lot more practice and a lot more training. But its a lot harder to hit something with a pellet fired at high speed from a short barrel.

Having taught marksmanship to 8 year olds armed with .22's, I can attest that a good aim can be very challenging to attain.

GOD BLESS!!! :) :) :)

Agreed. That's why a shotgun with buckshot is what most people should be using in those situations.
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, it is not nice to mock GOD or the use of GOD BLESS. Here a few examples from Mocking God


After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be. With an ironic tone he said: "Not even God can sink it"

The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic.


She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. He is a preacher and evangelist and the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.

After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said: "I don't need your Jesus"

A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.

----------------- ----------------------------------

As a person who worked with a large dog who weighed about 110 lbs, when I would be confronted with violence at work my reply to them was "I do not think that my very little friend would like that." Needless to say that I would have very little problems, the conversation(s) would cease immediately and the person or persons with the issue(s) would leave as fast as their little feet would take them.

As for those who's childish wish is that Wags would try to break into their house tonight - it is NOT going to happen because you do NOT have anything that I need or want. PEACE.:angel:

YouTube - What's Going On

Have a good day ladies.:cool:

GOD BLESS:angel:
Shoot him in both legs and let the dogs chase him around the house/yard until the police arive.
Goonie, your dad had the right idea. Security pros suggest an loaded PUMP shotgun with no shell chambered, until necessary.

That "CHICK - CHICK" sound of a round being racked is usually enough.

18.5" Mossberg Pump 12gauge with in easy reach of where I sleep. Currently not loaded, I figured the "CHICK - CHICK" sound would be all I need. With no children at home I'm still evaluating the loaded, none in the chamber approach. I also figure my nude out of shape body holding the pump gun should be a good defense also. Intruder would probably fall down laughing.

I wonder if there is a market for a small electronic box that makes the "CHICK - CHICK" sound. You could include fake ADT signs and probably cover most break-in situations.

The big dog knocks him down and sits on him while the little dog farts in his face until he is incapacitated. And you thought bacon and beer was just for humans.

Of course if he thinks the Pats have a good football team - I might let him go.

:D:D:D Now we need a good UTube song to go with a rescued thread.

heh heh heh - Thoughts??

Unclemick how about Old George W's and Dickey Cheney's theme song by the GREAT David Frizzell - I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home
YouTube - David Frizzell - I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home

GOD BLESS:angel:
......I hope you all are absolutely sure you don't shoot first and regret later.

There are only 2 people with keys to the dead-bolted steel doors on our house. If someone enters without a key, they're either going to have to try to kick in the door or break a window to climb in. If they do either, there would be NO doubt that they are definitely an intruder, so there would be no regret whatsoever!

Up until a few years before his passing, my Dad had a loaded sawed-off shotgun beside the bed, in case an intruder paid us a visit. With an 18" barrel all he'd need to do is point it in the general direction of the intruder....and squeeze off a shot. Darn near guaranteed not to miss at close range.

Sure, but you've got a heck of a lot of spackling and painting to do after that, and carpet replacement due to the urine.
If someone broke into my house tonight I would throw my arms around him and say, "Oh God Bless You, you have been sent to by the Almighty and it has fallen to me to tell you that Jesus loves you, he does."

God Bless!

I wonder if there is a market for a small electronic box that makes the "CHICK - CHICK" sound. You could include fake ADT signs and probably cover most break-in situations.

Be sure to add in a couple of large "Proud Member of the NRA" window stickers...
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, it is not nice to mock GOD or the use of GOD BLESS.

GOD BLESS:angel:

Grammatically speaking, your statement "GOD BLESS" is incorrect. Your sentence needs a direct object. It bugs me--keeps me waiting in suspense for the completion of the sentence.

I do find cute your links to U Tube performances, although I admit I've never looked at a single one of them. Someday, when I am home sick again, I might view them.
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